W3C | TAG | Initial agenda | Previous: 17
Jun | Next: 1 July
Minutes of 24 June 2002 TAG teleconference
Nearby: Teleconference details � issues list � www-tag archive
1. Administrative
- Chair: NW. Scribe: IJ
- Roll call. Present: PC, NW, TB, DO, RF, CL, IJ. Regrets DC, TBL, SW
- Next meeting: 1 July. Regrets: DO, PC, NW
- Resolved: Accepted 17 June minutes
confirming acceptance of both augmentedInfoset-22 and xlinkScope-23.
- Confirmed status of completed
- IJ 2002/06/17: Add augmentedInfoset-22
to issues list. Assigned to Tim Bray
- IJ 2002/06/17: Add xlinkScope-23
to issues list. Action IJ: Ask TBL to take
ownership of this issue.
- NW 2002/06/17: Call for initial review on www-tag of "TAG Finding:
Consistency of Formatting Property Names, Values, and Semantics". Done
- PC 2002/06/17: Convey the desire to the XMLP WG that MIME type
registration be included in soap spec before going to last call.
- IJ/PC 2002/06/17: Update finding to ensure that it's clear that the
registration must be part of the document at last call if the WG expects
to skip Candidate Recommendation. (Revised finding).
Confirmed changes to "Internet Media Type
registration, consistency of use" ($Date: 2002/06/24 22:17:30 $).
CL: I can live with that, though I predict that people will find adding
normative parts of the spec after last call is not acceptable.
- ACTION DO/TB/CL 2002/05/05: Pending XMLP
response, polish up DO's .1-level draft and find out what's
going on with XForms
Done. This action was partly completed and partly subsumed.
- charmodReview-17: Confirmed that this issue is
closed. Action IJ: Close
this issue in the issues list, referring to comments from NW to I18N
2. Technical
- Architecture document
- Qnames as identifiers
- Status of discussions with WSA WG about
- Postponed
2.1 New issues?
2.2 Findings in progress, architecture document (45min)
See also: findings.
- Comments on XMLP actions regarding SOAP and MIME type registration. See
email to
TAG. Report back to XMLP WG.
Action IJ: Ask Stuart to send a thank-you
to the XMLP WG from the TAG.
- ACTION IJ 2002/03/18:
Integrate/combine one-page summaries (Revised 7 June)
- ACTION TBL 2002/05/05:
Negotiate more of IJ time for arch doc
NW, TB: We prefer not to close this action item yet until further
discussion with TBL.
- TB: Next step is to publish this draft of the Arch
document. It's well-enough cooked that we should point people to
draft document in progress.
- IJ: I can live with more wide distribution if we loudly announce that
it's a moving target. I'd prefer to wait a tad bit longer.
- NW (speaking as NW): I'm inclined to agree with TB.
- TB: How about that we agree that this will be published by 1 July
(with or without improvements)?
- IJ: I can live with that.
- TB: Status section should be constructed carefully:
- This document doesn't represent TAG consensus
- It does however represent a lot of TAG input.
- It's a moving target.
- [Also, remove the "@@" explanation.]
- TB: I would echo comments made last time. When you want to put
explanatory text in, put examples instead. In 1.2, "An HTTP URI
identifies a document"
- RF: That was TBL's view. I'm vehemently opposed to the idea that the
URI identifies a document.
- TB: I support RF on that.
- Resolved: Instead of presenting RF's
text as editorial Note, give two views equal footing. Tie to issue
httpRange-14 (not exactly that issue, but related).
- TB editorial notes:
- Hyperlink in scheme property 1 is busted
- Principle in section 1.4.1 doesn't have a seq #, it should be
IJ: What term should "take precedence" in this document? URI or URI
- TB: Depends on what you're doing. But "All important refs identified
by URI", not URI reference.
- IJ: I will fix this.
- CL: As soon as you have content negotiation, you need to know mime
type of response before you interpret fragment id's.
- IJ: Could someone write a paragraph on URIs and URI references?
- RF: Do you want the politically accurate view or the technical
- TB: I think both are required to understand what the right thing to
do is.
- (IJ: I will also look at DO's comments on the arch doc.)
- Action RF: Write a para on URIs and URI
RF: I will try to have this for next week, but likely not ready by
Digression into discussion of revisions to URI spec
- [Ian]
RF: I am working on revising the URI spec right now, with Larry
Masinter and TBL when he has time.
TB: Why are you editing it?
RF: Integrating corrections, inclusion of IPV6 format, inclusion of
some I18N work (but unclear how much). Discussion will take place on
[email protected]. This week's a good time to bring forward your burning
issues on URIs.
- IJ: Suggest alerting chairs that this work going on.
- RF: I will suggest that to Larry. TBL could also do this.
Returning to architecture document
- [Ian]
TB: Important to point out that the term "URI reference" conflates
relative URIs and fragment IDs.
- RF: Additional BNF terms is one suggested improvement to the URI
- TB: That's how namespace names got to be URI references. DC said we
couldn't make up a new construct that wasn't in the RFC...
- NW 2002/06/17: Call for one-week review on www-tag of QNames as
Identifiers. TAG expects to confirm completion next week. Done
- NW: I would like to delay this decision this week, in order to reply
to comments
from Rick Jelliffe. Rick pointed out that some vocabularies use
different mechanisms for associating URIs with prefixes. The finding
doesn't consider that usage.
- CL: The schematron use of namespace bindings is a type of escaping
- RF: I agree with CL.
- TB: The way that schematron does this is elegant and good.
- NW: I think what CL makes sense, but that's not my understanding of
the example RJ posted. I thought he wanted to refer to a namespace
expression, but instead of declaring with an xml:ns attribute, he used
his own element. Therefore, I assumed that when he loaded that data
model, I thought he wanted the binding to be understood even though
this is done in a proprietary manner.
- CL: It's reasonable to expect a schematron processor to understand
it, but not a general XML parser.
- TB: Rick says "Schematron seems to violate recommendations 1, 4 and
perhaps 5...."
- NW: The source of my concern is that I thought that one intended
outcome of this finding was to make namespace usage more apparent to an
XML processor in general. Maybe that wasn't the purpose of this
Action NW: Follow up on Rick's
comments/proposal by next week.
- ACTION DC 2002/06/10: Send note to WSA WG expressing concern about
normative binding for GET.
- [Ian]
- NW: Where are we on this issue?
DO: I spoke with some of our developers about WSDL. Didn't send
DC's note to the WSA WG. Some discussion last week at end of call.: I
posted some text today to [email protected] about problems I see. I think it's
not as clear cut about what the right thing to do is.
- TB: I'm beginning to think that TBL was right that we should be
worried about this issue (SOAP binding). WSDL has a way to declare a
SOAP message available through GET. But doesn't use the "?" syntax to
do so. I haven't seen an attempt to harmonize SOAP changes in 1.2 and
WSDL for how to do this.
- DO: There's no example in the WSDL spec to show how this could be
done. This could be done - ask WSDL folks to look at GET example in
SOAP 1.2 primer.: Also question of schema for URI-encoded
- TB: Maybe we don't have to figure out what to do. The WSDL guys are
the experts. Does it suffice to point out to them that:
- Some substantial changes to SOAP 1.2
- There doesn't seem to be a way in WSDL to declare this (and no
examples illustrating this).
- Ask them to make necessary changes.
- DO: How do you define type information associated with a URI query
string? Doesn't seem related to Web Services (a Web thing, not a Web
Services thing). Another way is to define a mapping between schema and
URIs to allow you to auto-generate a document that you can validate
against schema. I think the TAG should have an idea about a direction
to take. In WSDL, the SOAP binding allows you to define types (through
Schema).: In WSDL, you define messages (that use types). You define a
port type that accepts certain message types. Then you define an actual
port (and bind concept into URI). There's also an HTTP binding in WSDL
(bindings between types and URIs). But you cannot, e.g., say
"?stocksymbol=foo". You can only say "name value pairs after "?" and
that's it.: Can't say anything about query string. Missing link between
contents of a query string (what names, and values can be, which are
required, etc.) and a schema type. No way to associate types and
content of a query stringl
- [Chris]
- In other words, query strings are unstructured.
- [Ian]
- RF: I agree that the [scribe missed] binding sucks. It does not do
what any reasonable programming environment would want it to do.
Unclear about what data is acceptable, and format of data exchanged.
There are many different ways to do this.
- DO: Should XML Schema folks look at this problem? Or HTML WG (since
name/value pairs part of HTML spec)?
- RF: Doing this is the only reason WSDL exists. WSDL defines an
interface and translates programmatically into an application. If it
wants to deal with the Web side of Web services, should be a way to
address interface. I agree that the one defined by WSDL so far isn't
- CL: If you have a name value pair list, you can go to a flat XML doc
easily. If you go the other way, it's not as trivial.
- [PaulC]
- Note that Noah Mendelsohn has sent a note
on this topic.
- [Ian]
- CL: I suspect Schema WG will balk at being asked to address this. You
could have processors take a query string and convert to XML doc (or
vice-versa) and use XML Schemas.
- NW: I don't see any reason why XML Schema is only way to solve
problems like this one. Having said that, DO said something about
"slash-separated" stuff....
- DO: In WSDL, GET binding where URI components are separated with
slashes. Pre-query string, however. SOAP 1.2 primer example used
information after "?". You can't do types on parts after "?".
- PC: Have you seen Noah's most recent response?
- DO: Yes.
- PC: He is saying that this is no longer a SOAP 1.2 issue.
- PC to DO: Why does the TAG have to do either the WSA's work or the
Web Services Description Language WG's work?: Sounds like WSDL WG will
encounter same problem and will turn to SOAP 1.2.
- DO: My reading of the tea leaves is that the TAG considers this an
important issue. I think TAG considers this a high priority for WSDL as
well. Also educational backgrounder in architecture of Web
- PC: I would paraphrase action item "Because TAG thinks that this is
important, we need to ensure that the Web Services groups are aware to
changes in SOAP and that additional changes may be necessary."
- [TBray]
- Do we have anyone on the TAG who's also on WSDL group?
- [Ian]
- DO: After looking at WSDL spec, seems like schema on query strings a
more general problem.
- NW: I have appreciated DO's explanation and feel this has changed
direction slightly since issue arose. I think we need to communicate
with Web services folks to say "Central issue is here."
- TB: I think we should liaison with Web Services Description Language
- NW, TB: Let's ping WSDL WG to ensure that this is on their radar.
- DO: We can ask them to make this a high priority in their
- TB: I suggest we ask DO to talk informally with someone from WSDL WG
and come back and reassure us and say they're on it. Or ask us to send
a formal message.
Action DO: Contact WSDL WG about this issue to
ensure that it's on their radar.
- Internet Media Type registration, consistency of
- ACTION DC: research the bug in the svg diagram.
- ACTION NW 2002/06/24: Create a PNG version of the diagram.
CL: I suggested fixing this so it had no errors, then creating a PNG
- augmentedInfoset-22
- ACTION DC 2002/06/17: Talk to XML Schema WG about PSVI. Report to
tag, who expects to decide whether to add as an issue next week. Done.
PC: Since I won't be here next week, I would prefer that this issue
be on agenda after 1 July.
- RFC3023Charset-21
- ACTION CL 2002/6/03:
Write up the issue in the next day or so.
- Status of URIEquivalence-15. Relation
to Character Model of the Web (chapter 4)? See text from TimBL on URI
canonicalization and email
from Martin in particular.
- If we get here: httpRange-14, namespaceDocument-8
Ian Jacobs, for TimBL
Last modified: $Date: 2002/06/24 22:17:30 $