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Across the United States, there is a general pattern – at least among Whites – of urban dwellers tending to be more liberal and rural dwellers tending to be more conservative. Indeed, this pattern is so pronounced that Steve Sailer managed to produce a now well-known (at least in the HBD-sphere) hypothesis of White American... Read More
Post updated, 1/14/15. See below! Let me start by once again giving the disclaimer that I am an unapologetic atheist. Of course, I would conclude that being an atheist is the only natural position one can have if one is being a true scientist. Now, that said, I realize that I am only able to... Read More
This post is meant to serve as a prod to certain of my smart liberal friends to start having children. It will come as no big surprise to my long time readers. The 2012 General Social Survey (GSS) results have been released. I decided to take a quick look to see if certain trends were... Read More
Following up on my previous post, a commenter over at Ellen Walker's Complete Without Kids responded to my comment there with this: I wanted to see if this was in fact true. So I took a look at what the GSS could tell me. First, I used the CHLDIDEL variable, which reports the answer on... Read More
Over at Psychology Today, clinical psychologist Ellen Walker has a blog called Complete Without Kids, which is dedicated to the modern child-free (presumably professional) adult. There, she extols and rationalizes the conscious decision to not reproduce. Of course, it's not like Psychology Today isn't loaded with the typical cutting-edge suspect psychological wisdom, and it isn't... Read More
Now that the blogosphere has discovered my finding that conservatives are outbreeding liberals by a rather large margin, many have taken it as a reason to rejoice. The genes for "pathological altruism" (which are a feature of the special evolutionary path that Northwestern Europeans have undertaken, which seems to result in such traits), which gives... Read More
(CNN) -- Boys in the United States are starting puberty earlier than ever, according to a new study publishing in the November issue of the journal Pediatrics. In the study, lead author Marcia Herman-Giddens from the University of North Carolina's School of Public Health and her colleagues show that boys are starting to sexually develop... Read More
Updated 8/28/12: See below! As I've discussed previously, the low White fertility rate seen in America today stems mostly from liberals. This is because liberals contain a higher share of secular individuals and because liberal women pursue more education on average, which leads them to delay child birth (and often marriage as well). I have... Read More
Following up on my three previous posts, I want to talk again about what to do with this HBD knowledge. It is now clear, or at least should be, that demographic issues drive many of our current problems. Indeed, changes in the population drive history, and these changes are the primary reasons that civilizations rise... Read More
Ron Gunhame over at Inductivist has an interesting post looking at out-of-wedlock births had by Americans, by political orientation. By looking at the GSS data, he seems to have found that among the never married, conservatives were far more likely to have children. This is interesting, for one, because of its implications for my "pioneer... Read More
In the spirit of (partial) full disclosure, in my earlier post on the topic, I announced that I'm liberal. In this post, I'll announce that I am Black. That is, at least, according to American hypodescent; I'm a mixed Black/White/Chinese second generation Jamaican-American. As such, of course I have a soft spot for the American... Read More
Edit, 10/26/12: I've added a table of contents, to make navigating through this long post easier! Unlike the vast majority of HBD'ers, I lean to the political Left on a variety of issues. The primary reason for this is that most of the stuff that comes out of mainstream conservatives in America is utter insanity.... Read More