The Unz Review: An Alternative Media Selection
A Collection of Interesting, Important, and Controversial Perspectives Largely Excluded from the American Mainstream Media
Eduard C. Lindeman Archives
Eduard C. Lindeman •ï¿½96 Items / 36 Articles, 52 Reviews, 8 Books
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  1. Adult Education Section
    Adult Education: A New Means for Liberals
    The New Republic, February 22, 1928, pp. 26-29
  2. After Lyceums and Chautauquas, What?
    The Bookman, May 1927, pp. 246-250
  3. [+]
    American Schism (Review)
    The Police and Minority Groups, by Joseph D. Lohman
    1. The Police and Minority Groups by Joseph D. Lohman
    The Saturday Review, December 6, 1947, p. 83
  4. [+]
    Animal Society (Review)
    The Social Life in the Animal World, by Friedrich Alverdes
    1. The Social Life in the Animal World by Friedrich Alverdes
    The New Republic, September 26, 1928, p. 158
  5. [+]
    Arbitrary Individuals (Review)
    The Process of Group Thinking, by Harrison S. Elliott
    1. The Process of Group Thinking by Harrison S. Elliott
    The New Republic, August 8, 1928, p. 312
  6. [+]
    The Basis of Social Theory (Review)
    The Basis of Social Theory, by Albert G.A. Balz and William S.A. Pott
    1. The Basis of Social Theory by Albert G.A. Balz and William S.A. Pott
    The New Republic, December 10, 1924, p. 15
  7. [+]
    Ben Lindsey Speaks Out (Review)
    The Revolt of Modern Youth, by Ben B. Lindsey and Wainwright Evans
    1. The Revolt of Modern Youth by Ben B. Lindsey and Wainwright Evans
    The Saturday Review, May 8, 1926, p. 768
  8. [+]
    Civilization and the Cortex (2 Reviews)
    Brains of Rats and Men, by C. Judson Herrick
    1. Brains of Rats and Men by C. Judson Herrick
    2. Fatalism or Freedom by C. Judson Herrick
    The New Republic, March 2, 1927, p. 50
  9. The Collapse of the Fishing Industry
    The New Republic, November 28, 1923, p. 17
  10. The Common Man as Reader
    The Saturday Review, May 9, 1953, pp. 11-12
  11. A Communication
    The New Republic, December 29, 1941, p. 894
  12. The Community (1921)
  13. General Articles
    Conference and Compromise
    The New Republic, November 20, 1929, p. 364
  14. Cooperation in Tobacco
    The New Republic, September 6, 1922, p. 44
  15. [+]
    Country Life and the Rural Press (5 Reviews)
    The Country Newspaper, by Malcolm M. Willey
    1. The Country Newspaper by Malcolm M. Willey
    2. Agricultural Journalism by Nelson Antrim Crawford and Charles Elkin Rogers, ...
    3. Handbook of Rural Social Resources by Henry Israel and Benson Y. Landis
    4. The Folk High Schools of Denmark and the Development of a Farming Community by Holger Begtrup, Hans Lund, and Peter Manniche
    5. A Short Survey of Agriculture in Denmark by Hans Hertel
    The New Republic, December 8, 1926, p. 84
  16. Death of a German Generation
    The New Republic, November 26, 1945, pp. 705-706
  17. The Democratic Man (1956)
    Selected Writings
    2 Reviews, 2 Readable
  18. [+]
    Design for Learning (Review)
    Design for America, by Theodore B. Brameld
    1. Design for America by Theodore B. Brameld
    The New Republic, July 2, 1945, p. 29
  19. Division in Education
    The New Republic, June 12, 1944, p. 783
  20. [+]
    Dr. Eliot and Others (2 Reviews)
    Charles W. Eliot's Talks to Parents and Young People, by Edward H. Cotton and Charles W...
    1. Charles W. Eliot's Talks to Parents and Young People by Edward H. Cotton and Charles W. Eliot
    2. Sex in Civilization by V.F. Calverton and Samuel D. Schmalhausen
    The New Republic, June 26, 1929, p. 159
  21. Dynamic Social Research (1934)
    1 Review
  22. General Articles
    The Education of Al Smith
    The New Republic, November 7, 1928, p. 319
  23. [+]
    Education: the Antidote for Social Disorders (2 Reviews)
    Social Problems and Education, by Ernest R. Groves
    1. Social Problems and Education by Ernest R. Groves
    2. Practical Social Science by John A. Lapp
    The New Republic, July 28, 1926, p. 285
  24. General Articles
    Emerging American Philosophy
    The New Republic, November 19, 1924, p. 290
  25. Emerson: Radical Democrat
    Common Ground, Winter 1942, pp. 3-6
  26. Emerson: The Basic Writings of America's Sage (1947)
    1 Review, 1 Readable
  27. Emerson's Pragmatic Mood
    The American Scholar, Winter 1947, pp. 57-64
  28. [+]
    English Insight (2 Reviews)
    The Foundations of Education, by Joseph J. Findlay
    1. The Foundations of Education by Joseph J. Findlay
    2. Constructive Citizenship by L.P. Jacks
    The New Republic, October 10, 1928, p. 216
  29. Fascist Sympathies in the United States
    The Nation, September 10, 1930, pp. 267-268
  30. Foundations
    The New Republic, December 16, 1936, pp. 213-214
  31. Framework for Social Planning
    The Survey, February 1, 1936, pp. 42-43
  32. [+]
    From Plato to Pegler (Review)
    Social-Economic Movements, by Harry W. Laidler
    1. Social-Economic Movements by Harry W. Laidler
    The New Republic, November 27, 1944, p. 701
  33. Give a Lead
    The New Republic, October 14, 1925, p. 196
  34. [+]
    God-driven Man of India (Review)
    The Life of Mahatma Gandhi, by Louis Fischer
    1. The Life of Mahatma Gandhi by Louis Fischer
    The Saturday Review, September 16, 1950, p. 11
  35. [+]
    Grimhaven (Review)
    Grimhaven, by Robert Joyce Tasker
    1. Grimhaven by Robert Joyce Tasker
    The New Republic, October 24, 1928, p. 280
  36. [+]
    Human Ecology (Review)
    Social Ecology, by Milla Aissa Alihan
    1. Social Ecology by Milla Aissa Alihan
    The New Republic, May 24, 1939, p. 79
  37. [+]
    An Hypothesis of Cultural Lag (Review)
    Social Change, by William Fielding Ogburn
    1. Social Change by William Fielding Ogburn
    The New Republic, April 30, 1924, p. 265
  38. [+]
    Industrial Conflict (Review)
    The Strike: A Study in Collective Action, by Ernest T. Hiller
    1. The Strike: A Study in Collective Action by Ernest T. Hiller
    The Saturday Review, April 13, 1929, pp. 884-885
  39. Industrial Technique and Social Ethics
    The Survey, August 1, 1923, pp. 492-495
  40. Inside the German Mind
    The Saturday Review, December 15, 1945, pp. 5-6
  41. [+]
    Institutional Largess (2 Reviews)
    Funds and Foundations: Their Policies, Past and Present, by Abraham Flexner and Esther ...
    1. Funds and Foundations: Their Policies, Past and Present by Abraham Flexner and Esther S. Bailey
    2. The Story of the Rockefeller Foundation by Raymond B. Fosdick
    The Saturday Review, April 19, 1952, p. 26
  42. Integrating the Carol Kennicotts
    The New Republic, December 23, 1925, pp. 130-131
  43. Is Human Nature Changing in Russia?
    The New Republic, March 8, 1933, pp. 95-97
  44. [+]
    Joining in Public Discussion (Review)
    Joining in Public Discussions, by Alfred Dwight Sheffield
    1. Joining in Public Discussions by Alfred Dwight Sheffield
    The New Republic, December 27, 1922, p. 127
  45. Reviews of Books
    Labor's Outlook to Life (Review)
    The Philosophy of Labor, by C. Delisle Burns
    1. The Philosophy of Labor by C. Delisle Burns
    The New Republic, August 25, 1926, p. 22
  46. Letters & Life
    The Survey, May 1, 1932, pp. 146-163
  47. [+]
    Little Business and Big (Review)
    Concept of the Corporation, by Peter F. Drucker
    1. Concept of the Corporation by Peter F. Drucker
    The Saturday Review, July 27, 1946, p. 17
  48. [+]
    Machine, Law, and Medicine (3 Reviews)
    Ouroboros: The Mechanical Extension of Mankind, by Garet Garrett
    1. Ouroboros: The Mechanical Extension of Mankind by Garet Garrett
    2. Lycurgus: The Future of Law by E.S.P. Haynes
    3. Pygmalion: The Doctor of the Future by R. McNair Wilson
    The Saturday Review, February 27, 1926, p. 590
  49. A Man of Wisdom
    The New Republic, July 16, 1930, pp. 263-265
  50. [+]
    Man's Quest for Social Guidance (9 Reviews)
    Man's Quest for Social Guidance, by Howard W. Odum
    1. Man's Quest for Social Guidance by Howard W. Odum
    2. The Science of Social Relationships by Hornell Hart
    3. An Introduction to Sociology by Jerome Davis and Harry Elmer Barnes
    4. Recent Developments in the Social Sciences by Edward Cary Hayes
    5. The Polish Peasant in Europe and America by William I. Thomas and Florian Znaniecki
    6. Case Studies in Community Organization by Walter W. Pettit
    7. Social Mobility by Pitirim A. Sorokin
    8. Contemporary Sociological Theories by Pitirim A. Sorokin
    9. Readings in Urban Sociology by Scott E.W. Bedford
    The New Republic, April 25, 1928, pp. 303-304
  51. The Meaning of Adult Education (1927)
    3 Reviews, 2 Readable
  52. Morality for the Atomic Age
    The Forum, November 1, 1945
  53. [+]
    Multiple-Cause Crusader (Review)
    So Far, So Good, by Morris L. Ernst
    1. So Far, So Good by Morris L. Ernst
    The Saturday Review, November 13, 1948, p. 13
  54. A New Challenge to the Spirit of 1776
    The Survey, March 1, 1927, pp. 679-682
  55. Newer Currents of Thought on Parent Education
    The New Republic, July 6, 1927, pp. 172-173
  56. [+]
    Not the Least of These United States (Review)
    Rural Texas, by William Bennett Bizzell
    1. Rural Texas by William Bennett Bizzell
    The Nation, July 9, 1924, p. 53
  57. Notes on the Changing South
    The New Republic, April 28, 1926, p. 299
  58. [+]
    On the Road toward Industrial Science (2 Reviews)
    What the Employer Thinks, by J. David Houser
    1. What the Employer Thinks by J. David Houser
    2. The Americanization of Labor by Robert W. Dunn
    The New Republic, March 7, 1928, p. 104
  59. [+]
    On What Foundation? (2 Reviews)
    Money to Burn, by Horace Coon
    1. Money to Burn by Horace Coon
    2. Philanthropic Foundations and Higher Education by Ernest Victor Hollis
    The New Republic, January 18, 1939, p. 321
  60. [+]
    Philanthropic Money (Review)
    Money to Burn, by Horace Coon
    1. Money to Burn by Horace Coon
    The Nation, January 28, 1939, p. 126
  61. [+]
    Please Help Me (Review)
    Social Work Education in the United States, by Ernest V. Hollis and Alice L. Taylor
    1. Social Work Education in the United States by Ernest V. Hollis and Alice L. Taylor
    The Saturday Review, July 26, 1952, p. 20
  62. [+]
    Political Science: New Style (Review)
    Boss Platt and His New York Machine, by Harold F. Gosnell
    1. Boss Platt and His New York Machine by Harold F. Gosnell
    The New Republic, March 12, 1924, p. 75
  63. [+]
    Psychology Put to Work (Review)
    Influencing Human Behavior, by H.A. Overstreet
    1. Influencing Human Behavior by H.A. Overstreet
    The New Republic, May 26, 1926, p. 40
  64. Radio Fallacies
    The New Republic, April 23, 1924, pp. 227-228
  65. Recreation and Rural Health (1920)
  66. [+]
    Redeeming Village Life (2 Reviews)
    American Villagers, by C. Luther Fry
    1. American Villagers by C. Luther Fry
    2. American Agricultural Villages by Edmund de Schweinitz Brunner and Gwendolyn S. Hughes, ...
    The New Republic, April 20, 1927, p. 254
  67. Resources of the Mind
    The New Republic, December 2, 1940, pp. 750-751
  68. The Responsibilities of Birth Control
    The Atlantic Monthly, July 1939, pp. 22-28
  69. [+]
    Result of Riches (Review)
    The Mind of the Millionaire, by Albert W. Atwood
    1. The Mind of the Millionaire by Albert W. Atwood
    The Saturday Review, December 18, 1926, pp. 452-453
  70. [+]
    Reviews (Review)
    The American Democracy, by Harold J. Laski
    1. The American Democracy by Harold J. Laski
    Political Science Quarterly, December 1948, pp. 599-600
  71. [+]
    Rosenwald Adventure in Philanthropy (Review)
    Investment in People, by Edwin R. Embree and Julia Waxman
    1. Investment in People by Edwin R. Embree and Julia Waxman
    The Saturday Review, February 26, 1949, p. 24
  72. [+]
    Rural Diagnosis and Therapeutics (4 Reviews)
    Rural Texas, by William Bennett Bizzell
    1. Rural Texas by William Bennett Bizzell
    2. The Farmer and His Farm by Frank App and Carl Raymond Woodward
    3. Rural Social Problems by Charles Josiah Galpin
    4. A Christian Program for the Rural Community by Kenyon L. Butterfield
    The New Republic, October 1, 1924, p. 11
  73. [+]
    Rural Youth: Another Neglected Aspect (Review)
    How Shall Country Youth Be Served?, by H. Paul Douglass
    1. How Shall Country Youth Be Served? by H. Paul Douglass
    The New Republic, April 7, 1926, pp. 205-207
  74. Sapiro, the Spectacular
    The New Republic, April 13, 1927, pp. 216-217
  75. Reviews of Books
    Science and the Self (Review)
    Free-Thought in the Social Sciences, by J.A. Hobson
    1. Free-Thought in the Social Sciences by J.A. Hobson
    The New Republic, April 28, 1926, p. 307
  76. [+]
    Scientific Idealism (Review)
    Science and the Modern World, by Alfred North Whitehead
    1. Science and the Modern World by Alfred North Whitehead
    The Saturday Review, March 27, 1926, p. 661
  77. Shall Social Work Be Public, Private, or Both?
    The Survey, May 1, 1934, pp. 152-153
  78. Social Discovery (1924)
    An Approach to the Study of Functional Groups
    2 Reviews
  79. Social Workers Hesitate and Then---?
    The Survey, January 1, 1933, pp. 13-15
  80. Social Workers in the Depression
    The Nation, March 7, 1934, p. 274
  81. [+]
    Sociological Miscellany (7 Reviews)
    American Marriage and Family Relationships, by Ernest R. Groves and William F. Ogburn
    1. American Marriage and Family Relationships by Ernest R. Groves and William F. Ogburn
    2. The Family in the Making by Mary Burt Messer
    3. America's Sex and Marriage Problems by William J. Robinson
    4. Living in the Twentieth Century by Harry Elmer Barnes
    5. Community Problems by Arthur Evans Wood
    6. The American Community in Action by Jesse F. Steiner
    7. Elements of Rural Sociology by Newell LeRoy Sims
    The New Republic, February 20, 1929, pp. 24-25
  82. [+]
    Sociology (3 Reviews)
    Regional Sociology, by Radhakamal Mukerjee
    1. Regional Sociology by Radhakamal Mukerjee
    2. History of Human Society by Frank W. Blackmar
    3. Historical Materialism by Nikolai I. Bukharin
    The Saturday Review, September 4, 1926, p. 89
  83. [+]
    The Sociology of Values (Review)
    The Evolution of Values, by Celestin C.A. Bougle
    1. The Evolution of Values by Celestin C.A. Bougle
    The New Republic, May 11, 1927, pp. 342-343
  84. [+]
    Sociology Steps Forward (Review)
    Society: Its Structure and Changes, by R.M. MacIver
    1. Society: Its Structure and Changes by R.M. MacIver
    The New Republic, May 11, 1932, p. 359
  85. [+]
    Sociology Synthesized (Review)
    Understanding Society, by Howard W. Odum
    1. Understanding Society by Howard W. Odum
    The Saturday Review, December 27, 1947, p. 12
  86. [+]
    Sociology: Historical, Applied and Speculative (6 Reviews)
    American Masters of Social Science, by Howard W. Odum
    1. American Masters of Social Science by Howard W. Odum
    2. Social Differentiation by Cecil Clare North
    3. Social Progress by Ulysses G. Weatherly
    4. Social Adjustment by Robert C. Dexter
    5. The Myth of the Individual by Charles W. Wood
    6. Teaching the Social Studies by Edgar Dawson
    The New Republic, December 28, 1927, p. 172
  87. [+]
    Stalin as Brake on Communism (Review)
    Stalin, by Leon Trotsky and Charles Malamuth
    1. Stalin by Leon Trotsky and Charles Malamuth
    The Saturday Review, May 11, 1946, p. 9
  88. [+]
    Synthetic Sociology (Review)
    The Psychology of Human Society, by Charles A. Ellwood
    1. The Psychology of Human Society by Charles A. Ellwood
    The New Republic, February 10, 1926, p. 337
  89. Telephones
    The Survey, March 1, 1932, pp. 595-599
  90. Toward Resilient Faith
    The Survey, March 1, 1934, pp. 76-77
  91. [+]
    Values in Adult Education (2 Reviews)
    Spiritual Values in Adult Education, by Basil A. Yeaxlee
    1. Spiritual Values in Adult Education by Basil A. Yeaxlee
    2. The Way Out by Oliver F.G. Stanley
    The New Republic, June 9, 1926, pp. 96-97
  92. Wealth and Culture (1936)
    A Study of One Hundred Foundations and Community Trusts and Their Operations ...
    2 Reviews, 2 Readable
  93. [+]
    What Is Child Labor? (Review)
    The Meaning of Child Labor, by Raymond Garfield Fuller
    1. The Meaning of Child Labor by Raymond Garfield Fuller
    The New Republic, July 11, 1923, pp. 187-188
  94. What Is Maladjustment?
    The Survey, November 15, 1923, p. 189
  95. [+]
    Whither British Agriculture? (Review)
    The Tenure of Agricultural Land, by Charles S. Orwin and W.R. Peel
    1. The Tenure of Agricultural Land by Charles S. Orwin and W.R. Peel
    The New Republic, December 16, 1925, p. 116
  96. [+]
    Why Do Students Study? (Review)
    Incentives to Study, by Albert Beecher Crawford
    1. Incentives to Study by Albert Beecher Crawford
    The New Republic, June 12, 1929, p. 107
  97. No Items Found