See also: IRC log
resolution: unanimous consent to team task force work statement
lg: asks where else is this required...
<wendy> 4.2 L1 SC 6 Changes to content, structure, selection, focus, attributes, values, state, and relationships within the content can be programmatically determined.
asw: thought sophia says L1SC6 addresses this.
sc: said she thought it partially covered it
gv: difference if AT can see changes vs...notifying change...
lg: in practise needs to be notification
mc: intent of sc was prog...determined inadvance of change...
bc: we took advance warning out in brussels
asw: need to clarify what a change of context is
gv: on to defn... "change of context"....used to say user agent controls which was it wouln't inhibit show hide behaviour
<ben> current definition:
gv: if its up to the author to notify what would that notificatin be
mc: unsure what sc are fulfilling this removed one...i'm siding with lg...on this...initial thought is that functional outcome...
sc: thought change in context had to do with
opening a new window etc...
... thought user interface was UA bars...
... a flash movie is all delivered but can have an entirly different UA
delivered with every click
wc: don't believe we should say "main" because
it is not enough.
... changing a menu item should be included.. we should put UA controls back
in..."main" doesn't cover that
dm: notes last comment is from wendy not gregg
wc: maybe we don't need this defn..there is other ways to say it
gv: if all the info is exposed a change in context being Prog determined is fairly easy...if change is content is prog determined then change in context can
js: changes within content vs changes like a media player that opens a new window...perhaps two different concepts experiencially
gv: seems we need a occurs in 4
important places
... everyone agrees it shouldn't mean little changes
asw: suggest adopt the defn...leave out controls...and make work item to address Sophia's concerns
<scribe> ACTION: Sofia make a proposal to have an action item to cover concern about losing user agent user interface controls [recorded in]
gv: is a change of focus a change of
context...yes says the group...
... type your phone in a form and it shoots you somewhere
else....but perhaps the "next" field is an exception
lg: will cause confusion
mc: yup....because bksp won't work
... says it will cause confusion...if automatic next field is used
wc: "main" is ambiguous and percentages are rat
holes....I suggest action talk about the types of changes we are
talking about focusing on functional outcomes
... the group is divided and we need an action I think ... Team A
<scribe> ACTION: Team A will look at better words than "complete" and "main" [recorded in]
gv: delete SC...cause it is covered elsewhere...(1.1 all sc's at level 1)
lg: think it needs to be changed rather than removed
js: we removed it partly beause we couldn't figure out how to do it at level 1
resolution: 3.2 sc1 level 1,
... remove 3.2 sc1 level 1,
... move level 3.2 L2 sc 2 to level 1
... put "same relative order" into the sc and define same same relative
order...each item maintains position relative to other items... unanimous
<ben> resolution: replace "same order" with "same relative order" in 3.2 L2 SC1
resolution: put "same relative order" into the sc and define same same relative order...each item maintains its position relative to the other items... unanimous
<ben> resolution: define "same relative order" as, "Each item maintains its position relative to the other items. Items are considered to be in the same order even if other items are inserted or removed from the original order."
gv: we left L2 sc1 at Level 2 will not move to level three but are open to comments about it being too restrictive.
<scribe> ACTION: Team B will look further at wording of 3.2 Level 3 SC 5 [recorded in]
resolution: one or more of the following types of supplemental content is available:
<wendy> resolution: replace supplement with supplemental content
<wendy> resolution: adopt defn
resolution: adopt proposed definition of "supplemental content": Additional content that illustrates or clarifies default text content, which users may use instead of or in addition to the default text content. For example, there may be supplements in text, graphics, and audio.
resolved: do not include propsed definition of "education level"
resolved: accept definition of "Lower secondary education level" as the two- or three-year period of education that begins after completion of six years of school and ends nine years after the beginning of primary education" and include a note about UNESCO.
resolved: define "Primary education level" as "the six year time period that begins between the ages of five and seven possibly without any previous education" and include a reference to UNESCO.
resolved: close all items that were unanimous in 2.5 issues survey
<scribe> ACTION: john talk with michael about concerns w/ 1744 [recorded in]
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