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I get the impression that the Western press isn’t enthusiastic about reporting on Next Media supremo Jimmy Lai’s rather central role in financing and backboning (a neologism of mine: providing critical support/determination/coordination/encouragement) the Hong Kong Occupy movement. Jimmy Lai's partisanship, wheeling and dealing, hard-nosed business practices, and antagonism toward Beijing complicate his reformist advocacy and... Read More
Maybe the answer is Both. Nobody expects Xi Jinping to do something about C.Y. Leung just because Hong Kong student groups wrote him a letter. Key point, in my opinion, is to put it on record that C.Y. Leong is the deserving target of the movement’s righteous wrath. As to why the movement wants Leung... Read More
Things got hotter for C.Y. Leung, with Australian journalist John Garnaut revealing that Leung has signed a non-compete agreement when he parted ways with an Australian company, UGL, that also included a multi-million dollar consulting clause that might have exposed him to some conflict of interest ethics problems when he became Chief Executive. Though the... Read More
I was rather bemused by the fizzling of the student ultimatum calling for C.Y. Leung’s resignation by midnight Thursday, October 2. Leung said he wasn’t resigning but was designating a senior government official, Carrie Lam, to engage in dialogue with the students. And the students were, like, whatever. So, despite the fact that Leung didn’t... Read More
The Surprising Elements of Talmudic Judaism
The evidence is clear — but often ignored
The Shaping Event of Our Modern World
Analyzing the History of a Controversial Movement
The JFK Assassination and the 9/11 Attacks?