Hot catalog backup fails with "status code 2" during validation of NBAZDB

Article: 100025547
Last Published: 2022-08-29
Ratings: 1 0
Product(s): NetBackup & Alta Data Protection


During a hot catalog backup the automatic validation of the NBAZDB may fail, causing a status code 2 for the backup. This occurs even though the checks for BMRDB and NBDB are both validated successfully.

If validation is manually disabled, the validation during a catalog backup is successful.


Error Message

The job details when this occur will be similar to the following:

08.07.2011 12:01:30 - Info bpdbm (pid=8528) staging relational database files for catalog backup
08.07.2011 12:01:30 - Info bpdbm (pid=8528) staging BMRDB backup to D:\Applications\Basic\prg\VERITAS\NetBackupDB\staging
08.07.2011 12:01:31 - Info bpdbm (pid=8528) done staging BMRDB backup to D:\Applications\Basic\prg\VERITAS\NetBackupDB\staging
08.07.2011 12:01:31 - Info bpdbm (pid=8528) done staging NBAZDB backup to D:\Applications\Basic\prg\VERITAS\NetBackupDB\staging
08.07.2011 12:01:31 - Info bpdbm (pid=8528) staging NBDB backup to D:\Applications\Basic\prg\VERITAS\NetBackupDB\staging
08.07.2011 12:01:38 - Info bpdbm (pid=8528) done staging NBDB backup to D:\Applications\Basic\prg\VERITAS\NetBackupDB\staging
08.07.2011 12:02:30 - Info bpdbm (pid=8528) validating BMRDB backup in D:\Applications\Basic\prg\VERITAS\NetBackupDB\staging
08.07.2011 12:02:34 - Info bpdbm (pid=8528) done validating BMRDB backup in D:\Applications\Basic\prg\VERITAS\NetBackupDB\staging
08.07.2011 12:02:34 - Info bpdbm (pid=8528) validating NBAZDB backup in D:\Applications\Basic\prg\VERITAS\NetBackupDB\staging
08.07.2011 12:02:34 - Error bpdbm (pid=8528) error validating NBAZDB backup in D:\Applications\Basic\prg\VERITAS\NetBackupDB\staging
08.07.2011 12:02:34 - Info bpdbm (pid=8528) validating NBDB backup in D:\Applications\Basic\prg\VERITAS\NetBackupDB\staging
08.07.2011 12:02:36 - Info bpdbm (pid=8528) done validating NBDB backup in D:\Applications\Basic\prg\VERITAS\NetBackupDB\staging none of the requested files were backed up (2)

The bpdbm log will show the following error:

12:02:34.068 [8528.1512] <4> validate_database: Executing D:\Applications\Basic\prg\VERITAS\NetBackupDB\Win64\dbvalid -q -fx -c "UID=dba;PWD=******;ENG=validation_eng;LINKS=shmem;START=D:\Applications\Basic\prg\VERITAS\NetBackupDB\Win64\dbeng11 -c 25M -ch 500M -cl 25M \"D:\Applications\Basic\prg\VERITAS\NetBackupDB\staging\NBAZDB.db\" -ds \"D:\Applications\Basic\prg\VERITAS\NetBackupDB\staging\""
12:02:34.645 [8528.1512] <16> validate_database: Database validation failed for database NBAZDB
12:02:34.645 [8528.1512] <4> db_error_add_to_file: Database validation failed for database NBAZDB.
12:02:34.645 [8528.1512] <4> validate_database: Exiting. rc = 11



The can be caused if the AZ_DB_PASSWORD information is missing or corrupt in the <install_path>\Veritas\NetBackupdb\data\vxdbms.conf file.



From Install_path\Veritas\Netbackup\bin

1.  Run:
nbdb_admin -dba nbusql
***This should create the missing AZ_DB_PASSWORD password line in vxdbms.conf

Note: For 8.1.x and later, this command only changes the password for NBDB and BMRDB, to change the password for NBAZDB we need to instead use command: nbdb_admin -dba <password> -dbn NBAZDB

2. Run:
nbdb_admin -validate BMRDB; nbdb_admin -validate NBAZDB; nbdb_admin -validate

***This will manually validate all databases.

3.  If the validation in #2 succeeds, attempt to run a hot catalog backup. It should complete successfully for all databases available.

Additional steps:

1. Occasionally, the NetBackup services need to stopped and restarted to allow the backup to complete successfully.

2. Check to see if multiple instances of nbproxy.exe are running on the system. They may need to be manually killed if they persist beyond a restart of the NetBackup Services.


Applies To

Windows Master servers.



Etrack : 2337292

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