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mc: agenda is issue review
... agenda for f2f will be posted soon - will be working session
... please sign up if planning to attend
bc: just published new GL draft with latest resolutions
mc: start with 4.2 css techs
dm: no clean hits for css techs for gl 4.2
bg: tech about using display:none and positioning to create invisible labels
js: have issues with display:none
mc: also have issues with display:none; also it is a tech to work around WCAG GL's that people don't like
dm: not sure this applies to 4.2
js: would put under 2.5 - avoiding error; or 1.3 - making structures percievable
dm: think both are better hits than 4.2
js: also touches on baseline
... think about mapping techniques to tasks and tasks to SC
ls: curious how css techs map to people with learning disabilities
js: will get to when discuss 3.1
bc: a little hesitant about tasks mapping idea
mc: is this something to work out at f2f?
<jslatin> action john Think about CSS techniques that help people with LD and cognitive/language issues
wc: am working on proposal to send to guide doc sub group
<leasa> Can I jion John on that
wc: in guide declare whether techs are req. or optional for achieving task
mc: back to 4.2 issue summary
dm: don't think any of the css techs currently mapped to 4.2 as belonging there
js: 1.1 and 1.2 css techs seem to map to 3.2
wc: not all techs will directly map - for ex:
creating a layout
... task is creating a visual layout - some techs will map to that
js: making structure visible might be task for
GL 1.3
... have concerns but certainly think it is worth pursuing
<wendy> note to self: perhaps "designing visual layout" is part of an "application guide" and not guide doc level task?
mc: action is to flag these for followup later
dm: remove mapping to 4.2 and remap
... 5.5 goes to 1.3 or 2.5
... 1.1 and 1.2 goes to 3.2
... 5.2 goes to 1.3 or 3.2
<Michael> ACTION: David propose remapping of CSS techniques currently mapped to 4.2 [recorded in]
ed note: format above is - css tech (x.y) goes to GL a.b
mc: move to scripting for 4.2
dm: issue is JS uris
bg: is baseline issue
ls: can set role
mc: but that is future
ls: works in Firefox now
prev. discussion was about form submits and use of js uris
dm: hearing that we want to discourage js uris
mc: yes - because it doesn't fallback but also is not a spec
dm: so maps to 4.1 since js uri is not in any
"official" spec
... ques about how JAWS will handle these?
js: does handle in links list and seems to also handle events on a span
mc: propose mapping to 1.1 - and note that it baseline related
bg: why 1.1?
mc: because it is impossible to provide a fallback
js: think it is 4.1 or 4.2
mc: so keep at 4.2
<wendy> 2.2: Dynamic content generation
dm: need to mark it as a NOT to do tech
<wendy> bg: can be used, but need to know how/what to do and not with XHTML.
<wendy> bg: related to baseline
bg: need to decide how much information we want to provide - can use document.write accessiblity but we probably don't want to encourage it
js: so clarify based on baseline
... basline is HTML 4.01 and scripting can use document.write carefully, if
baseline is xhtml and script should use createElement
<wendy> Why document.write() doesn't work in XML -
<wendy> Questions about classification of techniques:
bg: questions about tables for layout mapping
mc: we talked about this in the 2.4 discussion
js: we decided that we reading order would be in 3.2
mc: i believe this should be in 3.2
bg: where does "summarizing data table go
mc: perhaps 2.4 cause helps navigation
js: yup 2.4
<wendy> Begin CSS Techniques Issues relating to GL 1.3
bg: css, many are generally mapped to 1.3 with no sc, and many are best practises
bc: this wouldn't exest if not for browsers quirks so its 4.2
mc: but scalability is important
bc: but its a repair technique
wc: there are times to scale and times not to scale ie, borders, teaching people that content will be magnified, and what authors need to consider about that
js: we need a sc for making text epercievable, we are making a default assumption that text is accessible, whihc is not good
<wendy> 892 is pending -proposal to add criterion to 1.4, not discussed
LS: the functional outcome of accessble text is that a AT can parse it
mc: but not all users have AT
mc: font typface ans size are different SC
js: do we need a new sc
... new guideline about text
mc: propose new guideline with 2 SC at least (mentioned here)
<wendy> ACTION: john and michael propose new guideline re: text [recorded in]
bg: the next one falls under that as well, (px)
<jslatin> advantage to GL about text: provides home for many techniques
<Michael> action 2 = john and michael propose new guideline re: text and update issues 728, 827, 1012, 1013 as appropriate
<jslatin> and def of 'text'
bg: selecting individual characters or lines, maps to 1.3
mc: sounds like CSS tutorial
wc: accessble drop cap instead of an image
bc: purly decoration and not emphisis
js: drop cap is not symanitic
wc: then this a visual design task, that we were talking about earlier
mc: most drop caps after 1500AD the experience is not significant
<jslatin> we need an sc for incunabula <grin>
bc: unless css is not in your baseline
... then it would be image with text alt
js: there are probably people doing cool stuff with this who we could reference
bg: currently mapped to 4.1 and 1.3 IBM public review asks for more examples and information
wc: could relate to 2.4 depending what is done with style sheets
js: could map to 3.2 also
wc: satisfies a variety of needs
... could map to 4.2 because we are providing a fallback alternative, 4.2 is
the only place we talk about alternative mechanisms
... the questin came back in Japan, in ENgland, david sloan relying on
printing things, wanted to know if it covered print, I don't think it's in
our scope
bc: big can of worms all the ways that deal with media types etc
wc: maybe just get rid of it, no use case
bg: delete it for now???
mc: yupa
<wendy> 4. * Media types - deleted for now
<wendy> resolution: delete 4. * Media types - for now. follow css spec.
css 4.1
bg: borders can be useful for highlighting stuff without color, if we update the technique to deal with color separation can put it here
<jslatin> ACTION: john find old sc abt using presentation to support understanding [recorded in]
bg: if mapped to 1.3, it would probably go to color but that's not really what this technique is about, but otherwise no mapping
mc: could go into resurrected sc using presentation to support understanding
<wendy> older guideline was "Checkpoint 3.2 Emphasize structure through presentation(s), positioning, and labels." -
<wendy> even older version from 2001 "Checkpoint 3.2 Emphasize structure through presentation, positioning, and labels." -
<wendy> (more detail under it)
BG: don't think it maps to 1.3, not about structure,
js: could go under, visual design as per wendy's suggestion of a new task about vsual design
bg: task is marking document symantics, optional techniques could be highlighting them or styling them
wc: in guide we good give concepts, in techniques doc
in tech doc get more specific
wc: the sufficient tecnique is to use fieldset,
but there are optional techniqes
... we cannot creat a sc about visual design so have to map it ther
js: al gilman posted class=change etc
... progressive enhancement start with basics and then add for more equiped
mc: why not have sc about visual layout, i,e cognitive
wc: tons of freedom of expression issues
js: we'll get beat up if we try that
... they belong under 3.1 and 3.2, I will find a way to recoperate a way to
link presentation to undersanding
mc: I could live wiht that
wc: caution about effort into new guidelines, I'm looking for ways to use what we have
js: yeah, we need a guideline, that deals with the inacurate assumption about text being percievble but I don't want to proliferate guideline
wc: why don't we say borders maps best to 3.1 because it makes it easier to coprehend
mc: ok let's check in should we move to 2.5???
perhaps a technique around the 75 choices etc...
bg: not a lot to talk about in 2.5
bg: I won't be here for the frst hour next week
mc: I will contact people for homework for f2f