See also: IRC log
1 August call cancelled
8 August, DanC to Chair, regrets from Norm Walsh, Vincent Quint, Tim Berners-Lee
TimBL missing for all of August
VQ missing for last three meetings in August
Minutes of last telcon (
<noah> Seeing that we will have spotty attendance in August, with some people gone the whole month, do we need to plan for any progress on the Oct. 3 F2F logistics during the month of Aug., or can it wait for Sept.?
Today's agenda:'
VQ: Late addition: URNsAndRegistries-50
NM: Request slot at the end to
comment on metadata-in-URI
... Planning for Oct. f2f -- leave it until September?
<DanC> you can get your tickets now, no? "face-to-face meeting, 4-5 Oct 2006, Vancouver, BC, Canada, hosted by BEA" --
DO: Logistics page will be
available soon [now available] -- meeting at the Opus Hotel confirmed
... We will get special rate as long as we've got six people
<dorchard> Meeting at the Opus Hotel with 6 rooms blocked.
DC: DDR workshop report is out - - should we have agenda item to discuss?
<DanC> .
VQ: Add an agenda item on that if time allows
VQ: I've produced a first draft
of our required quarterly report
... will circulate shortly
... and send if no comments
VQ: First draft out from NM:
NM: Background: There are WGs
writing WDs which intend to reference common-but-not-registered
media types (e.g. audio/wav)
... They're worried that they may get pulled up for this at
review time, and so they asked the AB
NM: The AB asked the TAG if there was a technical aspect to this
NM: TAG discussed this last week
-- our conclusion was that in some cases it's really not
reasonable to expect WGs to take up the responsibility for
dealing with unregistered types
... We got some pushback from publishing a draft to that
... Saying basically: "You use it, you have to pay for
... I.e. do the work to get it registered
TBL: Bjorn H. says that the process is easy, but I'm not sure it's easy enough to do this
NM: I thought the history of some of this was arose from commercial initiatives, which have passed in to common use
DC: If there are reasons to be impure, that's on a case-by-case basis, the general policy is "Don't do that"
<DanC> audio/vnd.wave;codec=1
<DanC> per
<DanC> and
<DanC> June 1998
NM: but it wouldn't be appropriate for e.g. me to register them
DC: The reason audio/wav isn't registered is that there's not enough information there
<raman> DanC I found your comments/reactions offensive. I'm trying to bring a sense to the TAG as to how WGs life is difficult -- sneering at things saying they should look at IANA isn't a good response
NM: This is one of the examples which Ken Laskey included in his original question
TV: I think you risk alienating the WG if you push that, it's just the kind of thing which makes WGs not think well of the TAG
NM: I thought to register a type
you have to have some authoritative knowledge to register a
media type
... Are you really saying that there's no minimum bar for what
you need to know?
DC: Not in practice -- no reason to want to have something in wide usage and not register it
TBL: NM is asking whether what amount to 3rd parties can/should register
NM: Yes
DC: Well, just do it, and the people who should have done it can step in and take over
<noah> From my email:
<noah> * Accordingly, workgroups should in general arrange for registration of new media types that they may create, and should make reasonable efforts to promote the proper registration of other formats on which their Recommendations depend.
<Norm> I don't know where you said it, timbl_, but I read it. The XSL and XML Query WGs are putting the registrations in the specs.
TBL: My original goal was that
all W3C specs should be just like an IETF registration, meeting
all the requirements for them
... [scribe missed something ending: ... "it breaks"]
NM: Right, that's fine for things
you're creating within the w3c process which include a new
media type -- you better do all the necessary things to
register it
... But the cases at hand are different -- we have cases where
a WD is not defining a new media type, but needing to refer
to an existing one.
<noah> Also from my email:
<noah> * Workgroups preparing Recommendations should in general make reasonable efforts to avoid dependencies on media types or other data formats that are not properly registered with the appropriate registration authority. In the case of MIME media types, that authority is IANA.
TVR: Right -- and we shouldn't tell such a WG that they have to take the load of cleaning up behind the people who should have done this
NM: [reads from]
... which concludes with the most controversial bit, which
describes the basis for the exception to the "should" above
DC: I haven't heard any examples motivating the last bit -- just leave it out
TBL: Suppose the W3C had a list of the media types used in w3c specs but not registered with IETF
DC: This is a good use of whose time?
TBL: Well, we could then refer to this on IETF liaison calls
NM: Remember the original question was to the AB regarding the Process
DC: We should not give them this out
TVR: I don't believe we should
say that
... Someone has to clean up the mess, but using "touched it
first" as the way to tell who's the one to do it is a
DC: We don't need to do anything to allow people to get excused a requirement at the final review
TVR: WGs see such prohibitions as real prohibitions, they don't think in terms of breaking them and making the case for that
TBL: An example?
TVR: Not a media type, but [xxx scribe missed]
TBL: I'm still looking for an media type example. If there are lots of these out there, that's v. different from the situation if there are only a handful
<DanC> (re timbl's "suppose we had a list..." comment, there is such a list in ; Martin used to maintain it. I don't think it's worth much of my time. I think PLH spends some time on it.)
HST: I don't see a technical issue here, beyond "The TAG believes in follow-your-nose, unregistered media types break that, registering media types is a Good Thing"
<DanC> noah, we can say "follow your nose is important" without suggesting any sort of MUST/MAY re process.
HST: NM, is that message a draft of a message to the AB; or for the AB to resend as if it were theirs; or as a TAG statement to the public
NM: Great question! Today's discussion makes me realize that I wasn't sufficiently conscious of the target audience for the note. It probably should have been the AB, but I wound up writing as if it was aimed directly to www-tag and hence directly to the Web community. I think the response we actually craft should be formally addressed to the AB and should be written accordingly.
<DanC> perhaps reply to the AB by citing
DC: What about
... Could we cite that to the AB
<noah> W3C Working Groups engaged in defining a format follow How to Register a Media Type with IANA [IANAREG] to register an Internet Media Type (defined in [RFC2046]) for the format.
<DanC> this sentence almost says that follow-your-nose is important. "Web architecture depends on applications having a shared understanding of the messages exchanged between agents (for example, clients, servers, and intermediaries) and a shared expectation of how the payload of a message -- a representation -- will be interpreted by the recipient."
HST: That looks like it just covers the Category A cases (WG owns the media type and is creating it), but not the Category B cases (WG does not own the media type, it already is in use, but not registered)
<DanC> +1 give the AB points 1 and 2 (and perhaps note in passing )
NM: Indeed -- Mark Baker asked if we might consider extending that finding to cover [Category B]
VQ: Should we conclude this by just sending points 1 and 2 to the AB?
<DanC> that's reasonable "it's a process question and beyond the TAG's remit to say when latitude is in order"
NM: If that's all we do, we
risk the AB understanding this as telling the AB to make it
firm and strong
... Maybe we should add something saying that the AB need to
understand that sometimes flexibility is required
TVR: Yes, we should make sure they understand that
NM: Can we get an email review of my redraft?
<DanC> I'm willing to be critical path. how about noah sends; if I give a thumbs-up and nobody gives a thumbs-down in 2 days, noah sends to AB
VQ: Need to converge quickly,
before next telcon, as AB is waiting
... Let's do this by email
NM: Deadline by Friday?
VQ: Yes
<scribe> ACTION: NM to redraft, forward to AB unless unresolved negative comments from TAG members [recorded in]
VQ: Does TAG issue number 1 relate to this? There's a two-line resolution, but it still shows as open.
<DanC> Ian, is it really the case that tag issue #1 is still open? is that a bookkeeping bug?
<DanC> re issue #1, is approved (or so it claims) and it refers to , which doesn't say it's closed.
<Ian> "This Finding was derived from discussion of TAG issues w3cMediaType-1, customMediaType-2, and nsMediaType-3 but in some cases extend beyond the specifics of the issue that was raised."
<Ian> And there's this:
<Ian> So I believe we have guidelines (now well-integrated into the "how to do a rec-track transition documentation")
<Ian> And the other question of issue 1 was "Should they be defining them at all?"
<Ian> I think the answer was "yes, and that we review that info during rec-track process"
<Ian> I am not sure that there was a formal resolution that the issue was closed, or an attempt to see if Mark Baker is satisfied.
DC: I think the issues list is correct, the issue is still open, the finding didn't close it.
VQ: Well, there's been nothing on
this since 2002. . .
... OK, that's alright as it stands then
VQ: Some discussion last week,
but document was new at that time
... Any comments after a further week ?
NW: Will send comments in the next week or so
<DanC> (the "Example 2: Evolution of Producers and/or Consumers" diagram is nice.)
<DanC> (indeed, partial understanding is the holy grail.)
<noah> Noah thanks Dave (a lot) for taking the effort on partial understanding. I think it's really the crux of the overall issue. Once we have that right, I think complete understanding follows almost as the degenerate case.
DO: I'm getting value from
interaction of this task with similar task for the W3C XML
Schema WG
... For example, the extension and restriction constructs
relate to the syntax set, not the information set -- that
distinction is proving very helpful
... So our work is having an immediate impact outside the
<DanC> (dave, you'll be here on 8 Aug?)
<dorchard> I'll be on 8 Aug
HST: I'll try to review it by the next meeting
<DanC> cool.
DO: I'll try to get another iteration on partial understanding in the next two days
VQ: Yes please
<DanC> (indeed, congrats DO for slaying the CVS dragons and producing )
VQ: Much better now that it's in
the same place with the other draft findings
... Could part 2 be moved as well?
DO: Yes, I will do that [Done]
VQ: Triggered by email from DC:
<DanC> public mail:
DC: Semantic Web Healthcare and
Life Sciences IG are discussing LSID: Life Sciences Identifier,
used for e.g. proteins --
... The usual reasons were given for not using http, and I
pushed back
... I've been reading the LSID spec (from OMG) -- there is one
new thing, maybe, namely that they are immutable
TBL: What's 'immutable'
DC: The binding between URI and
representations is one-to-one
... Also, you have to be able to tell that something is an LSID
by looking at it
TBL: You don't get any out-of-band info with a URI
NM: This is different -- this is
something they want you to be able to do by inspection
... without doing a GET
... They've deployed software which does retrieval
... Using what protocol?
DC: Not sure -- mag tape?
HST: One of the emails suggested DNS followed by http/ftp/SOAP
TBL: They want flexibility, but
not too much, and not yet
... They're still discussing whether an LSID identifies a
string of bits or a protein
NM: Is this urgent?
HST: Too late, the spec. defining this is fully baked
DC: Not too late, W3C IG is deciding on Monday 31 July to endorse this as Best Practice or not
<DanC> the monday meeting is a meeting of the group described in
<Norm> Dan asked me about this, I wrote in response. FWIW.
HST, DO: DC, could you help us understand the ways in which the draft URNsAndRegistries finding didn't stand up as an argument?
NM: Well, it reads as an argument which works for someone who's already convinced, but won't work for a skeptic. . .
TBL: But LSIDs are for retrieval. . .
DC: Still thought there was this
thing about using magtape, just associating the name with some
of the bits there
... I'm prepared to think of that as caching. . .
NM: Well, that doesn't really fit with the ordinary understanding of caching
DC: I think it does -- the names are distributed, and then wrt those names, the data is distributed (via magtape, because they're big)
TBL: There's this problem with
the difference between the URI scheme and the protocol
... 'http' refers to both
<DanC> "I am sure though that you will appreciate that this is not at all the same thing as being able to actively source the named object from multiple places" -- I started a "it's not at all obvious to me that these are different" reply, but then hit the immutability stuff in the LSID spec and paused.
TBL: LSID is just a scheme -- maybe it will turn in to a retrieval method in time
DanC, I refer you to the ARK approach (, which uses http and a checksum in the URI
HST: I learned, in writing my replies to the LSID mail, that the burden is on the protocol to specify what schemes it can work with, not the other way around.
VQ: Running out of time -- DC, you have more information for your meeting on Monday?
DC: More friends, anyway
VQ: HST, you have more input to the finding?
HST: Yes
NM: We were nearly ready to go, then in parallel with our decision to
finalize we got more feedback from Stuart Williams and Bjoern Hoerrman.
...Formally, I've still been instructed to publish. The TAG therefore
needs to decide which if any of new input received merits redrafting.
...Suggestion: I will shortly post two related things. (1) a new draft
which reflects changes already requested by TAG but not comments from
Stuart or Bjoern -- i.e. the draft I would have finalized if we didn't get
the late comments and (2) an analysis of their comments, suggesting which
if any I recommend reflecting in yet another draft.
...With that in hand, the TAG can either signal that I should stick with
the draft from (1) or do more work.
... The comments are all in the thread from the announcement of
the draft on www-tag
<noah> Above is Bjoern's note on metadatInURI
<noah> Stuart's note: