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<trackbot> Date: 07 May 2013
<scribe> scribe:Loretta
Judy: Providing background on rechartering.; for recommendation track work, charters are reviewed by W3C management.
Judy: Activities (like the two
Activities under WAI) have a maximum 3 year cycle. So the
working group's charter can go for a maximum of 3 years.
... WCAG 2.0 is stable; the implementation support materials
that the WG has been developing is important work, and
hopefully will be continuing.
... At the same time, with new cochairs and with the passage of
time, it is important to look ahead for what may be important
to do for future versions of WCAG.
... But the WG hasn't discussed this at all.
... So the situation is that for process reasons, the WG needs
a new charter. And you should be exploring what might be needed
for the future.
... But based on discussion with Andrew and Josh, the WG has
not had the discussions and is not ready to say that a new
version might be needed, and on what timeframe.
... There is a huge demand for mobile accessibility, and lots
of people don't understnad that WCAG 2.0 also applies to
... There may be cognitive requirements, etc.
... There may be a need for minor version in a couple of years,
or a major version farther out, but there clearly needs to be
requirements discussion before timelines could be
... So the charter should include requirements work. if the
requirements discussion leads to a timeline for rec track work,
the charter can be updated.
... But a few cautions: WCAG 2 has had a lot of impact. It has
been taken up in a lot of settings.
... If there is any change that might be pending, it could
throw uncertainty into those uses.
... Exploratory discussions do not imply that there will be a
new version soon.
... It is important to emphasize that WCAG 2.0 is stable, and
will continue to be stable for the forseeable future.
... Michael, Andrew, and Josh have been doing some draft
charter work, but this is *draft* and it is important that
<MichaelC> Draft WCAG charter
Judy: everyone understand that
everything is still up for discussion.
... People pay attention to even exploratory discussion, so it
was important to get this explanation out.
... We need to get a draft WCAG charter in the next few
... so probably all that should be included is requirements
discussion while the WG engages in a larger investigation.
Peter: Do we need a 3 year charter, or would it make sense to make a charter for a shorter duration?
Judy: You don't need a charter
that spans the next several years. There is no requirement. You
could publish a charter for W3C management and advisory review
that is a 1 year charter.
... If there were't other important working going on, like the
ongoing Understanding and Tec hniques updates, this might be a
good idea.
<MichaelC> Last week´s survey results on charter thoughts
Judy: But a 1 year charter might send the message that those documents wouldn't be updated after that 1 year; therefore, I would recommend a different approach, based on what I'm seeing -- proposing a 3-year charter to continue existing work, and to explore requirements for potential future work..
<AWK> James - DRAFT charter is at
However, if the WG produces a 3 year charter, and discovers that there is rec work that falls in that timeframe, the charter could be updated.
Gregg: Rec track work takes 10
times as long as you could imagine, and it will take a long
time to get through the rec track process for even limited
... To reinforce what Judy had to say about uncertainty, there
are people who would like to see major changes of all types,
and once you start discussing opening things up, you will hear
from a wide variety of people.
... One reason to have a standard is because it is stable, and
if things look uncertain, there is a reluctance to adopt.
... We have seen groups decide to stop and wait because of
anticipated changes.
s/looking ahead towards/exploring what might be needed for/
David: here in Canada, almost 5
years after the standard, people are just starting to realize
there is a standard they should meet.
... WCAG is still new to people here and just starting to learn
what it means.
... People ask me whether WCAG 3 is coming.
... I agree with Gregg that stability is important. Their
adoption depended on stability.
Josh: WCAG 2.0 is stable and will be stable.
Andrew: I'm hearing similar
things as David about stability. At the same time, we hear from
people about issues with WCAG.
... There are things to talk about. I don't know what the
answer is - a minor update, or something farther out.
... We need to do our investigative due diligance.
... The main thing coming out of this charter is that we have a
lot of work to do supporting the existing standard, but also
need to cast an eye towards the future.
Judy: In talking with people, be
careful to clearly represent the status of where the discussion
is. very exploratory, just about requirements.
... remember to remind people that WCAG 2.0 is stable and will
be for the foreseeable future.
... Even the requirements discussion will take quite a bit of
time, and any emerging from that discussion will take even
Josh: Agree with Judy. Particularly as we manage the transition to new chairs.
David: suggest including in charter that there will be no revision of WCAG 2.0.
Michael: We are not talking about
revising WCAG 2.0. The requirements discussion would be about
potential successors.
... Even republishing to address errata is out of scope of this
charter (and also seems to introduce other problems).
Peter: with the draft that is being considered, is there any barrier to continuing to collect and publish errata?
Michael: it is called out under
Scope 1.a - maintain errata.
... they don't have normative impact, and so far we have only
document editorial errata.
Judy: Collecting and logging errata is a normal part of W3C process.
Review of charter
Mission section is required.
Paragraph enabling Task Forces, since they can be useful, but only operate under the working group.
Success Criteria section identifies how to evaluate whether the group is being successful.
The Out of Scope section identifies things that the group will not be taking on.
If there were Rec work, Milestones would include timeline of the milestones for that work.
participation is usually boilerplate, but there is an expected level of participation. Towards the bottom, things get more and more boilerplate.
Make sure the charter and scope sections seem appropriate.
Peter: where do the existing task forces and their deliverable go?
Judy: in charters, it is not
typical to call out specific task forces, since the charters
are usually a longer span than most task forces.
... For example, the WCAG2ICT is likely to be concluded before
even a short charter timeframe would be concluded..
... Generally, the task force structure is good to have on a
fluid basis.
Michael: I would be reluctant to
call out specific task forces, but the scope allows us to form
task forces.
... In Other Deliverables, "less formal publications" is the
hook for task force deliverables.
Peter: I'm also thinking about the Evaluation Task Force.
(Discussion of what might be added, where, to cover task forces in the charter).
<Zakim> AWK, you wanted to say that for a future task force with the goals of WCAG2ICT we'd justify that under meeting the goals of supporting WCAG implementation
<Joshue108> +q
Judy: Current task force wording is pulled pretty directly from the W3C process document.
[Walkthrough of the current draft]
<korn> +1
Judy asks how the group feels about requirements gathering.
Positive responses...
<Joshue108> LGR: This is the right time to be thinking about these issues.
Gregg: The future is coming at us pretty fast.
Draft charter will be put out for survey, for discussion next week.
Peter: clarification about Loretta's remarks on 2ICT about referencing the task force. Was this the general sense of the WG?
<Joshue108> LGR: I saw Judys reply and agreed with it.
Peter: a search for the word "task force" shows that it is riddled with it.
<Joshue108> LGR: Also Michaels comment about writing in the third person is good.
<Joshue108> LGR: I think the empahsis on the outcome rather than the process is important.
This is scribe.perl Revision: 1.138 of Date: 2013-04-25 13:59:11 Check for newer version at Guessing input format: RRSAgent_Text_Format (score 1.00) Succeeded: s/like WAI/like the two Activities under WAI/ Succeeded: s/the implementation support group/the implementation support materials/ Succeeded: s/looking ahead towards/exploring what might be needed for/ FAILED: s/looking ahead towards/exploring what might be needed for/ Succeeded: s/it throws/it could throw/ Succeeded: s/Davie/David/ Succeeded: s/after that 1 year/after that 1 year; therefore, I would recommend a different approach, based on what I'm seeing -- proposing a 3-year charter to continue existing work, and to explore requirements for potential future work./ Succeeded: s/eq/req/ Succeeded: s/format/formal/ Succeeded: s/a short charter timeframe/a short charter timeframe would be concluded./ Found Scribe: Loretta Inferring ScribeNick: Loretta Default Present: Andrew_Kirkpatrick, Joshue_O_Connor, Judy_Brewer, Michael_Cooper, Cherie_Eckholm, Marc_Johlic, Peter_Korn, +1.650.214.aabb, Loretta_Guarino_Reid, David_MacDonald, +1.608.514.aacc, Gregg_Vanderheiden, James_Nurthen Present: Andrew_Kirkpatrick Joshue_O_Connor Judy_Brewer Michael_Cooper Cherie_Eckholm Marc_Johlic Peter_Korn +1.650.214.aabb Loretta_Guarino_Reid David_MacDonald +1.608.514.aacc Gregg_Vanderheiden James_Nurthen Regrets: Bruce_Bailey Kerstin_Probiesch Agenda: Found Date: 07 May 2013 Guessing minutes URL: People with action items: WARNING: Input appears to use implicit continuation lines. You may need the "-implicitContinuations" option.[End of scribe.perl diagnostic output]