The Unz Review: An Alternative Media Selection
A Collection of Interesting, Important, and Controversial Perspectives Largely Excluded from the American Mainstream Media
Milton S. Mayer Archives
Milton S. Mayer •ï¿½51 Items / 5 Books, 44 Articles, 2 Reviews
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  1. The American Legion Takes Orders
    The American Mercury, October 1939, pp. 148-157
  2. Amoebic Dysentry in Chicago
    A Mystery Unraveld
    The Forum, July 1934, pp. 3-9
  3. A Matter of Justice
    The Case of Roger Touhy
    The Reporter, November 17, 1955, pp. 12-20
  4. Charlotte Carr---Settlement Lady
    The Atlantic Monthly, December 1938, pp. 741-748
  5. Chicago Doesn't Care
    The Nation, February 5, 1938, pp. 149-151
  6. Chicago Is Broke
    The Nation, February 13, 1937, pp. 177-179
  7. The Chicago Sun
    The Nation, March 7, 1942, pp. 279-282
  8. Chicago---City of Unrest
    Even There Communism Has Made No Headway
    The Forum, January 1933, pp. 46-51
  9. Chicago: Time for Another Fire
    The Harpers Monthly, November 1938, pp. 561-571
  10. Christ Under Communism
    The Harpers Monthly, August 1960, pp. 29-36
  11. The Dogged Retreat of the Doctors
    The Harpers Monthly, December 1949, pp. 25-37
  12. The Germans: Their Cause and Cure
    Part I
    The Harpers Monthly, December 1953, pp. 23-30
  13. The Girl from Sewickley, Pa.
    The Harpers Monthly, December 1956, pp. 32-33
  14. Give Us a Demagogue
    The Forum, November 1932, pp. 274-277
  15. Green Batting for Hearst
    The New Republic, May 31, 1939, p. 98
  16. The Guild Invades Chicago
    The Nation, January 16, 1937, pp. 68-69
  17. How to Read the Chicago Tribune
    The Harpers Monthly, April 1949, pp. 24-34
  18. How to Wreck Your Schools
    The Forum, May 1937, pp. 259-265
  19. Hutchins of Chicago, Part I
    The Harpers Monthly, March 1939, pp. 344-355
  20. Hutchins of Chicago, Part II
    The Harpers Monthly, April 1939, pp. 543-552
  21. It's Hell to Be a Chicago Liberal
    The Nation, February 25, 1939, p. 223
  22. To Know and to Do
    The Saturday Review, February 15, 1964, pp. 62-63
  23. Letter from Academe: The Life of Professor Riley
    The Harpers Monthly, October 1967, pp. 88-89
  24. A Man with a Country
    The Harpers Monthly, March 1964, pp. 88-97
  25. Men Who Would Be President
    III. Pretty Boy McNutt
    The Nation, March 30, 1940, pp. 415-417
  26. Men Who Would Be President, VI
    Try to Find Vandenberg
    The Nation, May 11, 1940, pp. 587-589
  27. Mrs. Dilling
    Lady of The Red Network
    The American Mercury, July 1939, pp. 293-299
  28. A Much Better Mousetrap
    The Harpers Monthly, February 1967, pp. 77-80
  29. My Life as "Frank Hughes"
    Commonweal, September 8, 1950, pp. 527-530
  30. My Ten Anti-Semitic Friends
    The Germans: Their Cause and Cure, Part II
    The Harpers Monthly, January 1954, pp. 70-77
  31. Myth of the "G Men"
    The Forum, September 1935, pp. 144-148
  32. Negro, Jewish, and Italian Hair
    The Harpers Monthly, July 1965, pp. 44-45
  33. On Liberty: Man V. the State (1969)
  34. Portrait of a Dangerous Man
    The Harpers Monthly, July 1946, pp. 57-68
  35. The Professor's Beret
    The Nation, November 27, 1948, p. 605
  36. Rapidly Aging Young Man
    The Forum, November 1933, pp. 308-313
  37. The Revolution in Education (1958)
    2 Reviews, 1 Readable
  38. The Rise and Fall of Dr. Fishbein
    The Harpers Monthly, November 1949, pp. 76-84
  39. [+]
    The Sins of the Poor (Review)
    Gem of the Prairie, by Herbert Asbury
    1. Gem of the Prairie by Herbert Asbury
    The Nation, October 26, 1940, p. 398
  40. Sit This One Out?
    Commonweal, October 23, 1953, pp. 55-57
  41. Slow Death in Illinois
    The Nation, April 17, 1937, pp. 432-433
  42. Socrates Crosses the Delaware
    The Harpers Monthly, June 1939, pp. 64-75
  43. Steps in the Dark (1931)
    1 Review, 1 Readable
  44. That Legionnaire Is Here Again
    The Nation, May 21, 1938, pp. 586-587
  45. These Few (1947)
    1 Review, 1 Readable
  46. They Thought They Were Free (1955)
    The Germans, 1933-45
    4 Reviews, 2 Readable
  47. [+]
    Touhy's End (Review)
    The Stolen Years, by Roger Touhy and Ray Brennan
    1. The Stolen Years by Roger Touhy and Ray Brennan
    The Reporter, February 18, 1960, pp. 55-58
  48. The Uncalculated Risk
    The Germans: Their Cause and Cure, Part III
    The Harpers Monthly, February 1954, pp. 82-90
  49. The Vestige of God
    Commonweal, April 14, 1950, pp. 11-14
  50. What Shall We Do with Our Ex-Presidents?
    The Forum, March 1933, pp. 185-189
  51. When Teachers Strike
    Chicago Learns Another Lesson
    The Forum, August 1933, pp. 121-124
  52. No Items Found