See also: IRC log
<trackbot> Date: 03 February 2011
<Loretta> regrets from Adam, Daman, James
<scribe> scribe: marcjohlic
<MichaelC> scribe: marcjohlic
RESOLUTION: Accepted as amended
RESOLUTION: Accepted as amended
<Loretta> There may also be cases where it may be a judgment call about what information should appear in text and what would need to be directly associated, and it may be most appropriate to duplicate some information (for instance, in an HTML table, providing the summary both in the paragraph before the table and in the summary attribute of the table itself). However, wherever possible it is necessary for the information to be programmatically determined rather tha
RESOLUTION: Accepted as proposed
RESOLUTION: Accepted as amended
<Loretta> RESPONSE: We have removed the first example. We do not believe that Example 5 fails 2.4.3, since the tab order still follows the reading order, and the reading order follows a logical order.
RESOLUTION: Accepted as amended
RESOLUTION: Accepted as amended
RESOLUTION: Accepted as amended
RESOLUTION: Accepted as proposed
RESOLUTION: Accepted as amended
<Loretta> Sample some real-time content and check whether the procedure is being applied.
RESOLUTION: Accepted as amended
RESOLUTION: Accepted as proposed
<MichaelC> 2432
<MichaelC> 2444
<MichaelC> 2446
<MichaelC> 2436
<MichaelC> 2426
<MichaelC> 2440
<MichaelC> 2458
<MichaelC> 2435
<MichaelC> 2434
RESOLUTION: Accepted as proposed
RESOLUTION: Accepted as proposed
RESOLUTION: Accepted as proposed
RESOLUTION: Accepted as proposed
RESOLUTION: Accepted as proposed
RESOLUTION: Accepted as proposed
RESOLUTION: Accepted as proposed
RESOLUTION: Accepted as proposed
RESOLUTION: Accepted as amended
<scribe> ACTION: AWK [recorded in]
<trackbot> Sorry, bad ACTION syntax
<scribe> ACTION: AWK confirm that screen reader can actually read the displayed page number [recorded in]
<trackbot> Created ACTION-120 - Confirm that screen reader can actually read the displayed page number [on Andrew Kirkpatrick - due 2011-02-10].
RESOLUTION: Accepted as proposed providing that Andrew can confirm that screen reader can actually read the displayed page number
RESOLUTION: Accepted as proposed
RESOLUTION: Accepted as proposed
RESOLUTION: Accepted as amended
RESOLUTION: Accepted as amended
<scribe> ACTION: Wolf review the wording of test procedure [recorded in]
<trackbot> Created ACTION-121 - Review the wording of test procedure [on Wolf Schmidt - due 2011-02-10].
RESOLUTION: Leave open
RESOLUTION: Accepted as proposed
<MichaelC> trackbot, end meeting
This is scribe.perl Revision: 1.135 of Date: 2009/03/02 03:52:20 Check for newer version at Guessing input format: RRSAgent_Text_Format (score 1.00) Found Scribe: marcjohlic Found Scribe: marcjohlic Inferring ScribeNick: marcjohlic Default Present: Mary_Utt, Andrew_Kirkpatrick, Bruce_Bailey, Loretta_Guarino_Reid, Michael_Cooper, Wolf_Schmidt, Marc_Johlic, Tim_Boland, +1.617.584.aaaa, Gregg_Vanderheiden Present: Mary_Utt Andrew_Kirkpatrick Bruce_Bailey Loretta_Guarino_Reid Michael_Cooper Wolf_Schmidt Marc_Johlic Tim_Boland +1.617.584.aaaa Gregg_Vanderheiden Regrets: Adam_Solomon Daman_Wandke James_Nurthen Agenda: Found Date: 03 Feb 2011 Guessing minutes URL: People with action items: awk wolf[End of scribe.perl diagnostic output]