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Frederick L. Nussbaum Archives
Frederick L. Nussbaum • 22 Items / 3 Articles, 15 Reviews, 4 Books
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  1. American Tobacco and French Politics, 1783-1789
    Political Science Quarterly, December 1925, pp. 497-516
  2. [+]
    Book Notes (Review)
    The Grain Supply in England During the Napolonic Period, by W. Freeman Galpin
    1. The Grain Supply in England During the Napolonic Period by W. Freeman Galpin
    Political Science Quarterly, December 1926, p. 650
  3. [+]
    Book Notes (Review)
    The Price of Peace, by William H. Beveridge
    1. The Price of Peace by William H. Beveridge
    Political Science Quarterly, March 1946, p. 152
  4. [+]
    Books of Medieval and Modern European History (Review)
    The Assignats, by S.E. Harris
    1. The Assignats by S.E. Harris
    The American Historical Review, October 1930, p. 131
  5. [+]
    Books of Modern History (2 Reviews)
    Aspects of the Rise of Economic Individualism, by Hector Menteith Robertson
    1. Aspects of the Rise of Economic Individualism by Hector Menteith Robertson
    2. The Economic Morals of the Jesuits by James Brodrick
    The American Historical Review, January 1935, p. 328
  6. Books of Modern History
    The American Historical Review, October 1935, p. 132
  7. Commercial Policy in the French Revolution (1923)
    A Study of the Career of G. J. A. Ducher
    1 Review
  8. The Deputies Extraordinary of Commerce and the French Monarchy
    Political Science Quarterly, December 1933, pp. 534-555
  9. An Early History of the Economic Institutions of Europe (1933)
    2 Reviews, 1 Readable
  10. The Formation of the New East India Company of Calonne
    The American Historical Review, April 1933, pp. 475-497
  11. Reviews of Books
    General (Review)
    Architects and Craftsmen in History,
    1. Architects and Craftsmen in History
    The American Historical Review, April 1958, p. 638
  12. [+]
    General History (Review)
    History of Economic Analysis, by Joseph A. Schumpeter and Elizabeth Boody Schumpeter, ...
    1. History of Economic Analysis by Joseph A. Schumpeter and Elizabeth Boody Schumpeter, ...
    The American Historical Review, October 1954, pp. 62-63
  13. General History
    The American Historical Review, July 1955, p. 931
  14. [+]
    General History (Review)
    De Praeda Militari: Looting and Booty, 1500-1815, by Fritz Redlich
    1. De Praeda Militari: Looting and Booty, 1500-1815 by Fritz Redlich
    The American Historical Review, October 1956, p. 174
  15. Germany, Austria, and Switzerland
    The American Historical Review, April 1954, p. 702
  16. A History of the Economic Institutions of Modern Europe (1933)
    An Introduction to der Moderne Kapitalismus of Werner Sombart
    2 Reviews
  17. [+]
    Modern European History (Review)
    Turgot and the "Ancient Regime" in France, by Douglas Dakin
    1. Turgot and the "Ancient Regime" in France by Douglas Dakin
    The American Historical Review, July 1940, p. 865
  18. [+]
    Reviews (Review)
    Lafayette Between the American and French Revolution, by Louis R. Gottschalk
    1. Lafayette Between the American and French Revolution by Louis R. Gottschalk
    Political Science Quarterly, December 1950, pp. 628-629
  19. Shorter Notices
    The American Historical Review, July 1933, p. 793
  20. [+]
    Shorter Notices (Review)
    Dupleix and His Letters, 1742-1754, by Virginia McLean Thompson
    1. Dupleix and His Letters, 1742-1754 by Virginia McLean Thompson
    The American Historical Review, July 1934, p. 771
  21. Shorter Notices
    The American Historical Review, October 1934, p. 165
  22. The Triumph of Science and Reason, 1660-1685 (1953)
    2 Reviews
  23. No Items Found