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<trackbot> Date: 25 February 2014
<Joshue> trackbot, start meeting
<trackbot> Meeting: Web Content Accessibility Guidelines Working Group Teleconference
<trackbot> Date: 25 February 2014
<AWK> Zakim aaaa is Wilco
<Ryladog_> scribe:Ryladog
zakim #wai-wcag
<David> when is it?
JF: Goals to open it up
I mentioned this last week
<David> i'll be there!
JF: Those with differenterent configurations AT/UA/OS at CSUN is the value, Saturday the March 22
DM: Copied code for us to
... Folks can do it during the call
... the first two images are from ARIA10
LGR: Do you think you could put it into two different web pages?
DM: yes I can do this
<Joshue> +q
AWK: We cannot use the video example when you use aria-labelledby, and does with Aria-label
DM: I did not make a comment on the video yet
AWK: What was the result
SP: it works with FF
LGR: I did not make series of techniques. We had a special meeting and I agreed to make an example of when alt in not available
SP: in that example the alt was differenterent than the aria-labelled-by
LGR: if someone
<Joshue> KHT: Because there are other people here with diverse opinions, if this means that we are going to be releasing techniques that say we don't need to use alt then we need to have a longer discussion.
JO: We might want on a parent
element, it doesnt meet the
... is this a pattern that we want to support?
<David> ARIA10 EX1
<David> ARIA10EX2
JO: Salesh's comment, when video receives keyboard - double trouble in JAWS 15
<David> Example of four images with alt, aria-label, aria-labelledby, title
JO: David, I still do not know
where the group is
... I am in the same genre as Katie, We need a use case that
really ,keen sense
<Joshue> +q to say I think this use of a video element with aria-labelledby by is a valid use case
AWK: There is a bunch of testing
since there is a star example. We have a lot of test data from
people filling out the form - I do not have the video exapmle.
We only know of one configuation where it does work. On mobile
it works everywhere
... It works well on every Mac device, work well with NVDA and
FF, with JAW and IE. Has strong support for the stars
... We do not want to have no example. This starts example is a
viable example
... We are not making it too expansive either. Developers will
say what can I do with this
<David> Youtube search of stars 4 out of 5,
AWK: One of the issues is that is very constrained
<Zakim> Loretta, you wanted to say test procedure is missing "no alt" constraint!
<Joshue> +1 to Loretta
LGR: I realize for got to see that it can tale an alt - this is strictly a technique that cannot acceptand aly
<Joshue> KHS: I think thats important Loretta, my question is looking at the test procedure. Why would we leave @alt out of these?
<Joshue> KHS: In some instances where you can't have alt thats fine.
<Joshue> KHS: But tool makers etc need to make tools that support alt, backwards compatability etc.
<Joshue> KHS: I can't see why we would drop this.
<Zakim> Joshue, you wanted to say I think this use of a video element with aria-labelledby by is a valid use case
<AWK> modified Step 1 of the procedure to "Examine each element where the aria-labelledby attribute is present and the element does not support the alt attribute."
JO: I like the use case that is there for the developers view I think that is nice
LGR: We do not know when we will ever be able to document ARIA attribute over ALT
DM: I think there can be some use
cases such as background images I think that is what Marc was
saying back in Nov for the CSS doscussions - in the instances
where ALT cannot be appliked
... The other side of complexity - I think we should require it
where alt is available
OJ: Does the video element accept and alt attribute?
JO: OK so it looks like we need this
<David> john what do you think of the video... you have done a lot of work on posters
LGR: We would not document the
technique for not using ARIA techniques where ARIA is
available. We would soften the failure - if ARIA is
... What are the constratints or circumstance. We will not
docuemnt any techniques in this ound of techniques
JO: If this is going to be too complicated we will pull the ARIA10
<Zakim> JF, you wanted to talk about video issues
SP: Someone said that it worked in JAWS, it did not work is JAWS I just tested it
<Loretta> Summary of the outcome from last Thursdays meeting: we will not document any techniques for using aria attributes in place of or in combination with alt; we will soften the failure enough that for environments that have accessibility support for aria attributes, the failure won't be triggered.
JF: As some may know I was on the
Media Task Force, we need a lot of peices of video information
from the screen. Have you looked at fig-caption. Do we need a
short discription as well as long description
... These are open issues on the task force. We are looking at
this - just so you know
<Loretta> This leaves open the issues around using aria attributes on elements that take alt. That discussion can continue, but we won't try to resolve it in the current techniques update.
JO: We really want to get this
draft out. I suggest we remove ARIA10 from this iteration. If I
was bold I would say go for it, but I am concerned about
confusion and accessibility support
... Let us just set this for instances where ALT attributes
cannot be accepted
AWK: I made a change in the WIKI version to change line 1 of the procediure - as what loretta agreed to at the last meeting. This is just for where ALT cannot be used
<Jon_Avila> +1
<AWK> +1
<marcjohlic> +1
JO: Welcome James
<Wilco> +1
<Loretta> +1 , what do we also want to remove example 1?
<bbailey> +1
<David> +1 on aria 10 but -1 on f65 changes
<Joshue> +1
JO: Can people agree with this suggestion from AWK
JO: It doent worrk, but it is a nice desgn pattern
AWK: in 6 months we can always add it back in if we want then
JO: This is a nice clean
... I suggest we drop example 1 from this techniques
DM: It sounds like there are many things in flux. I think this allows us breathing room
SP: An Example doesnt work in JAWS 15
AWK: I do not have complete data - I see that it is working in JAWS 14
JO: It works in VoiceOver and WindowEyes and Talkback
RESOLUTION: Drop Video example 1 from the technique of ARIA10 and accepted
JO: Bruce, do you want to speak to your comment?
BB: This goes back to what Loretta said that Failures are stronger than the technique. Do we want to weaken this?
AWK: Loretta can you recap this?
<JF> +1 to Loretta. Choice is always good.
LGR: The goal is to leave room for people who want to experiment with aria-labelledby. We need to be careful that you never need alt. I think that people will never use aria-labelledby if they have to also use alt
I do not agree with that
SP: It was this point about
accessibility support - developers use this for guidance - you
are putting the guidance on the developers
... But I am OK
DM: I'm looking at the language
at the top - does that really cover all elements?
... Is it going to cover the CSS coponenets I am not sure I am
asking the question. Is ist widde open or is it limited to
specific components in HTML
<Zakim> AWK, you wanted to discuss accessibility support role for techniques and support for labelledby on a mobile app as an example
AWK: This is a compromise of
sorts. What is the goal of techniques moving forward.
Accessibility support is what people always need to do for all
... You need to explicit say that developers need to ensure
that their audience is accessibility supported to be
suffifcent. We have support is mobile devices.
... Mobile that is a valid environment.
LGR: Those three element types are the types that can take an alt attribute. Common failures. That is the reason we need to document. I do not think this failure that will prevent all problem
JN: I am concerned about a slippery slope of having to document all failures - because it has not been called out.
LGR: We do not have user agent
notes in failures.
... That is why we included it here
... We do include user agent notes in Technniques
<Zakim> David, you wanted to explore "target audience"
<Loretta> Please propose better language!
DM: Theere are some important
words in these failure technniques. I see the word target
audience. I see Understanding document it only appears 1 place
in the Underestanding doc and it uses this term is the exact
opposite meaning
... I am worried a little bit. I am not sure that this solves
JO: I can see that
LGR: I am totally willing to have that reworded for that
??: I am concerned about the title of the failure.
LGR: That is a good catch
<Loretta> "for the users' assistive technology' ?
<AWK> "Failure of Success Criterion 1.1.1 due to omitting the alt attribute on img elements, area elements, and input elements of type image"
<AWK> "Failure of Success Criterion 1.1.1 due to omitting the equivalent information on img elements, area elements, and input elements of type image"
<AWK> "Failure of Success Criterion 1.1.1 due to omitting text equivalents for img elements, area elements, and input elements of type image"
<David> how about just dropping target audience... so it should be accessibility supported ...period
<Loretta> David, that works for me.
<Joshue> works for me
DM: Want to loose the term Target audience
<Jon_Avila> I recommend using the term "text alternative" rather than "alt attribute" in the title of F65 -Failure of Success Criterion 1.1.1 due to omitting text alternative on img elements, area elements, and input elements of type image
JO: We will remove the the term Target audience formm the failure
<Jon_Avila> Could add the word "a".
<AWK> "Failure of Success Criterion 1.1.1 due to omitting text alternatives for img elements, area elements, and input elements of type image."
JN: alt ="" is misleading
<Jon_Avila> We could say text to title say text alternative or alt attribute
<Joshue> +1 to JF
<AWK> "Failure of Success Criterion 1.1.1 due to omitting information about alternative text for img elements, area elements, and input elements of type image."
JF: I want to say for accessibility specialist - if we are text alternative - technically it is not incorrect.
LGR: Text alternative 1.1.1 doesnt use text alternative so braodly
<David> Aria-Edit: F65: Failure of Success Criterion 1.1.1 due to omitting text alternatives for img elements, area elements, and input elements of type image that are not pure decoration
JO: Could we put something into the failure about what alt is
LGR: The is is just how are we going to define the title
JN: what is we use both
<Jon_Avila> My recommendation Failure of Success Criterion 1.1.1 due to omitting the alt attribute or text alternative on img elements, area elements, and input elements of type image
JN: and or or
[Many agree with 'or']
<Joshue> +1
<Jon_Avila> +1
<Joshue> RESOLUTION: Title change of F65 to "Failure of Success Criterion 1.1.1 due to omitting text equivalents for img elements, area elements, and input elements of type image"
RESOLUTION: Accept F65 as amended in this meeting
[Defer: 3. LC-2880: This technique should be a failure technique and 4]
AWK: Will amend to remove..
JO: They got merger - I would
like to accept abd leave it open
... I could pass on to the commentor
RESOLUTION: Leave OPEN Topic: 6. Git Pull request 8: Additional example for ARIA
AWK: I discussed this with Shawn
concerning the EO comment. We should leave it open
... Should we role back?
RESOLUTION: Leave OPEN Topic: LC-2895: Add "Techniques for Specific Technologies"
<scribe> ACTION: Andrew to verify that no change was made to the source docs for LC-2895 [recorded in]
<trackbot> 'Andrew' is an ambiguous username. Please try a differenterent identifier, such as family name or username (e.g., akirkpat2, alahart).
<scribe> ACTION: AWK to verify that no change was made to the source docs for LC-2895 [recorded in]
<trackbot> Created ACTION-239 - Verify that no change was made to the source docs for lc-2895 [on Andrew Kirkpatrick - due 2014-03-04].
AWK: We have to update all of our
dead links
... Micheal_Cooper sent out an email on that. We have the
current Editors Draft - we would like to ask the group for
permission to publish on March 4th
MC: the current draft has the User Agent Notes that is moved off to a seperate document - to make it easier to update the information as we have things like JF group doing testing we can update User agent notes
AWK: there are still a couple of
lnks to fix and the upadyes we discussed to day?
... Is there any comments about publishing March 4th
RESOLUTION: To Publish the latest Editors Draft on March 4th with the discussed edits today
JO: We will move the remaining items to next week
AWK: Maybe the hours will be 9 to 5 and maybe finish at 6 and have dinner at 7. But maybe we will finish at 5 and still have dinner at 7
Attendees: Sailesh_Panchang, Loretta, Jon_Avila, Marc_Johlic, David_MacDonald, John_Foliot, Katie_Haritos-Shea, Andrew_Kirkpatrick, James_Nurthen, Joshue_O'Conner, Bruce_Bailey, +31.13.509.aaaa, Micheal_Cooper,
trackbot, status?
+ dshkolnik, AWK, Joshue_OConner, David_MacDonald, Bruce_Bailey, Marc_Johlic, Sailesh_Panchang, Michael_Cooper, Jon_Avila, Katie_Haritos-Shea, John_Foliot, Loretta, MichelC, James_Nurthen,
+ Loretta
+ John_Foliot
This is scribe.perl Revision: 1.138 of Date: 2013-04-25 13:59:11 Check for newer version at Guessing input format: RRSAgent_Text_Format (score 1.00) Succeeded: s/lie/like/ Succeeded: s/accpet/accept/ Succeeded: s/wokred/worked/ Succeeded: s/them/then/ Succeeded: s/limmeted/limited/ Succeeded: s/audeience/audience/ Succeeded: s/Th/The/ Succeeded: s/thinsg/things/ Succeeded: s/agnet/agent/ Succeeded: s/pahes/pages/ Succeeded: s/aria-labellb/aria-labelledby/G Succeeded: s/noot/not/G Succeeded: s/diff/different/G Succeeded: s/siince/since/G Succeeded: s/videp/video/ Succeeded: s/Macdevice/Mac device/G Succeeded: s/wwant/want/G Succeeded: s/epansie/expansive/g Succeeded: s/soundslike/sounds like/ Succeeded: s/kaes/keen/ Succeeded: s/everyh]where/everywhere/ Succeeded: s/woth/with/G Succeeded: s/scrivtly/strictly/g Succeeded: s/compat/compatability/g Succeeded: s/lie/like/G Succeeded: s/sid e/side/ FAILED: s/accpet/accept/G Succeeded: s/aattribute/attribute/ Succeeded: s/ARIS/ARIA/G Succeeded: s/fog-caption/fig-caption/ Succeeded: s/rremove/remove/G Succeeded: s/makde/made/G Succeeded: s/tthe/the/G Succeeded: s/devoces/devices/ Succeeded: s/cdocumnet/document/G Found Scribe: Ryladog Inferring ScribeNick: Ryladog Default Present: dshkolnik, AWK, Joshue, David_MacDonald, Bruce_Bailey, Marc_Johlic, Sailesh_Panchang, Michael_Cooper, Jon_Avila, Katie_Haritos-Shea Present: dshkolnik AWK Joshue David_MacDonald Bruce_Bailey Marc_Johlic Sailesh_Panchang Michael_Cooper Jon_Avila Katie_Haritos-Shea Regrets: Kathy Kathleen Kerstin Found Date: 25 Feb 2014 Guessing minutes URL: People with action items: andrew awk WARNING: Input appears to use implicit continuation lines. You may need the "-implicitContinuations" option.[End of scribe.perl diagnostic output]