See also: IRC log
<Michael> agenda:
<Michael> scribe: Tim
mc: prioritize high medium
... General first take in order
What is a good alt. For functional non-text content simple ex calculator
this one is high priority
What captions are and audio description are how to provide them
high priority
Need to provide information about caption formats that can be used
high priority
Include discussion of open captioned format alongside non-captioned
high priority
Describe audio descriptions and how to create them
marked as duplicate
Techniques for switching audio tracks
low priority
ADI guidelines for AD -
marked as resource
Time shifting
medium priority
Streaming captions:
high priority
Captions being provided in a separate window
medium priority
Could also talk about open captions
high priority, but a duplicate
Providing sign language video e.g., vcom 3d
medium for this one
Get rnid to provide techniques
Techniques for where to position
medium or low?
mc: skip next two just resources
John Slatin's performance where the audio description was scripted but done "live"
two resources mentioned previously are high priority
Radio describes - that's why lots of people listen to the radio and watch at the same time
Relationship between caption/audio description and multimedia
medium priority
mc: previous tech should be mapped to 1.2L3SC3
Asterisk near required field instead of just making it red
high priority
Color for headings
low priority
mc: ACTION ls send proposal to list about missing SC around visual pres of structure
Encoding color so that it can be programmatically determined: have to specify it a certain way so that ats can pick it up
medium but technology-specific
Indicating correct and incorrect
high priority
Choosing technologies whose players expose text attributes to AT
Sequences between delivery units
(only general)
high priority
(general techniques)
high priority
Provide links to tools to evaluate
Strategy for measuring
high priority
Keyboard access to controls used in mapping programs
marked as example for Guide
Show time remaining
low priority
Creating a time out with a way to turn it off
high priority
Pausing multimedia
medium or low
Design content without requiring timing
high priority
Address online testing
high priority
Turning things off
medium and technology-specific
How to provide a good warning and using entry pages (issues around controlling path users use to get to a page)
mc: this one plus next six are marked as high priority
Linking to related content
high priority
mc: next three are all high priority
Hide repeated content
low priority
Writing a good title
high priority
Titles being unique?
low priority
Breadcrumb navigation
medium priority
Navbars showing location (new technique)
high priority
Using icons and color to differentiate sections of a site
Negative technique around breaking the back button?
low priority but good advice
Using different colors on visited vs. Unvisited links
low priority but good advice
Validation of credit card formats
example for guide but new technique needed validating form fields which would be high
Writing understandable 401 or 404 pages
Provide a guess when desired page is not found "smart 404"
Google "did you mean" example
Provide a list of words that are similar
Type 3 letters and provide a list of choices that begin with those letters
Use soundex codes
Google suggest? Http://
Show similar search results/matches
also medium
In page link from error message to field with the error
high priority
A featured link in amazon?
Query enhancements
Dividing processes into steps and allowing forward and backward nav.
high priority
Return a new form with only the incorrect fields available
Programmatically provide supplemental information - tooltips with additional info or help
mc: should be mapped to 2.5L3SC1
high priority
Confirmation window opens to show user action has completed
high priority
Provide spell checking
Help bubbles
change medium to high
Tooltips using title
marked as medium and awaiting proposal from Lisa
Do not use same words or letter combinations to begin each item of the list
medium but should map to Guideline 3.1
Providing help link on every page
high priority but should map to Guideline 3.1
(annoying) assistant in the corner of the page
low priority
How to use templates - put language in just once in the template. This could also be used in many other areas
high priority but should map to Guideline 3.1
Provide definitions via bubble help
high priority
Provide hyperlinks to relevant online dictionaries
Internal linking
high priority
Expanded form presented first time it is used and acronym is presented in parends after - then use acronym in subsequent references
high priority
Provide search engine to look up
low priority
How to mark up section titles
high priority
How to write descriptive titles
high priority
Recommendations on how to provide the alternatives
high priority
Front load the document - make first paragraph the summary
Make sure spoken version of text content is not started automatically in the background or only at the user's request
high priority in "seealso" sense
General tech about introducing subitems to clarify allowed
high priority
Change of context - a change of user agent, viewport, user interface controls, or focus; or complete change of content.
high priority
This is more about generating the page rather than fixing later. Perhaps general technique "just do it..."
high priority for the Guide
Test - if a graphic is associated with different uris on different pages, flag them and determine if differences make sense. If not, make consistent.
kill as tech but useful as test
No automatic refreshes, at all.
high priority
Navigating around page, shouldn't cause change of context (e.g., pop-ups). However, this meant to mean "only by user request."
high priority
Changes of user agent
also high priority
Change in user interface control?
high priority
Links to alternatives (concern about these and cyberghetto)
high priority
Keyboard handling
high priority
Not trapping keyboard
high priority
"hit x to return to previous page" covered by "must be able to use w/keyboard"
marked as duplicate
Getting trapped in a plug-in
marked as duplicate
Can never use contenteditable? Should document workarounds/games/kludges related to
There are techniques but can't validate right now and don't have spec *yet*
low priority and technology-specific
However, if use elements semantically correctly would satisfy to best of ability. Also, in some techs (flash) don't' you have to do for info to get passed through?
change "low priority and tech specific" previous to "hold" for prev tech
Also "hold" for "However, if use.. tech
Concern that people creating UI elements with a and div and is that not using the elements semantically correctly
high priority but HTML-specific
Issue - is it possible to meet the strict interpretation of this in HTML? If not, what is the intent? Can we meet the intent with other wording?
kill as technique
Point to external documentation that explains/shows
Redundant with using accessibility conventions? No - if use accessibility features, get for free. If not, need to do the things in L1 SC6
kill as technique
People interpret this to mean that they have to use all accessibility features (e.g., accesskey, tabindex) that not necessarily the case
high priority for Guide Document
Document the user agent issue where accessibility features are not supported or supported inconsistently
kill as technique but discuss in other relevant techniques
<Michael> ACTION: ls send proposal to list about missing SC around visual pres of structure [recorded in]
<Michael> ACTION: michael updated harvesting documents with these prioritizations [recorded in]
This is scribe.perl Revision: 1.127 of Date: 2005/08/16 15:12:03 Check for newer version at Guessing input format: RRSAgent_Text_Format (score 1.00) Found Scribe: Tim Inferring ScribeNick: Tim Default Present: Don_Evans, Tim_Boland, Michael_Cooper, Christophe_Strobbe, Chris_Ridpath, Ben_Caldwell, Wendy, Rob_Haverty, Lisa_Seeman, Matt_May Present: Don_Evans Tim_Boland Michael_Cooper Christophe_Strobbe Chris_Ridpath Ben_Caldwell Wendy Rob_Haverty Lisa_Seeman Matt_May Regrets: Becky_Gibson John_Slatin Agenda: Got date from IRC log name: 31 Aug 2005 Guessing minutes URL: People with action items: ls michael proposal send WARNING: Input appears to use implicit continuation lines. You may need the "-implicitContinuations" option.[End of scribe.perl diagnostic output]