XForms is a markup language that addresses the modern needs of electronic forms. It is based on XML and can deliver the collected values as an XML document. It addresses questions of authorability, usability, accessibility, device independence, internationalization, integration into different host languages, and reducing the need for scripting.
After XForms 1.1 went to recommendation, the Working Group recharted in March 2010, with the aim of working on XForms 1.2 and XForms 2.0 specifications. In the interim an XForms Quick Reference has been published, and an XForms Tutorial is close to completion.
Since the last AC meeting, the Forms Working Group completed the resolution of errata for XForms 1.0. An implementation, picoforms, which runs on small devices such as PDAs and mobile phones with a minimum footprint of 400K bytes, allows us to take XForms Basic out of Candidate Recommendation. Many other implementations have been released or updated. A first implementation of XForms running natively on Mozilla has been released, and has been shown running on the small footprint version called minimo. An implementation in Open Office/Star Office has been released. There have been new releases of FormsPlayer (plugin), Novell Explorer (plugin), X-Smiles (Java), xslt2XForms (XSLT), Chiba (Java), FormsFaces (JavaScript), xformation (an XForms editor), and others.
-->Work will continue on the specifications.
Group | Chair | Team Contact | Charter |
Forms Working Group (participants) | Steven Pemberton | Philippe Le Hégaret | Chartered until 31 March 2012 |
This Activity Statement was prepared for TPAC 2014 per section 5 of the W3C Process Document. Generated from group data.
Steven Pemberton, XForms Activity Lead