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Do Black/Latino Votes Matter? JEWISH Donations to Political Candidates, 2022 Does “Jewish money” influence American politics? Jews Get What They Pay For According to OpenSecrets.com, 13 of the top 25 political donors are Jews—That’s 52%. According to the U.S. census, Jews are 2.4% of the population of the United States (7.6 million). Those top 25... Read More
We’ve got some new information about Pfizer, the pharmaceutical company that has designed one of the deadly coronavirus vaccines from The Intercept’s Lee Fang. He’s gotten ahold of internal documents, which were intended for investors. Currently, Pfizer claims that you need two injections of the “vaccine” in order for it to work. However, Fang has... Read More
Or…How The US Supreme Court Forever Sold Its Gavel in CITIZENS UNITED
In late January, almost all media failed in their duties, as did the US Supreme court a decade ago, to bring you the true and most important- and unreported- story of this generation in American election politics. It is now ten years since the United States Supreme Court vacated its duties regarding the US constitution,... Read More
Watching the last Democratic debate, you would think the candidates were vying for an electorate that is 90% black and illegal alien. Issues like jobs, infrastructure, even foreign policy were largely ignored. The novel, populist positions of Bernie Sanders have been canceled out by his insane immigration platform. Elizabeth Warren, who is attempting to synthesize... Read More
Former Obama speechwriter, confidant, and deputy national security advisor Ben Rhodes had an all-encompassing label for the wonks, experts, think tankers, cable news talking heads, and former or future officials, always ready to spin through Washington’s infamous revolving door, who make up the capital’s “foreign policy community.” He called them “the Blob,” a crew, as... Read More
One of the new Democratic House majority’s top priorities is so-called campaign finance reform legislation. Contrary to the claims of its supporters, campaign finance reform legislation does not limit the influence of powerful special interests. Instead, it violates the First Amendment and burdens those seeking real change in government. The First Amendment of the Constitution... Read More
If you were sleeping in 2010 when the Supreme Court -- you know, the perfectly reasonable one that didn’t yet have Brett Kavanaugh on it -- made political spending a form of free speech with its Citizens United case, you may not yet know that American politics is increasingly a possession of the 1%. In... Read More
How Saudi Money Keeps Washington at War in Yemen
It was May 2017. The Saudis were growing increasingly nervous. For more than two years they had been relying heavily on U.S. military support and bombs to defeat Houthi rebels in Yemen. Now, the Senate was considering a bipartisan resolution to cut off military aid and halt a big sale of American-made bombs to Saudi... Read More
Christopher Halloran / Shutterstock.com
Making Millions From White Guilt
Peter Brimelow writes: The curse of campaign consultants has long been one of our interests at VDARE.com. So, for that matter, has the peculiarcultural and political allure of the “Numinous Negro”, to use my old National Review colleague Rick Brookhiser’s term, which would now probably get himDerbyshired. Dr. Ben Carson (who to his credit has... Read More
The Bush Family Goes for Number Three (With the Help of Its Bankers)
[This piece has been adapted and updated by Nomi Prins from her book All the Presidents' Bankers: The Hidden Alliances That Drive American Power, recently out in paperback (Nation Books).] It’s happening. As expected, dynastic politics is prevailing in campaign 2016. After a tease about as long as Hillary’s, Jeb Bush (aka Jeb!) officially announced... Read More
The Rebirth of Family Capitalism or How the Koch Brothers, Sheldon Adelson, Sam Walton, Bill Gates, and Other...
George Baer was a railroad and coal mining magnate at the turn of the twentieth century. Amid a violent and protracted strike that shut down much of the country’s anthracite coal industry, Baer defied President Teddy Roosevelt’s appeal to arbitrate the issues at stake, saying, “The rights and interests of the laboring man will be... Read More
Think of this as the year that democracy of, by, and for the billionaires shall not perish from the Earth -- not when we’re on a new electoral playing field in a political world in which distinctions are no longer made between unlimited money and unlimited speech. In other words, these days, if you have... Read More
Jamaica’s Port Royal used to be called the wickedest city on earth. During the 1600’s, it was a favorite lair for pirates, buccaneers like Henry Morgan, , cutthroats, and assorted criminals. To paraphrase Somerset Maugham’s wonderful quip about Monaco, “a sunny place for shady people.” In 1692, a massive earthquake plunged most of this tropical... Read More
Go ahead, spend lots of cash. You’ll still lose.
Yesterday, the National Association of Bilingual Educators concluded its 2001 annual national convention in Phoenix on a desperate note. According to a front-page story in the Arizona Republic, the 7,000 participants were beseeched to pony up millions of dollars to fight the forthcoming state-wide "English for the Children" campaigns in Colorado, Massachusetts, New York, and... Read More
For the first time in living memory, California's entire diverse galaxy of campaign finance reform groups has united behind a single ballot measure campaign. Surprisingly, this reform grand alliance is actually aimed at defeating a campaign finance reform proposal--namely, Proposition 34, a measure placed on the November ballot by Gov. Gray Davis and the Democrats.... Read More
Our campaign finance reform measure---Prop. 25 ---was overwhelmingly defeated by the Democratic Party and their close union allies (with the Republicans cheering them on from the sidelines). Fortunately, this same powerful coalition had failed to defeat the earlier Prop. 227, whose excellent results continue to gain attention in the media. I enclose the most recent... Read More
PALO ALTO, Calif. -- Tuesday's crushing defeat of a sweeping campaign finance measure in California thwarted reform in a state much in need of it. It also put the lie to the conventional wisdom that the Democratic Party is less opposed to campaign reform than the Republicans are. With absolutely no limits on the size... Read More
This past Wednesday, even as Democratic Presidential candidates Al Gore and Bill Bradley were debating in Los Angeles over which was the stronger supporter of campaign finance reform, the California Democratic Party was pouring $500,000 into the campaign to defeat the campaign finance reform measure---Prop. 25---on the same March 7th ballot. This should come as... Read More
Everyone agrees that the current campaign-finance system is dreadfully flawed, consisting as it does of a mishmash of contribution limits unadjusted for 25 years of inflation and a gigantic "soft money" loophole that has grown large enough to devour any and all financial restrictions. But the virtual defeat yesterday of the McCain-Feingold bill marks an... Read More
The flow of money to candidates and causes calls the idea of the people's best interests into question
There are many areas of the world where ordinary citizens suspect that their elections are for sale. But California is one of the few places where these purchases are publicly disclosed. Consider last November's Proposition 9, an initiative sponsored by consumer activists that would have slashed utility rates in the state. The utility companies spent... Read More
The recent release of campaign finance reports for the first half of 1999 has revealed a surprising fact: unlike its national counterpart, the California Republican Party has suddenly become the party of the poor. Early press accounts mostly emphasized the astonishing pace of Democratic Gov. Gray Davis’s post-election fund-raising, in which he racked up nearly... Read More
I'm attaching below a very comprehensive and generally rather positive profile of my activities which just appeared as the cover story of the current issue of The New Republic. I've been a subscriber to TNR for almost fifteen years---it's long been one of my favorite publications---but I certainly never expected to make the cover any... Read More
The Shaping Event of Our Modern World
Analyzing the History of a Controversial Movement
The JFK Assassination and the 9/11 Attacks?