See also: IRC log
<trackbot> Date: 29 September 2011
<scribe> scribeNick: jamesn
Issue LC-2464: Statement of Partial Conformance as
... Accept Issue LC-2476: Errata page at
as proposed
... Accept Issue LC-2477: Expanding acronym of WCAG 2.0 in the
document title as proposed
... Accept Issue LC-2563: Generating PDF Files - Complexity of
last para. as proposed
... Accept Issue LC-2566: Word's table headings as
... Accept Issue LC-2568: Inclusiveness of examples in PDF
Techniques as proposed
... Accept to Draft a new failure for text input causing a
change of context for 3.2.2 for future review
<MichaelC> issue: Plain text techniques aren't "accessibility supported" yet we hold other technologies to that bar. Need to discuss if it makes sense to keep plain text techniques or what.
<trackbot> Created ISSUE-9 - Plain text techniques aren't "accessibility supported" yet we hold other technologies to that bar. Need to discuss if it makes sense to keep plain text techniques or what. ; please complete additional details at .
RESOLUTION: Accept Issue LC-2493: T3: Using standard text formatting conventions for headings as amended
Loretta proposes keeping this issue open with a note that we don't plan to address it in this iteration
Michael proposes an issue or an action which could be linked to this issue. Then close this one.
<MichaelC> issue: Consider if innerHTML is an ok WCAG technique for script
<trackbot> Created ISSUE-10 - Consider if innerHTML is an ok WCAG technique for script ; please complete additional details at .
<MichaelC> issue-10: relates to comment LC-2494
<trackbot> ISSUE-10 Consider if innerHTML is an ok WCAG technique for script notes added
<MichaelC> issue-10: surveyed 29 September 2011
<trackbot> ISSUE-10 Consider if innerHTML is an ok WCAG technique for script notes added
RESOLUTION: Accept Issue LC-2494: innerHTMLnow part of DOM spec (HTML5) and widely used - allow? as amended with pointer to new issue
looks like the response is garbled. Need to bounce back to person who proposed.
Loretta proposes leaving this open too
leave this open
RESOLUTION: Accept Issue LC-2508: Linking to old version of Inspect Objects as amended
RESOLUTION: Accept Issue LC-2533: Technique has poor and undocumented browser support as proposed
RESOLUTION: Accept Issue LC-2546: Embedded Flash content as amended
<Loretta> The PDF techniques link to PDF files that can be used for testing the technique.
<Loretta> The examples in the PDF techniques link to PDF files that may be used for testing the techniques.
RESOLUTION: Accept Issue LC-2562: Misinterpretation of list of assistive technologies and versions supporting PDF techniques as amended
<scribe> ACTION: james to contact Adam to find out why there is a diconnect on LC-2569 [recorded in]
<trackbot> Created ACTION-153 - Contact Adam to find out why there is a diconnect on LC-2569 [on James Nurthen - due 2011-10-06].
Loretta states that doesn't want this merged now but should perhaps be addressed in the next set of work
Removing techniques at this stage of the review process probably shouldn't happen
<MichaelC> issue: SCR2 and SCR20 seem to overlap, consider merging
<trackbot> Created ISSUE-11 - SCR2 and SCR20 seem to overlap, consider merging ; please complete additional details at .
<MichaelC> issue-11: relates to comment LC-2570
<trackbot> ISSUE-11 SCR2 and SCR20 seem to overlap, consider merging notes added
<Loretta> There appears to be considerable overlap between SCR2 and SCR20. We have created an Issue ( so that we can reconcile these techniques in our next round of updates.
RESOLUTION: Accept Issue LC-2570: Technique for a decorative image? as amended
<awk> Sorry, I need to leave early...
<MichaelC> close action-144
<trackbot> ACTION-144 Investigate a technique using dt, dl in the way recommended in LC 2540 and other ways closed
RESOLUTION: Accept New example for H48: Using ol, ul and dl for lists or groups of links as proposed
This is scribe.perl Revision: 1.136 of Date: 2011/05/12 12:01:43 Check for newer version at Guessing input format: RRSAgent_Text_Format (score 1.00) Found ScribeNick: jamesn Inferring Scribes: jamesn WARNING: Replacing list of attendees. Old list: +1.202.418.aaaa +1.703.602.aabb Judy Jeanne James_Nurthen New list: James_Nurthen Mary_Utt Bruce_Bailey Michael_Cooper Loretta_Guarino_Reid Marc_Johlic Andrew_Kirkpatrick David_MacDonald Default Present: James_Nurthen, Mary_Utt, Bruce_Bailey, Michael_Cooper, Loretta_Guarino_Reid, Marc_Johlic, Andrew_Kirkpatrick, David_MacDonald Present: James_Nurthen Mary_Utt Bruce_Bailey Michael_Cooper Loretta_Guarino_Reid Marc_Johlic Andrew_Kirkpatrick David_MacDonald Regrets: Tim_Boland Katie_Haritos-Shea Adam_Solomon Agenda: Found Date: 29 Sep 2011 Guessing minutes URL: People with action items: james WARNING: Input appears to use implicit continuation lines. You may need the "-implicitContinuations" option.[End of scribe.perl diagnostic output]