See also: IRC log
<trackbot> Date: 04 June 2013
<adam_solomon> i am trying to join via sip - if itdoesnt work ill go on skype
<scribe> Scribe: David
<adam_solomon> i just got on skype
AWK: Several sections left to
discuss includes Scope section, my gut is not publish non web
... reports on Greg's acceptance of this with amendments
Korn: agrees w/david... lines are blurry, don't need to explicitly place this out of scope, anything clearly over the blurry line we would need permission for...
Loretta: Concern ... said there
was a lot of concern about WCAG2ICT... this out of scope
clarifies this...
... does not agree with Greggs comments, because it goes back
to backwards compatibility...
AWK: Agrees with Loretta... it mitigates concerns that we may overstep the W3C.
Korn: Many of the problaems we
struggled with in WCAG 2ICT dealt with the same troubles for
web apps, same UI libraries on web and off, so we have already
blurred line. If I have a non web java app, and I have JAVA web
techniques, do these techniqes apply or not. at what point do
we say that techniques using SWING etc...
... if something is beyond the blurry line, we would have to go
to W3C management, but within the blurry line, what will we
LGR: If there is a blurry line that it can be considered web content we can look at it. we need to send the message that we are not trying to extend the work of the group to non web content.
David: The WCAG WG will not publish techniques for content technologies not used for the web
Katie: Agree w/ David
LGR: But concerned with technologies that are not used on the web
Andrew: Will accept David's recommended amendment.
David: The WCAG WG will not publish techniques for technologies not used for web content
Korn: Neither address the fuzzy
... Would be more comfortable if the out of scope non web
technologies less harsh
AWK: Any objects to survey words
RESOLUTION: Will add the item to out of scope. "The WCAG WG will not publish techniques for non-web technologies"
<MichaelC> Permits publishing a WCAG 2.0 edit to incorporate editorial errata only; Begins exploration of requirements for future versions of Web Content Accessibility Guidelines, but does not plan formal specification work during the three-year span of this charter;
RESOLUTION: accespt modified text: "Permits publishing a WCAG 2.0 edit to incorporate editorial errata only; Begins exploration of requirements for future versions of Web Content Accessibility Guidelines, but does not plan formal specification work during the three-year span of this charter"
AWK: requests to add for evaluation and repair tools groups... email late last night... Deliverables funded by WAI ACT project, coordinated with WG. we have commented on them... not reflected in the last charter... but we should add them in as deliverables.
MC: under scope section we can add two bullets for that
LGR: we want to take the proposed changes and out them in a survey, many not here who should be aware of them.
AWK: Can charter be modified if we ckear this
<Zakim> loretta, you wanted to suggest that we should put this into a survey, so those who aren't at this meeting will also see them.
Mc: we are at the point now... current may expire before we finish...
AWK: if we discuss language now, and give 48 hours to object will we be ok
LGR: concerned about sliding into accessibility support database issue
Discussion of WAI/ACT, support database,
Korn: Do we need it in the charter, we did WCAG2ICT without explicit mention in Charter
David: is there already a mapping in charter under which this could fall
AWK: Yes, 3a
MC Yes 3a, and 1.d cover evaluation and support database.
<korn> I'm here.
MC: But others do not think so
AWK: ok, we'll propose language for 48 hour survey
MC: I have some proposed worded, me and AWK will sync up aft call for survey
RESOLUTION: Accept Charter as amended, pending 48 hour survey unanimous consent, accessibility support database, and evaluation methodology additions
<korn> New Note 5 to SC 2.4.5 , blinking, supplemental content, technology (Web content), user interface component, conforming alternate version
RESOLUTION: Accept as amended unanimous survey items New Note 5 to SC 2.4.5 , blinking, supplemental content, technology (Web content), user interface component, conforming alternate version WK, and accept unanimous issues on other survey for errata, and antepenultimate
Item#2 Process
Loretta: Remove objection, now that she understands ...
Korn: Accept gragg's edit
RESOLUTION: Accepted as amended, with Gregg's survey text suggested to Michael, Peter has it, and will update
MC: Editors can address issues, nothing substantive in here for objections... my objection no a block
RESOLUTION: Accept as proposed Accessibility supported
<kerstin_probiesch> bye
This is scribe.perl Revision: 1.138 of Date: 2013-04-25 13:59:11 Check for newer version at Guessing input format: RRSAgent_Text_Format (score 1.00) Succeeded: s/fussy/fuzzy/ Succeeded: s/support/accessibioity support/ Succeeded: s/accessibioity/accessibility/ Succeeded: s/348/48/ Succeeded: s/methodology/methodology additions/ Found Scribe: David Inferring ScribeNick: David Default Present: David_MacDonald, Cooper, Andrew_Kirkpatrick, Loretta_Guarino_Reid, Peter_Korn, Adam_Solomon, Katie_Haritos-Shea, Robin, Marc_Johlic Present: David_MacDonald Cooper Andrew_Kirkpatrick Loretta_Guarino_Reid Peter_Korn Adam_Solomon Katie_Haritos-Shea Robin Marc_Johlic Regrets: Kathy_Wahlbin Bruce_Bailey Agenda: WARNING: No meeting chair found! You should specify the meeting chair like this: <dbooth> Chair: dbooth Found Date: 04 Jun 2013 Guessing minutes URL: People with action items: WARNING: Input appears to use implicit continuation lines. You may need the "-implicitContinuations" option.[End of scribe.perl diagnostic output]