See also: IRC log
<trackbot> Date: 01 November 2012
<scribe> scribe: Kathy
<AWK> Scribenick+ Kathy
<AWK> ScribeNick+ Kathy
<AWK> This is not the case for all tables (e.g. simple tables which only have row headings) but describes a common scenario.
<Loretta> Simple tables generally have only one level of headers for columns, one level of headers for rows, or both.
<Loretta> Otherwise, the column 1 cells would contain data and would be marked up as data cells.
RESOLUTION: Accepted as amended
<robin> more grammer: under User Agent, Notes 1 and 2 use "is not" but Note 3 uses "isn't"
<robin> more grammer: under Content, Note 2 has "user agent isn't required in order communicate the content's information" and is missing "to" after "in order"
<robin> more grammer: the definition for User Agent has a period, the others do not
<robin> more grammer: most all notes end in a period, but not all
<robin> under software, in note 3, was the double "provide" already mentioned?
<robin> the "provides" on either side of the struck out "user agent functionality"
<Loretta> * James, I intentionally avoided saying that. It feels like we have devolved into a TaskForce meeting.
<greggvanderheiden> I am off but can you call consensu on this one?
<greggvanderheiden> and on Maureens edit to the last one?
<Loretta> I'm asking Alex.
<greggvanderheiden> can someone patch me in 608-514-9539
<Loretta> Because we couldn't reach consensus on Alex's last comment, we will send this back to the Task Force for additional work.
<greggvanderheiden> can you get consensu on these edits
<greggvanderheiden> WCAG2ICT can take up further discussion
<greggvanderheiden> that topic didn’t come from WCAG2ICT
<greggvanderheiden> don't reject their language
<greggvanderheiden> because of a new topic
<Loretta> We are sending back the edited version for further discussion. (Edits accepted).
<greggvanderheiden> OK
<greggvanderheiden> thanks
RESOLUTION: Send the edited version back to the Task Force for review and discussion on Alex's comment on user agents.
<Loretta> We will hold the last survey item until next week.
This is scribe.perl Revision: 1.137 of Date: 2012/09/20 20:19:01 Check for newer version at Guessing input format: RRSAgent_Text_Format (score 1.00) Found Scribe: Kathy Inferring ScribeNick: Kathy Default Present: Gregg_Vanderheiden, Bruce_Bailey, mijordan, [Microsoft], Kathy, Robin_Tuttle, Loretta_Guarino_Reid, James_Nurthen, Marc_Johlic Present: Gregg_Vanderheiden Bruce_Bailey mijordan [Microsoft] Kathy Robin_Tuttle Loretta_Guarino_Reid James_Nurthen Marc_Johlic Found Date: 01 Nov 2012 Guessing minutes URL: People with action items:[End of scribe.perl diagnostic output]