WCAG WG weekly telecon

22 Sep 2005


See also: IRC log


Sofia_Celic, Makoto_Ueki, Becky_Gibson, Roberto_Scano, Loretta_Guarino_Reid, Wendy Chisholm, Matt_May, Tim_Boland, Bengt_Farre, Michael_Cooper, Alex_Li, Luca Mascaro, Gregg Vanderheiden, Ben Caldwell, Gian Sampson-Wild, Katie_Haritos-Shea, Andi_Snow_Weaver, Roberto_Ellero, Neil_Soiffer
John_Slatin, Takayuki_Watanabe, Rob_Haverty, Roberto_Castaldo, Christophe Strobbe, David MacDonald




Example guide document for 1.1 L1 SC1

discussion about "common failures" section - ideas for what could go in there, concern about this section exploding with test cases (although could be helpful), concern about use of "and" between sufficient techniques and failure points.

resolution: use model of guideline 1.1 l1 sc1 for guides. "common failures" section will evolve. <http://www.w3.org/WAI/GL/2005/09/end-to-end/text-equiv-informative.html>

discussion of timing and moving forward (ala Michael's summary at - http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-wcag-teamb/2005Sep/0140.html)

team a update

no new items for discussion this week. trying to assemble all of the key parts for next week.

all groups should have this goal - bring essential pieces for each SC for discussion next week.

team b update

latest defn proposal: http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/w3c-wai-gl/2005JulSep/0854.html

proposal is to remove "acronym" from SC since acronyms are abbreviations.

resolution: abbreviation Shortened form of a word, phrase or name, i.e. a general category that includes abbreviations, initialisms and acronyms.

resolution: initialism - the shortened form of a name or phrase made from the initial letters of words or syllables contained in that name or phrase. Not defined in all languages. SNCF is a French initialism that contains the initial letters of the Societe National des Chemins de Fer, the French national railroad. ESP is an initialism for extrasensory perception. (removed "unpronounceable" so as not to restrict it too much)

resolution: acronym - An abbreviation made from the initial letters of a name or phrase that contains several words. Many acronyms can be pronounced as words. Defined differently in different languages. For example, NOAA is an abbreviation made from the initial letters of the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration in the United States.

resolution: adopt 3.1 L3 SC3 as A mechanism for finding the expanded form of abbreviations is available. (removed word "acronym" since in defn of abbreviation)

team c update

working on defn of " input error" but not yet ready for survey.

<Andi> http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-wcag-teamc/2005Sep/0043.html

drafts for guides for 3 of 4 SC. will be looking at on Monday. will be focusing in on priorities for guide doc.

should we done w/priority items for 2.5 soon. maybe not by next meeting, but close.

minutes from last week, closed all issues but 2:


1017 is last open issue for guideline 2.5 http://trace.wisc.edu/bugzilla_wcag/show_bug.cgi?id=1017

proposal to close issue with something like, "although it is a good goal, every number we suggested was either unnecessarily restrictive or counterproductive. therefore, were unable to figure out how to make this work."

proposal to include this as advisory for 2.5

resolution: close issue 1017 with something like, "although it is a good goal, every number we suggested was either unnecessarily restrictive or counterproductive. therefore, were unable to figure out how to make this work."

Heartbeat publication requirements

w3c process requirement that every 3 months rec-track documents must publish. http://www.w3.org/2004/02/Process-20040205/groups.html#three-month-rule

can request to skip, if publish a status report. we will make request, draft report, and send report past group for approval for publication.

plan is to publish next working draft 3 weeks after f2f (week of 7 November)

Summary of Action Items

[End of minutes]

Minutes formatted by David Booth's scribe.perl version 1.127 (CVS log)
$Date: 2005/09/22 21:46:26 $