W3CArchitecture Domain Web Services

SOAP 1.2 Implementation Summary

The purpose of the information contained on this page is to document the evidence of interoperable implementations required to advance the SOAP 1.2 specification along the W3C's Recommendation track. The information should not be used to evaluate the implementations outside this context. See the status section of the specification, e.g. http://www.w3.org/TR/2002/WD-soap12-part0-20020626/ for details of the interoperability requirements. The information contained on this page is neither suitable nor intended for evaluating the degree to which any of the implementations may or may not conform to the SOAP 1.2 specification.

Page contents:

Table 1: Implementation Listing

Company/Organisation Reporting Implementation Name Implementation Version Spec Version/Comment
Apache Glen Daniels Axis Beta 1 and after Limited support for June SOAP 1.2 spec in Beta 1, and for the December SOAP 1.2 spec in the current CVS implementation. Don't yet fully support new encoding or all faults, but we plan to be fully compliant soon, tracking the spec into future releases.
BEA David Orchard WebLogic Server 7.0 and later BEA provides a soap 1.2 endpoint at http://webservice.bea.com:9001/index.html. Endpoint contact is Manoj Cheenath.
Microsoft Henrik Frystyk Nielsen     In order to help meeting the W3C implementation requirements, Microsoft will provide a public endpoint that can accept incoming SOAP 1.2 messages and be able to generate SOAP 1.2 messages and send them to other SOAP 1.2 endpoints. Endpoint is at http://mssoapinterop.org/asmx/ (Contacts: Alex DeJarnatt <[email protected]> and John Koropchak <[email protected]>).
SOAPLite Paul Kulchenko SOAP::Lite 0.55 and later Limited support for SOAP 1.2. Plan to support most of the spec before March 2003.
Systinet Jacek Kopecky WASP Server for Java 4.0 WASP 4.5 supports most features of the June 2002 Last Call draft of SOAP 1.2. Endpoint is available, see http://soap.systinet.net/interop/ for more information.
TIBCO Don Mullen Web Services SDK 2.0 TIBCO's SOAP 1.2 endpoint is available at http://webservice.tibco.com/interop
White Mesa Bob Cunnings White Mesa Server 3.0 Endpoint supports SOAP 1.2, see http://www.whitemesa.net/ for details.


Table 2 lists the features, evidence of feature implementations, and test(s) associated with each feature. There is no association between the numbers used in identifying the implementation columns and the implementations listed in Table 1.

Table 2: Implementation Coverage of SOAP 1.2 Features

ID Num Spec Prt Spec Sec Feature Assertions Implementations Interop Traces Test(s) Feature Notes
1 2 3 4 5 6  
1.1 1 2.6 Generating and transmitting SOAP messages - initial sender, intermediary   Y Y Y s=Y i=Y Y Y Y sender: R4 echoString; see xmlp-13 for intermediary test derived from 1, per [1]
1.2 1 2.6 Receiving and processing SOAP messages - intermediary and ultimate receiver. 5 1-soapnodes-procmodel, 18 1-structinterpbodies-ur, 19 1-procsoapmsgs-steps, 21 1-procsoapmsgs-body, 42 1-soapenv-pi MODIFIED Y Y Y i=Y r=Y' Y Y Y receiver: R4 echoString; see xmlp-13 for intermediary test derived from 1, per [1]
2 1 2.2, 5.2.2 Support one or more SOAP roles. Supports SOAP role attribute information item
  • Infoset properties
  • Omitting the attribute information item
  • Empty value for the role attribute information item
  • SOAP sender, receiver, and intermediary
8 1-soaproles-next, 9 1-soaproles-none, 10 1-soaproles-ur, 53 1-soaprole-prop, 54 1-soaprole-omit, 55 DELETED, 56 1-soaprole-acceptur Y Y P Y Y Y N (yes with user written code) R4 echoVoidSoapHeader origin http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Member/w3c-xml-protocol-wg/2002Jul/0012.html; includes 18 per [1].
71 1   Accepts SOAP messages containing Envelope, optional Header, and mandatory Body element information items with Infoset properties as described in Part 1, sec. 5.   Y Y Y Y' Y Y Y R4 echoString, echoVoidSoapHeader created in [1]
78 1 2.6 Implementation removes headers targetted at the current node from the message after processing it. 19 1-procsoapmsgs-steps Y Y (handler dependent) Y Y N Y Y xmlp-15 created in [1]
5.1 1 2.2 Supports SOAP header block targeted at the role http://www.w3.org/2002/06/soap-envelope/role/next 8 1-soaproles-next Y Y P Y Y Y Y R4 echoVoidSoapHeader, intermediary test (see xmlp-15) derived from 5, per [1]
5.2 1 2.2 Supports SOAP header block targeted at the role http://www.w3.org/2002/06/soap-envelope/role/none 9 1-soaproles-none Y Y (disallows none as a valid role) P Y Y Y Y R4 echoVoidSoapHeader, intermediary test (see xmlp-16) derived from 5, per [1]
5.3 1 2.2 Supports SOAP header block targeted at the role http://www.w3.org/2002/06/soap-envelope/role/ultimateReceiver 10 1-soaproles-ur Y Y P Y Y Y Y R4 echoVoidSoapHeader, intermediary test (see xmlp-17) derived from 5, per [1]
7 1 2.7.1
Supports active intermediaries 24 1-forwardinter-behavior, 25 1-forwardinter-featuresem; may be inappropriate per [2] Y Y P Y N N N See xmlp-14 for intermediary test origin http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Member/w3c-xml-protocol-wg/2002Jul/0012.html, modified per [1]
8 1 2.8 Optional support of multiple envelope versions in SOAP node 27 1-envvermodel-msgversion Y Y Y Y' N Y Y R4 echoString origin http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Member/w3c-xml-protocol-wg/2002Jul/0012.html
9 1 4.2 Correctly constructs SOAP messages containing Envelope, optional Header, and mandatory Body element information items with Infoset properties as described in Part 1, sec 5. 40 1-soapenv-docprop, 41 1-soapenv-dtd, 44 1-soapenvelope-prop, 45 1-soapencattr-prop, 46 1-soapencattr-restrictions, 50 1-soaphead-prop, 51 1-soapheadblock-prop, 61 1-soapbody-prop, 62 DELETED Y Y Y Y' Y Y Y R4 echoString client or response origin http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Member/w3c-xml-protocol-wg/2002Jul/0012.html, modified per [1]
11 1 5 Allows insignificant whitespace in SOAP envelope 43 DELETED Y Y Y Y' Y Y Y R4 echoString origin http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Member/w3c-xml-protocol-wg/2002Jul/0012.html
13 1 5.1.1 Supports SOAP encodingStyle attribute 45 1-soapencattr-prop, 47 1-soapencattr-scope, 48 1-soapencattr-none Y Y Y N (receive, not send) Y Y Y R1 echoString origin http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Member/w3c-xml-protocol-wg/2002Jul/0012.html, includes 14 per [1]
80 1 5.1.1 Supports encodingStyle attribute information item value http://www.w3.org/2002/06/soap-envelope/encoding/none Y Y N N Y N R4 echo*, changed to support "none" created per [2]
19 1 5.2.3 Supports mustUnderstand attribute information item
  • Infoset properties
  • Omitting the attribute information item
  • SOAP sender, receiver, and intermediary
57 1-soapmu-prop, 58 1-soapmu-omit, 59 1-soapmu-acceptfalse, 60 1-soapmu-allrep Y Y Y Y' Y Y Y Test 12 from XMLP Test Collection origin http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Member/w3c-xml-protocol-wg/2002Jul/0012.html
27.1 2   Supports SOAP simple value nodes. added 87 2-encodingedgesandnodes-edge, 90 2-complexenc-obedge per [2] Y (partial) Y Y Y' (partial) Y Y Y R1 echo* derived from 27 per [1], list of simple types from http://www.w3.org/2002/12/soap-encoding
27.2 2   Supports SOAP Encoding's structs 91 2-complexenc-distlab, 92 2-complexenc-distpos, 93 2-complexenc-array, added 87 2-encodingedgesandnodes-edge, 90 2-complexenc-obedge per [2] Y Y Y Y' Y Y Y R1 echoStruct derived from 27 per [1]
27.3 2   Supports SOAP Encoding's arrays 91 2-complexenc-distlab, 92 2-complexenc-distpos, 93 2-complexenc-array, 101 2-arraySizeattr-prop, added 87 2-encodingedgesandnodes-edge, 90 2-complexenc-obedge per [2] Y Y (partial) Y Y' Y Y Y R1 echoIntegerArray derived from 27 per [1]
27.5 2   Supports SOAP Encoding's references 97 2-idattr-prop, 98 2-refattr-prop, 99 2-uniqueidconstraints-onlyone, 100 2-uniqueidconstraints-exclusive, 101 2-arraySizeattr-prop, added 87 2-encodingedgesandnodes-edge, 88 2-encodingedgesandnodes-edgeterm, 90 2-complexenc-obedge per [2] Y Y Y Y' Y Y Y R1 echoStructArray derived from 27 per [1]
29.1 2 3 Supports literal encoding schemes -- Y Y N Y Y Y Y R4 echo* derived from 29 per [2]
31.1 2 6.2 Supports Request-Response MEP, not in RPC context 32 1-bindfw-enablemep, 33 1-bindfw-featurecomb, 114 2-mepname-uri, 115 2-bindformdesc-reqctx, 116 2-bindformdesc-resctx, 117 2-bindformdesc-reqsttr, 118 2-bindformdesc-ressttr, 130 2-http-suptransmep-uris Y Y P Y Y Y Y R4*, group I derived from feature 31
31.2 2 6.2 Supports Request-Response MEP, in RPC context 32 1-bindfw-enablemep, 33 1-bindfw-featurecomb, 114 2-mepname-uri, 115 2-bindformdesc-reqctx, 116 2-bindformdesc-resctx, 117 2-bindformdesc-reqsttr, 118 2-bindformdesc-ressttr, 130 2-http-suptransmep-uris Y Y Y Y Y Y Y R1* derived from feature 31
32.1 2 6.3 Supports SOAP Response MEP, not in RPC context   121 2-bindformdesc2-reqctx, 122 2-bindformdesc2-resctx, 123 2-bindformdesc2-reqsttr, 124 2-bindformdesc2-ressttr Y Y N N N P N xmlp-2 derived from feature 32
32.2 2 6.3 Supports SOAP Response MEP, in RPC context   121 2-bindformdesc2-reqctx, 122 2-bindformdesc2-resctx, 123 2-bindformdesc2-reqsttr, 124 2-bindformdesc2-ressttr Y Y N N N P N xmlp-3 derived from feature 32
33 2 6.4 Supports Web Method Feature   127 2-webmethodstatemachine-urivalue Y Y N N Y N N abstract, not testable origin http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Member/w3c-xml-protocol-wg/2002Jul/0012.html
34 2 7.1 Support “application/soap+xml” content type with XML 1.0 serialization. 36 1-bindfw-xml10, 37 DELETED, 128 2-httpmediatype-mediatype Y Y P Y' Y Y Y R* origin http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Member/w3c-xml-protocol-wg/2002Jul/0012.html, modified per [1]
38.1 2, Support HTTP status code 500 due to SOAP Fault VersionMismatch 133 2-http-reqbindreqstate-reqfld, 134 2-http-reqbindwaitstate-trans, 135 2-http-respbindprocess-reshdr Y Y Y Y Y Y Y xmlp-5 derived from 39 per [3].
38.2 2, Support HTTP status code 500 due to SOAP Fault MustUnderstand 133 2-http-reqbindreqstate-reqfld, 134 2-http-reqbindwaitstate-trans, 135 2-http-respbindprocess-reshdr Y Y Y Y Y Y Y xmlp-6 derived from 39 per [3].
38.3 2, Support HTTP status code 400 due to SOAP Fault Sender 133 2-http-reqbindreqstate-reqfld, 134 2-http-reqbindwaitstate-trans, 135 2-http-respbindprocess-reshdr Y Y P Y Y Y Y xmlp-7 derived from 39 per [3].
38.4 2, Support HTTP status code 500 due to SOAP Fault Receiver 133 2-http-reqbindreqstate-reqfld, 134 2-http-reqbindwaitstate-trans, 135 2-http-respbindprocess-reshdr Y Y Y Y Y Y Y xmlp-8 derived from 39 per [3].
38.5 2, Support HTTP status code 500 due to SOAP Fault DataEncodingUnknown 133 2-http-reqbindreqstate-reqfld, 134 2-http-reqbindwaitstate-trans, 135 2-http-respbindprocess-reshdr Y Y P N Y Y Y xmlp-9 derived from 39 per [3].
41 1 5.4, 5.4.1,,,, 5.4.2, 5.4.3, 5.4.4, 5.4.5 Correctly constructs SOAP message containing SOAP error information (Fault), mandatory Code and Reason, and optional Role and Detail element information items. 63 1-soapfault-prop, 64 1-soapfault-single, 65 1-soapfault-only, 66 1-faultcodeelement-prop, 67 1-faultvalueelement-prop, 68 1-faultsubcodeelement-prop, 69 1-faultsubvalueelem-prop, 70 1-faultstringelement-prop, 71 DELETED, 72 1-faultactorelement-prop, 73 1-faultactorelement-intermediaries, 74 1-faultroleelement-prop, 75 1-faultdetailelement-prop, 76 DELETED Y N (in progress) P Y' Y Y Y R4 fault tests (see also xmlp-19: Test of intermediary fault) origin http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Member/w3c-xml-protocol-wg/2002Jul/0012.html; includes 42, 43, 44, 45, 46 per [1]
47 1 5.4.7 Supports Upgrade header block in the generated fault message when generating a fault with a Value of Code set to “env:VersionMismatch” 79 1-soapupgrade-prop and 79 1-soapsupportedenv-prop N N Y Y' Y Y N (support 1.1. & 1.2 at same endpoint) R4 echo* origin http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Member/w3c-xml-protocol-wg/2002Jul/0012.html
48 1 5.4.8 Supports NotUnderstood header block in the generated fault message when generating a fault with a Value of Code set to “env:MustUnderstand” 80 1-soapnotunderstood-prop and 80 1-soapqnamenu-prop Y Y N Y Y Y Y R4 echoVoidSoapHeader origin http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Member/w3c-xml-protocol-wg/2002Jul/0012.html
49 1 App. A Generating faults for version interactions between SOAP/1.1 to SOAP Version 1.2 85 1-version-soap11 Y N N Y' N Y N R4 echo* origin http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Member/w3c-xml-protocol-wg/2002Jul/0012.html
51 2 4 Supports multiple transport bindings. N (http only, tcp planned) Y (http tcp local) Y N Y Y Y no interop test, implementers to state ease of implementation origin http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Member/w3c-xml-protocol-wg/2002Jul/0037.html; minor rewording per [1]; removed mention of RPC per [2]
53.1 2 4.2.1 Supports RPC invocation as structs where parameter access is by name 104 2-rpcinvocation-model Y Y Y Y' Y Y Y xmlp-4 origin http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Member/w3c-xml-protocol-wg/2002Jul/0037.html; derived from 53 per [1].
54 2 4.2.1 Permits processing of invocations with missing parameters; however, it may fail to process the invocation and return a fault. 105 DELETED Y Y Y Y' Y Y Y (missing parms supported) xmlp-1 origin http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Member/w3c-xml-protocol-wg/2002Jul/0037.html
59 2 4.3 Support SOAP headers with RPC. 109 2-rpcsoaphead-hb Y Y (feature unclear) Y Y' Y Y Y R2.echoMeStringRequest origin http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Member/w3c-xml-protocol-wg/2002Jul/0037.html; reworded per [1].
60.1 2 4.2.2 Support of RPC Fault Handling mechanism and fault generation: Sender/BadArguments 107 DELETED, 110 2-rpcfaults-rules Y N Y Y Y Y xmlp-11 Derived from feature 60 per [4]
60.2 2 4.2.2 Support of RPC Fault Handling mechanism and fault generation: Sender/ProcedureNotPresent 107 DELETED, 110 2-rpcfaults-rules Y N N Y Y Y xmlp-12 Derived from feature 60 per [4]
72 2 Implementation supports HTTP's GET method in HTTP binding Y Y N N N (awaiting WSD support) N N xmlp-3 (same test as for 32.2) created in [1]
73 2 Implementation supports HTTP's POST method in HTTP binding Y Y N Y' (for req/resp MEP) Y Y N R1* (same test as for 31.2) created in [1]
74 2 3.1.4 Implementation supports assigning type names to graph nodes 95 2-enctypename-tnprop Y Y Y Y' Y Y Y xmlp-10 created in [1]
75 2 3.1.4, 3.1.5 Implementation supports untyped nodes Y N (maybe) Y Y' Y Y Y xmlp-10 created in [1]
77.1 2 3.2 Supports decoding fault: dataEncodingUnknown Y N P N Y Y Y R1 echo* derived from 77, per [2]
77.2 2 3.2 Supports decoding fault: MissingID Y N P N Y Y Y R1 echo* created per [2], modified 26 March 2003 by removing unTypedValue
82 2 3.2 Supports decoding fault: DuplicateID Y created 26 march 2003
79 2 3.1.7 Supports nodeType attribute information item Y R1 echoArray, echoString, echoStruct created per [2]
81 1 Supports relay attribute information item Y N Y N Y Y See Test xmlp-18: Test of "relay" attribute created per [2]

Table notes:

"Table 3: Additional Tests" has been incoporated into the Test Collection document

Table 4 has been moved to a separate page.

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