See also: IRC log
<trackbot> Date: 13 January 2011
<adam> this is adam i have a problem with mic
<MichaelC> Scribe List
<scribe> scribe: marcjohlic
RESOLUTION: Accepted as an advisory technique
RESOLUTION: Accepted as propsed
RESOLUTION: Accepted as an advisory technique
<adam> is it semantically correct to have simple text marked up as a control?
<adam> rock and hard place
<adam> perhaps we could leave out discussion of textblock, or at least minimize its mention as much as possible to make it more of a note
<adam> or perhaps mentioning the word "controls" in the title to avoid specific mention of all the controls
<Loretta> zakim who is making noise?
<adam> "Example 2: All three text containers " - should we leave out?
<adam> i still am uncomfortable with the title of the eample 2 section
<Loretta> Adam, can you suggest a better title?
<adam> never mind - i am ok with it.
<adam> My only concern is that someone will go straight to example 2
<adam> and think it is a legitimate element to be used
<adam> thats fine
RESOLUTION: Accepted as amended
<adam> ill look it over for a minute
<adam> wait
<Loretta> ok, adam!
<adam> i think it could be left in...
<adam> if we enhance the discussion in the description...
<adam> the reason i think so is because this is adefinite pitfall
<adam> which is common
<adam> one sec
<adam> great
RESOLUTION: Accepted as amended
<adam> the problem of non focusable elements is very important
<adam> not off the bat - need a little research
<adam> ok
<adam> traditionally tab sequence relates to focusable controls, so I agree with Wolf that the issue of non focusable controls is not so relevant to this technique
<scribe> ACTION: ITEM to Loretta & Wolfe to investigate Silverlight failure of including non-focusable content. [recorded in]
<trackbot> Sorry, couldn't find user - ITEM
<scribe> ACTION: Loretta investigate Silverlight failure of including non-focusable content. [recorded in]
<trackbot> Created ACTION-116 - Investigate Silverlight failure of including non-focusable content. [on Loretta Guarino Reid - due 2011-01-20].
<scribe> ACTION: Wolfe investigate Silverlight failure of including non-focusable content. [recorded in]
<trackbot> Sorry, couldn't find user - Wolfe
<scribe> ACTION: Wolf investigate Silverlight failure of including non-focusable content. [recorded in]
<trackbot> Created ACTION-117 - Investigate Silverlight failure of including non-focusable content. [on Wolf Schmidt - due 2011-01-20].
RESOLUTION: Accepted as amended
<adam> i'm signing out - good night!
RESOLUTION: Accepted as amended
TENTATIVE GOAL: Update the Editor's Draft by end of Feb 2011
<MichaelC> trackbot, end meeting
This is scribe.perl Revision: 1.135 of Date: 2009/03/02 03:52:20 Check for newer version at Guessing input format: RRSAgent_Text_Format (score 1.00) Found Scribe: marcjohlic Inferring ScribeNick: marcjohlic Default Present: Michael_Cooper, Bruce_Bailey, Wolf_Schmidt, Loretta, Adam_Solomon, +1.727.391.aaaa, Marc_Johlic, Tim_Boland Present: Michael_Cooper Bruce_Bailey Wolf_Schmidt Loretta Adam_Solomon +1.727.391.aaaa Marc_Johlic Tim_Boland Regrets: Gregg_Vanderheiden James_Nurthen Mary_Utt Andrew_Kirkpatrick David_MacDonald Agenda: Found Date: 13 Jan 2011 Guessing minutes URL: People with action items: item loretta wolf wolfe WARNING: Input appears to use implicit continuation lines. You may need the "-implicitContinuations" option.[End of scribe.perl diagnostic output]