
01 Dec 2011

See also: IRC log




<awk> Meeting: Web Content Accessibility Guidelines Working Group Teleconference

Alternative: This does not include text that is part of image where the included text alone cannot be used as a text alternative for the purposes of meeting Success Criterion 1.1.1.

Example: Pictures, graphs, and diagrams which visually convey important information through more than just text.

<kerstin> will it be useful to include "screenshots"?

<Loretta> Good suggestions, Kerstin.

<awk> we mean that text that is part of a picture, for example within a photograph, graph, screenshot, diagram or image that conveys information of any type visually through more than just the text is not considered an image of text.

<Loretta> The definition of "image of text" contains the note "....". Examples of such pitcures include graphs, screenshots, and diagrams which visually convey important information through more than just text.

<kerstin> would someone tell zakim who I am, please


Issue LC-2572: "image of text" definition needs clarification ... accepted as amended ... adding to the Understanding document...Examples of such pictures include graphs, screenshots, and diagrams which visually convey important information through more than just text.

Resolution: Issue LC-2572: "image of text" definition needs clarification ... accepted as amended ... adding to the Understanding document...Examples of such pictures include graphs, screenshots, and diagrams which visually convey important information through more than just text.

<Loretta> Web technologies may need to only be supported by those specific user agents and assistive technologies deployed at a company. (These may be older versions of user agents and assistive technologies or the very newest versions).

Issue LC-2573: Editorial changes to Understanding Conformance

Resolution: Issue LC-2573: Editorial changes to Understanding Conformance accepted as amended

Add reference to Office 10 documentation to PDF Technology Notes

Resolution: accept "Add reference to Office 10 documentation to PDF Technology Notes"

Issue LC-2548: Guideline 1.3 covering the needs of people with low vision

<Loretta> http://www.w3.org/WAI/GL/2011/WD-WCAG20-TECHS-20110929/G140

<awk> http://www.w3.org/TR/SVG-access/#Equivalent

<Loretta> ]The information in these tags may be used by assistive technologies to perform meaningful structure transformations (e.g., generating a list of sections) or to support interaction with content based on structural characteristics (e.g., jumping to the start of forms).

Resolution: We are amending the proposal, accepted as amended ... Issue LC-2548: Guideline 1.3 covering the needs of people with low vision... proposing to keep Ex 2 PDF, as part of G140... which would read like this:A PDF document consists mostly of the content embedded with formatting information. Information about the structure is provided in a separate section of the document using...
... XML-like tags; this is called "tagged PDF". The information in these tags may be used by assistive technologies to perform meaningful structure transformations (e.g., generating a list of sections) or to support interaction with content based on structural characteristics (e.g., jumping to the start of forms).
... Resolution: We are amending the proposal, accepted as amended ... Issue LC-2548: Guideline 1.3 covering the needs of people with low vision... proposing to keep Ex 2 PDF, as part of G140... which would read like this: "A PDF document consists mostly of the content embedded with formatting information. Information about the structure is provided in a separate section of the...
... document using..XML-like tags; this is called "tagged PDF". The information in these tags may be used by assistive technologies to perform meaningful structure transformations (e.g., generating a list of sections) or to support interaction with content based on structural characteristics (e.g., jumping to the start of forms). "

<kerstin> it seems my line is broken, or? it seems no one hears what I'm saying?

<kerstin> I have reservations against the Note

<Loretta> Until then, if the content passes the success criterion using any of the listed sufficient techniques, then it does not meet this failure.

<Loretta> "Note: The Working Group has discovered many misunderstandings about how to test this failure. We are planning to revise this failure in a future update.

F69: Failure of Success Criterion : Note: The Working Group has discovered many misunderstandings about how to test this failure. We are planning to revise this failure in a future update. Until then, if the content passes the success criterion using any of the listed sufficient techniques, then it does not meet this failure.

Resolution: refer to the above. F69: Failure of Success Criterion : Note: The Working Group has discovered many misunderstandings about how to test this failure. We are planning to revise this failure in a future update. Until then, if the content passes the success criterion using any of the listed sufficient techniques, then it does not meet this Besides this not F69 will remain unchanged for this draft.

<Loretta> THanks, James. :-)

<kerstin> -kerstin

Summary of Action Items

[End of minutes]

Minutes formatted by David Booth's scribe.perl version 1.136 (CVS log)
$Date: 2011/12/01 22:34:48 $

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Succeeded: s/failure./ Besides this not F69 will remain unchanged for this draft./
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WARNING: No "Present: ... " found!
Possibly Present: Alternative Bruce_Bailey Example F69 Loretta aacc awk jamesn_ joined kerstin wai-wcag
You can indicate people for the Present list like this:
        <dbooth> Present: dbooth jonathan mary
        <dbooth> Present+ amy

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Guessing minutes URL: http://www.w3.org/2011/12/01-wai-wcag-minutes.html
People with action items: 

[End of scribe.perl diagnostic output]