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That's my new motto. Day 4 of my April iSteve fundraiser. Nothing more encourages me to keep up the good fight than your support, intellectual, moral, and financial. I greatly appreciate it. Here are seven ways to contribute: First: You can use PayPal (non-tax deductible) by going to the page on my old blog here.... Read More
David Frum writes in The Atlantic: Donald Trump’s noisy complaints that immigration is out of control are literally true. Nobody is making conscious decisions about who is wanted and who is not, about how much immigration to accept and what kind to prioritize—not even for the portion of U.S. migration conducted according to law, much... Read More
It's been a good 2015 at iSteve. If I kill myself blogging all the way through 12/31/15, I might reach 10,000,000 pageviews for the year, which would be a gratifyingly round number. On the other hand, because my traffic goes up when terrible and stupid things happen in the world, for the sake of Christmas... Read More
The first day of the second iSteve fundraising drive of 2015 was extremely successful. I'm most grateful to all those who helped out. Here’s how you too can help: - First: You can use PayPal (non-tax deductible) by going to the page on my old bloghere. PayPal accepts most credit cards. Contributions can be either... Read More
It's time for the second iSteve fundraising drive of 2015. The April event four months ago was a success due to your generosity. I intend to stabilize upon a steady three panhandling sessions per year, on an April - August - December schedule. Some stats: - Over the last four months, I've made 468 blog... Read More
Thanks to you all, this blog continues to set new records for readership and comments. Over the last week, for example, I've approved approximately 3,310 comments. One interesting aspect of the success of iSteve is how old school this operation is. This is unapologetically an old-fashioned blog for readers with long attention spans rather than... Read More
I want to thank everybody who contributed last week to my end of the year fundraising drive. But it's not the end of the year yet, so it's not the end of the end of the year fundraiser yet either! I now have seven ways for you to send me money, including Paypal, fee-free bank... Read More
It was another good day for fundraising, what with the national media's fraternity gang rape story taking some hilarious turns (which you can read below). Thanks. So I'm going to rattle the tin cup again. My readers have been generous to me over the years, and so I turn to you again for help. I... Read More
Thanks, we're off to an encouraging start in my end-of-year fundraising drive, with one excessively generous contribution just arriving and many most kinds ones as well. I want to express my appreciation to all those who given so far. My readers have been generous to me over the years, and so I turn to you... Read More
Thanks, we're off to a most encouraging start in my end-of-year fundraising drive. I want to express my appreciation to all those who gave on Day 1. My readers have been generous to me over the years, and so I turn to you again for help. I now have seven ways for you to send... Read More
I want to thank those kind readers who have spontaneously sent me money today without my even asking. So, this seems like a good time to kick off my end-of-year fundraising drive. I promised my wife I'd do one every quarter this year, but I believe this is only my third of 2014. The thought... Read More
I want to thank everybody who has contributed to the first day of 2014's second quarterly iSteve fundraiser. I now have seven ways for you to send me money, including Paypal, Bitcoin, and fee-free bank transfers. First: You can use PayPal (non-tax deductible) by going to the page on my old blog here. PayPal accepts... Read More
I vowed to my wife last year that I'd get on a schedule of four fundraising drives per year. As usual, though, I'd rather blog for you than deal with workaday issues, so it took me until May to get the first one off the ground for 2014. I want to thank everybody who made... Read More
I want to thank everybody who has participated in the first 2014 iSteve fundraiser so far. Due to popular demand, I'm going to try out accepting Bitcoins. I'm using Coinbase as a sort of Paypal for Bitcoins. This Coinbase startup is backed by the prestigious venture capital firm of Andreesen Horowitz so it has been... Read More
My father and I,Cabo San Lucas, 1986Today was a very good day in the first iSteve fundraising drive of 2014. I want to thank everybody who has made a sacrifice to help me out.�My wife got home from work about 8PM tonight and I gave her the encouraging news as we ate dinner off paper... Read More
This is my dog Barney in about 1975. He was a good dog.Barney isn't particularly germane to my thanking those of you who have donated to my first fundraising drive of 2014, but these occasions are a fine excuse for posting random old pictures.I'm informed that up through the end of 2013, my iSteve.Blogspot.com postings... Read More
Whatever happened to Cocker Spaniels? They were the most popular breed of dog in America about a half century ago, but you seldom hear of them anymore. Here's me and my puppy Topper in about 1965. This is one of the few pictures from that era�in which I'm not pointing a toy gun at the... Read More
Dear Readers:It's time for my first fundraising drive of 2014. I last asked you to help support my work back in December, and you were quite generous. I'd like to thank everyone who chipped in last winter.Since I last announced a fundraiser, I've made 596 posts here at iSteve in 2104. This year, my blog... Read More
I'm not sure what I'm aiming at you in this picture -- perhaps the controller for my new wire-guided tank (the big tank, not the little tank to the left of the tree).A few days ago, we mulled over the musical question raised by Sudden Death of Stars: What Is Winter Good For?�Yet the answer... Read More
Here's the cover picture of the new single "What Is Winter Good For?" by the French rock band Sudden Death of Stars. The song is pretty good! You can buy it on vinyl here. By the way, that's me, c. December 25, 1964-67, about to fire a warning shot over your head if you take... Read More
A friend emails from Japan:That reminds me: it's time for an iSteve fundraiser.�You may be wondering: Didn't I just have one? And my answer is: Yes, thank you for noticing. I'm being organized about this and intend to keep to a quarterly schedule from now on.�I'd like your support.�Here are some options:First, you can make... Read More
I am most heartened by the response to my fundraising drive. Many thanks to the generous veteran contributors who have anted up once again.�Today, I'd like to focus my appeal on readers who haven't contributed before. Please consider taking the plunge. Sure, it may wind up on your Permanent Record in the yottabyte of information... Read More
Thanks for the donations that flowed in today. There's nothing that encourages me more to keep up the fight than my readers' appreciation, especially in monetary form.First, you can make a tax deductible contribution via VDARE by clicking here. You can use credit card or check (please put my name on the memo line of... Read More
I want to thank readers who have recently donated, and alert others that it's time for the Fall 2013 iSteve Panhandling Drive. There's nothing that encourages me more to keep up the fight than my readers' appreciation, especially in monetary form.First, you can make a tax deductible contribution via VDARE by clicking here. You can... Read More
I've been running quarterly fundraisers for the last year, and they've been an encouraging success. My readers have been quite generous. I deeply value and am inspired by your feedback (especially your feedback in the form of money).�So, it's time for the Autumn 2013 iSteve Panhandling Drive.First, you can make a tax deductible contribution via... Read More
This is the third posting on my summer fundraising drive.I want to thank everybody who contributed so far, especially a very generous Southern Hemisphere gentleman.�For those who haven't:First, you can make a tax deductible contribution via VDARE by clicking here.Second, you can make a non-tax deductible contribution by credit card via WePay by clicking here.�Third:... Read More
This is the day when we celebrate such antiquated concepts such as self-rule and independence from global empire.As an independent writer, I get to have a lot more fun than all the tame hacks whose jobs come with, say, health insurance. But, I'm directly dependent upon you, my readers, to help me pay some bills.So,... Read More
My Spring panhandling campaign was an encouraging success. I appreciate and am motivated by your feedback (especially feedback in the form of money). The boost to my energy that your support induces has helped me raise my traffic stats by about 20-25 percent since the last fundraiser began.So, I'm going to run a donation drive... Read More
There's been much discussion lately about surveillance and privacy in this electronic age. Is the Obama Administration spying on the Associated Press? Is the IRS out to get conservatives? Is Bloomberg snooping on Goldman Sachs?Well, sure. Of course they are.�Still, there are limits to the usefulness of spying because, while data is now cheap, data... Read More
A weaselRepeat after me: The Gang of Eight and Mark Zuckerberg, Mark Zuckerberg and the Gang of Eight.�It's a meme. Spread it.A long time ago I wrote that much of modern journalism has become a form of marketing criticism. Just like movie reviews consist of critiques of how well the movie was made, the news... Read More
The Cat in the HatNot every political family, it turns out, is succeeding at getting its progeny to marry into billionaire families.The Most Interesting Newspaper in the World, the Daily Mail, runs this picture of the Florida construction worker and dreadlocked Jamaican immigrant Dominic Lakhan, age 38, who next month will marry the 35-year-old daughter... Read More
Add captionI am grateful for your readership and tangible support. I'm running a Spring panhandling drive soliciting your contributions.My goal is to time these request posts so that you read them with a drink in your hand. But, whether the drink ought to be energizing coffee or bemusing booze has yet to be determined. As... Read More
I'm starting up a panhandling drive for your contributions. I really appreciate your support. It helps me continue to live indoors.First, you can make a tax deductible contribution via VDARE by clicking clicking here.Second, you can make a non-tax deductible contribution by credit card via WePay by clicking here.�Third: You can mail a non-tax deductible... Read More
I really appreciate your support.First, you can make a tax deductible contribution via VDARE by clicking clicking�here.Second, you can make a non-tax deductible contribution by credit card via WePay by clicking�here.�Third: You can mail a non-tax deductible donation to:Steve SailerP.O Box 4142Valley Village, CA 91607-4142Thanks.
Your response to my fundraiser in early October was so encouraging that I'm going to wedge in a second drive for 2012.�There are a few ways to support my work:First, you can make a tax deductible contribution via VDARE by clicking clicking here.Second, you can make a non-tax deductible contribution by credit card via WePay... Read More
Your response to my fundraiser in early October was so encouraging that I'm going to try to wedge in one more drive this year.�There are a few ways to support my work:First, you can make a non-tax deductible contribution by credit card via WePay by clicking here. [I just set this up and I'd appreciate... Read More
Dear Readers:Thanks to all of you who contributed so generously during the highly encouraging first full day of my first fundraising drive since August 2011.I did two panhandling stretches in 2011: I let May 2011 go on for many days as generous contributions continued to flow in. I called off August 2011 rather quickly after... Read More
Dear Readers:I want to thank you for all the support you've given me over the years. I hope I've provided in good measure. Looking at some stats, I see:7,200 posts at this site alone.234,000 published comments.29,000,000 page viewsNow, though, I have some sizable bills to pay and I need to turn to you again for... Read More
Yet another day pleasing to my ego and bank account. Thanks.�So, please, would you consider giving me money so I can keep on writing? I think you'll find a lot of good stuff posted over the weekend.You can send me an email�and I'll send you my P.O. Box address.If you already asked, please allow me... Read More
It's time to shake my tin cup again and ask you to help me stay in business as a writer. I believe I provide good value.�While I'm tooting my own horn, I want to call attention to my book reviewing. I've got a review coming out shortly of former Mexican foreign minister Jorge Castaneda's book... Read More
Gretchen Morgenson of the New York Times has an important new book out on the role played by Fannie Mae in the mortgage meltdown, Reckless Endangerment. I hope to review the whole thing shortly, but I wanted to quote from a small section of the book:That reminds me of why you might wish to send... Read More
I skipped a day of asking, and donations quickly dropped off. So, I'm back to imploring.Please, would you consider giving me money so I can keep on writing?You can send me an email and I'll send you my P.O. Box address.If you already asked, please allow me to request that you follow up and put... Read More
Yet another day pleasing to my ego and bank account. Thanks.�Granted, returns are slowly diminishing, but not all that fast, so here I am asking for your help again.So, please, would you consider giving me money so I can keep on writing?You can send me an email and I'll send you my P.O. Box address.If... Read More
It turns out that the way to get people to give you money is to ask them to give you money. I asked again last night, and my readers were once again very generous. That really makes my day.�So, please, would you consider giving me money so I can keep on writing?You can send me... Read More
Steve Sailer is a journalist, movie critic for Taki's Magazine, VDARE.com columnist, and founder of the Human Biodiversity discussion group for top scientists and public intellectuals.