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According to a March 2021 survey by the Public Religion Research Institute, 15 percent of Americans and 23 percent of Republicans believe that, I know that polls must not be trusted, but I can easily believe that tens of millions of people agree with that statement. It’s not just an American phenomenon; it is widespread... Read More
Far from most modern “horror” fare, Late Night with the Devil is an engaging, thoughtful, and entertaining demon possession film that takes a complex and educated approach to the subject matter, while also serving as a quaint period piece documenting the culture of 1970s America. The film is part mockumentary, featuring “found footage” of a... Read More
I almost wish they would have just allowed the Pope to come out and say he loved the Olympics ceremony. It seems to me that would be his natural position. Instead, after convening for a week, the Vatican comes out and says “okay after considering this matter for a week, we’ve decided this is bad.”... Read More
The culture of the Jewish people following the death of Christ has puzzled Christians for centuries. How could the people of the Old Testament, who followed God (albeit imperfectly), persist in rejection of Christ and exist in what appeared to be such a uniquely amoral state? Jews in the Middle Ages were notorious for cruelty... Read More
E. Michael Jones (Catholic) debates Kevin Barrett (lapsed Unitarian, now Muslim)
Rumble link Bitchute link I first seriously read Emerson for an American Renaissance seminar at San Francisco State University in the mid-80s. I was the only student who actually enjoyed the sonorous cadences of the sage of Concord. My classmates thought I was bluffing, or, failing that, perverse. Emerson’s encomiums to authenticity, nature, and the... Read More
Magica Sexualis in the Shadow of the Sin City Super Bowl
The concept of Satanism implanted in our minds in literature and Hollywood is of the sepulchral gothic. This had been its defense. We look for it in Masonry, metal bands and Mason gangs. With the Jeffrey Epstein saga and, if we are well-informed, the Sir Jimmy Savile network around England’s (then) Prince Charles, and Prime... Read More
Madeline Albright, Secretary of State under Billy Boy Clinton, said in an interview with Leslie Stahl that it was WORTH IT to kill and sacrifice 500,000 Iraqi children for the sake of the New World Order, one in which the US-Israel Axis gets to determine what is ‘evil’ and what is ‘justice’. She framed her... Read More
The Shaping Event of Our Modern World
Analyzing the History of a Controversial Movement
The JFK Assassination and the 9/11 Attacks?