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Wow so sad I’m crying right now I’m serious I’m literally shaking. AP: The real story is “these immigration people don’t give a shit about the
You probably saw the footage on TV of King Felipe of Spain getting pelted with mud when he visited one of the devastated towns on the country’s southeastern Mediterranean coast on Sunday. Late last week, the area was scourged by downpours that came in off the sea, the result of an odd climatic condition in... Read More
The reach of the US Empire has already shrank massively. Celebrities in the United States are largely unwilling to say anything against the Jews, but they can’t prevent celebrities in US vassal states from doing so. The Guardian: Pedro Almodóvar Is that why he’s been critical of Israel? Because of the Hamas attack? This mon
The US is demanding that all of their vassals implode their own economies in order to punish the Chinese. Many in Europe are not interested in doing this. Surely Germany is not particularly interested, after the US “war for my gay anus” in the Ukraine destroyed their production capacity which they are now trying to... Read More
Aquí podéis ver el “Contrato de Consentimiento” para mantener relaciones sexuales que circula entre los futbolistas de Primera División. Saquen sus propias conclusiones, pero el apartado violación accidental me parece aberrante. — Miguel Galan (@MiguelGalanCNFE) Daily Mail: Several footballers in Spain are using sexual consent contracts a
In Zaragoza, Spain, there is a street dedicated to Santo Domingo del Val, in the old Jewish quarter, whose figure involves a gruesome biography. The anonymous author - surely a fundamentalist canon - of a grotesque booklet published in Buenos Aires (Librería Editorial Santa Catalina, 1943), dating back to the 13th century, tells how the... Read More
The Sentencia-Estatuto of 1449: Translated from Spanish to English and with an Introduction by Wilhem Ivorsson Translator’s Notes: The reader should keep in mind that this text is 575 years old. Many of the political titles and legal concepts referenced do not have modern equivalents, and the document was written in period-specific legal language, style... Read More
A Tale of Two Settler Colonies
The two-hour taxi ride from Saidia, Morocco to Melilla, Spain was expensive—almost $50 US—but the driver, Si Driss, was loquacious, and educated enough to discuss history and current events in an Arabic register that I could understand. When I half-jokingly referred to Melilla al-muhtala, bihal al-Quds al-muhtala (Occupied Melilla, like Occupied Jerusalem) he laughed and... Read More
Previously: Spanish Serial Kisser Calls Doomed Peck a Mistake But Says He was Treated Unfairly The Sage of the Doomed Peck continues. This is now… a criminal offense?? How this is real?? CNN:
Earlier: VDARE Book Club—The Myth Of The Andalusian Paradise The Spanish territory known as Al-Andalusia under Muslim control (711-1492) is widely touted in academe and the Main Stream Media as a paradise of multicultural tolerance. Of course this is a lie, as Dario Fernández-Morera’s book The Myth of the Andalusian Paradise: Muslims, Christians, and Jews... Read More
In South Korea, you can still get on buses and trains, or just wander around for miles at your leisure, so yesterday, I was in Gimhae. Like all Korean cities, it unashamedly flaunts nondescript, skyscraping condos and sterile, soulless churches that surely prove there is no God, for there’s no way he would tolerate so... Read More
n 1936, as Spain’s brutal civil war was raging, Republican-leftist forces were besieging Toledo’s fortress, the Alcazar. They took hostage the 16-year old son Luis of the citadel’s commander, Col. Moscardo. `Surrender the Alcazar or we will shoot him,’ threatened the leftists. Moscardo replied, ‘put him on the phone.’ When his terrified son came on,... Read More
The media silence on online newspaper Público’s revelations that Spain’s National Intelligence Center (CNI) intensively followed the Islamic State (IS) terror cell until the day of the Barcelona attacks in August 2017 is provoking growing outrage in Spain. Público’s report provides evidence of criminal behavior at top levels of the Spanish state. It directly contradicts... Read More
In recent months, especially with the accession to the presidency of Donald Trump, there has been renewed talk, serious talk, ironic talk, about secession—particularly, from zealously Leftist anti-Trump militants in California and along the Pacific Rim areas of the United States. Advocates of what is called “Cal-exit” make their case that California, specifically, is not... Read More
Catalonia, in the southeastern corner of Spain, is in the news.[Catalonia Government Declares Overwhelming Vote for Independence, by Raphael Minder, NYT, Oct 6, 2017] I was there once, back in my salad days, on my way to a camping vacation down the coast at a sleepy little whitewashed village named Oropesa del Mar, now all... Read More
A new paradigm has been coined right inside the lofty European Union: 'In the name of democracy, refrain from voting, or...
Fascist Franco may have been dead for more than four decades, but Spain is still encumbered with his dictatorial corpse. A new paradigm has been coined right inside the lofty European Union, self-described home/patronizing dispenser of human rights to lesser regions across the planet: “In the name of democracy, refrain from voting, or else.” Call... Read More
Post updated, 6/10/14. See below! As we saw previously (see My Most Read Posts), my post Maps of the American Nations is the single most popular post so far here on my blog. Americans all over are supremely interested in both their origins and the reasons for the cultural quirks of the different American regions.... Read More
HBD Chick and I talk about how rates of historic inbreeding have had an important impact on the selective pressures acting on the traits of various peoples living today. We have often used Europe and the Middle East as examples of this, because strong regional variations in historic rates of inbreeding exist in those places.... Read More
Will It Really Help?
Before EU finance ministers approve the 100 billion euro bailout for Spain, they might want to ask themselves one question: Will it really help? Sure, it'll keep the markets bubbly until mid-week when fears of the Greek elections set in, (June 17) but that's about it. It won't fix the eurozone's underlying problems, in fact,... Read More
Committing Financial Suicide to Appease Big Finance
Money might "make the world go 'round", but it's not going to stop the eurozone from breaking apart. That's the lesson investors learned on Tuesday when global stock markets plunged on news that yields on Spanish and Italian debt had again entered the red zone. Stocks rebounded on Wednesday, but to little effect, after all,... Read More
BARCELONA — Viva la revolution! Spain's youth are staging boisterous but peaceful protests across the country that many call the Iberian version of the popular revolutions sweeping the Arab world. Plaza Catalunya, the center of this marvelous city that pulses with life and fun, is packed with young demonstrators waving placards calling for revolution and... Read More
But to live outside the law you must be honest Bob Dylan, Absolutely Sweet Marie "No one expects the #spanishrevolution." That's one of the signs in Madrid's iconic - and occupied - Puerta del Sol Square; Monty Python revised for the age of Twitter. "I was in Paris in May '68 and I'm very emotional.... Read More
I came from Jerusalem ostensibly to launch my book in Spanish translation; but even more so to congratulate and bless you for your decision to pull your soldiers away from the wrong side in what is called the Iraqi War, but what is actually the battle for Palestine. When I wrote so in the series... Read More
The Shaping Event of Our Modern World
Analyzing the History of a Controversial Movement
The JFK Assassination and the 9/11 Attacks?