WCAG WG telecon

13 Oct 2005

See also: IRC log


Gregg Vanderheiden, Ben Caldwell, Andi_Snow-Weaver, Rob_Haverty, Luca Mascaro, Don_Evans, Wendy Chisholm, Loretta_Guarino_Reid, Makoto_Ueki, Roberto Ellero, Tim_Boland, Michael Cooper, Becky Gibson, David MacDonald, Yvette Hoitink, Loretta Guarino Reid, Alex Li, John Slatin, Katie Haritos-Shea, Christophe Strobbe, Sofia_Celic
Roberto_Castaldo, Roberto_Scano, Takayuki_Watanabe, Sebastiano_Nutarelli, Gian_Sampson-Wild




General Comments from Gregg about goals for Face to Face

gv: want all content complete and survey created for each GL before F2F

wc: Face 2 Face agenda is aggressive. Plan to work until 7:30 pm each night

Review results of Questionnaire for Guideline 1.3 Issues

<wendy> http://www.w3.org/2002/09/wbs/35422/teamc-2_5/results

gv: question / discussion is: does GL 1.3 L1 SC1 prevent plain text on the web

<wendy> would <p>text text text <br/> text text text <br/> text text </p> pass Guideline 1.3 Level 1 SC 1?

<wendy> if the brs are used to create "paragraphs"

<Andi> my question was really "would <br/> text text text <br/> text text text <br/> text text <br/> pass...

gv: asks: is there consensus that we will have some type of exception for text if we keep this SC at level 1?

<wendy> you mean: <html><body> <br/> text text text <br/> text text text <br/> text text <br/> </body></html>? if so, there are a couple other issues w/the markup. the text needs to be in a block element.

gv: consensus that we do not want to outlaw all text documents?

<wendy> concern about how this relates to the defn of the br element - http://www.w3.org/TR/html4/struct/text.html#edef-BR

lgr: does this SC require that you expose whatever structure is there?

khs: we need to not focus so much on HTML but on content

yh: seems like we are trying to write GL that allow text documents - maybe we need to decide that plain text docs are not accessible

bc: objects to adding an exception for text only

gv: concern about relying on structure provided by technology thus technology that has no markup automatically passes- which isn't what we want
... seems like we will not move; still need to figure out what we are going to do with text documents
... outcome of discussion - will not move GL 1.3 L1 SC1 to level 2

resolution: close the first 3 items of survey with no change to the document

survey on issue 796

khs: seems like all benefits are relating to visual issues
... don't want to lose other benefits

js: propose add hearing disabilities to the benefits proposal

<scribe> ACTION: John send proposal to edit benefits [recorded in http://www.w3.org/2005/10/13-wai-wcag-minutes.html#action01]

resolution: accept combining benefits with incorporation of John's edit

Survey about issue 827 proposing a new SC

resolution: do not adopt this proposed SC

Survey about issue 938 to modify examples

resolution: pass this issue on the editors

Survey on issue 1036 - proposal to close

resolution: flash is covered under 2.3 and blink is covered under 2.2 - notify the issue submitter and close

issue to add new SC in GL 1.3: Instructions for understanding or operating a delivery unit do not depend on users' ability to perceive visual characteristics such as shape or visual location of components.

resolution: add SC as proposed (above) to GL 1.3 Level 3

Issue 1309 and 1339 - propose new wording for programmatically determined

gv: will take the def. of programmatically determined to F2F

Issue 1441

Resolution: unanimous vote to close issue 1441

issue 1705 - want better assoc. of examples with the Guidelines

Issue 1705 remains open until changes are made to better assoc examples with GL

Issue 1733 and 1734

resolution: close issues saying that it is at level 2 and no consensus to move to level 1

<scribe> (cont) because it would constain default presentation which, so far, we have not done at level 1

issue 1735

Resolution: close as proposed

GL 4.2 - issue 426

resolution: close as proposed

issue 971 and 1713

resolution: close as proposed

issue 1537

Will leave open until there are techniques

new proposed wording for 2.2 L2 SC2

<gregg> * content can be paused by the user

<gregg> * timing or movement is essential (for example, competitive gaming) and timing or movement cannot be frozen, even momentarily without invalidating the activity.

<gregg> content can be paused by the user unless the timing or movement is essential (for example, competitive gaming) and timing or movement cannot be frozen, even momentarily without invalidating the activity.

resolution: accept this proposed wording: content can be paused by the user unless the timing or movement is essential (for example, competitive gaming) and timing or movement cannot be frozen, even momentarily without invalidating the activity.

GL 2.2 L1 SC1 warning about time expiration

Andi's proposed wording: the user is warned before time expires and given at least 20 seconds to extend the time-out with a simple action (for example, "hit any key"). The user is allowed to extend the timeout at least 10 times.

resolution: accept Andi's proposed wording (above) with the change to extend 10 times

Does the text of all songs need to be provided for any song that can be downloaded?

no resolution - discuss at Face to Face

Move Guideline 2.4 Level 3 SC1 from Guideline 2.4 to Guideline 3.1?

Resolution: accept proposal to move

Delete GL 3.1 L3 SC4 - Section titles are descriptive. and split 2.4 L2 SC3 into two SC

no resolution: will dicuss at Face to Face

Summary of Action Items

[NEW] ACTION: John send proposal to edit benefits [recorded in http://www.w3.org/2005/10/13-wai-wcag-minutes.html#action01]
[End of minutes]

Minutes formatted by David Booth's scribe.perl version 1.127 (CVS log)
$Date: 2005/10/14 15:49:54 $