WCAG Weekly Telecon

1 Dec 2005


See also: IRC log


David_MacDonald, bengt_farre, Becky_Gibson, Andi, Alex_Li, Sofia_Celic, John_Slatin, Giordano_Beretta, Gregg_and_Ben, Kerstin_Goldsmith, rellero, Katie, Tim_Boland, Matt_May, Michael_Cooper, Gian
Christophe_Strobbe, Roberto_Scano, Makoto_Ueki, Takayuki_Watanabe, Wendy_Chisholm, Roberto_Castaldo, Luca_Mascaro, Sebastiano_Nutarelli, Yvette_Hoitink, Loretta_Guarino-Reid
Gregg_Vanderheiden and John_Slatin
Kesh, ben




Proposed Revisions to Guideline 1.1

<ben> proposed changes: http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/w3c-wai-gl/2005OctDec/att-0593/guideline1.1_proposal.html

john: get rid of "at least" in "at least identified it"

resolution= remove "at least" from guideline 1.1.3

> resolution= remove "at least" from guideline 1.1.2

resolution= add a parathentical "(see guideline 1.2)" at the end of 1.1.2

resolution= adopt the proposed revisions to 1.1 criteria as amended

Proposed Revisions to SC 2.4.1

<gregg> The purpose of this success criterion is to ensure that user agents, including assistive technologies, can recognize any navigational mechanisms that may be present in the content, beyond those perceivable structures required by 1.3.1. 1.3.1 requires perceivable structures such as headings, labels for form controls, lists, etc. to be programmatically determined.

resolution: adopt the new 2.4.1 with this new intent

<ben> resolution: change "navigational features" to "navigational mechanisms"

Proposed Revisions to Guidelines 4.1 and 4.2

<ben> proposed changes to 4.1 and 4.2: http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/w3c-wai-gl/2005OctDec/att-0592/4.1and4.2Proposal.htm

<Kesh22> resolution: add the phrase "in the web content" to all relevent success criteria 4.1.3, 4.1.4, 4.1.5

<Kesh22> resolution= adopt new 4.1.5 "Changes to content, structure, selection, focus, attributes, values, state, and relationships of the user interface elements in the Web content can be programmatically determined."

resolution= 4.1/4.2 proposal as revised is adopted

4.2 Issue Summary, resolutions, closings

resolution= close issue 2.4.4 with the comment

resolution= close issues 822, 971, 972, 993, 1050, 1418, 1536, 1537, 1713,

resolution= close 889 with the comment as proposed "plugin is a special type of user agent ..."

resolution= close 934 with revised comment

resolution= close 970 with comment submitted by Andi :User interfaces, although covered by UAAG for user agents, need content authoring guidelines since they may also appear in content.

resolution= close 934 with revised comment: Fallbacks for technologies are handled by the baseline and the 4.2 success criteria.

resolution= close 1133 with change: The choice of technology is a baseline issue. Guidance to make some dynamic technologies accessible are provided in the How To Meet documents. Please review baseline document to see if it meets the need you identified.

resolution= add the comment "Please review baseline document to see if it meets the need you identified." to any issues that we closed with "met by baseline."

resolution= leave 1714 open in order to add an advisory technique to note the UA issues that apply, and Gian's comments, as well as John/Michael comment to look at 1.4 to see if this is addressed in combination with legible fonts

resolution= 344, 454, 489, 592, 996, 1699, 1719, 1166 (with editorial), 1631

resolution= closing 344, 454, 489, 592, 996, 1699, 1719, 1166 (with editorial), 1631

1.4 and 2.3 Issue Summaries, resolutions, closings

resolution= close 1736 saying " Current algorithm in 1.4.1 and 1.4.3 takes color deficiency in to account by using luminosity contrast. The group discussed moving contrast to level 1 and decided to leave it at level 2 and level 3." with two absentions

<Kesh22> note: leaving 1528 open

<Kesh22> resolution= leave 892 open, and commission an action item to create a L3 sc dealing with readable fonts (if one can be formulated that is testable)

<Kesh22> ACTION: Michael create a L3 sc dealing with readable fonts (if one can be formulated that is testable) - Michael, email Gian for comments/suggestions [recorded in http://www.w3.org/2005/12/01-wai-wcag-minutes.html#action01]

<Kesh22> proposal= reject 1522, saying processes are not techniques, and processes do not qualify as sc or techniques

resolution: revise guideline 1.4 to read, "Make it easy to distinguish foreground information from its background" and close issue 1706.

resolution: close 1737 because "the example does not exist in the current draft"

Summary of Action Items

[NEW] ACTION: Michael create a L3 sc dealing with readable fonts (if one can be formulated that is testable) - Michael, email Gian for comments/suggestions [recorded in http://www.w3.org/2005/12/01-wai-wcag-minutes.html#action01]
[End of minutes]

Minutes formatted by David Booth's scribe.perl version 1.127 (CVS log)
$Date: 2005/12/02 15:47:16 $