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Back in May, iSteve reported on the biggest story in Hate Crime History since Matthew Yglesias got all worked up over the Greenwich Village Nazi Party drawing cactus-like swastikas inside the locked Women's Dorm at the New School for Social Research: Now the New York Times as finally caught up to this major news. From... Read More
Update: Or maybe this is a joke. Let me check some more. Upupdate: I found a different photo of this middle-aged 16-year-old's in the Daily Mail on 10/24/2016, but so far I haven't it in The Guardian. Upupupdate: This Guardian cover is for real! It's not a satire like I worried it might be after... Read More
Robert Reich was Secretary of Labor under Clinton and is lately Chancellor's Professor of Public Policy at the Goldman School of Public Policy at UC Berkeley. How does Reich know this? Well, as he explained in Newsweek on Monday, he's an expert on dangerous, scary rightwingers: ROBERT REICH: THE DANGEROUS RISE OF STEVE BANNON BY... Read More
From the Washington Post on Tuesday, January 10: School officials denounce racist petition that spoke of ‘supreme White race’ The top of a hateful petition that circulated at a high school in Anne Arundel County, Md. (Copy of petition provided by Anne Arundel County schools) By Donna St. George January 10 A white supremacist petition... Read More
For most of the two Obama administrations, the corporate press kept talking about the record setting number of deportations, but that was largely due to a methodology change of starting to count border crossers caught near the border as deportees. The dog that wasn't barking was workplace raids. After the Postville raid of 2008, you... Read More
From Slate: Does that sound plausible? My thought was: I bet instead the family left the country on a planned vacation. And, sure enough, from the Anti-Defamation League: ADL Calls Reports of Family Fleeing Lancaster County, PA "Untrue and Damaging" Philadelphia, PA, December 22, 2016 … The Anti-Defamation League (ADL), like many, read many numerous... Read More
Commenter anon complains about the poor quality of the hate hoaxers in the fake news: Commenter Ben Tillman responds: It's like the boy who cried "dire wolf." Commenter b.t.o. observes: The key thing is that the hate hoax creators live in the regular bubble….and the long comical history of busted hate hoaxers is about as... Read More
From the New York Times on November 10, 2016: Babson is a business-oriented college (I once stayed in the on-campus hotel run by Babson's hotel school) with a slightly less liberal student body than is normal in the Boston area. Wellesley used to be known as a women's college, except that's now considered cis-sexist, as... Read More
I'm counting four. 1. "U-M student made up story about man threatening to burn hjiab, police say" 2. "Guy Named Jasskirat Saini Arrested For Writing 'KKK' On College Campus" 3. Youtube hoaxer goes viral claiming to have been kicked off Delta for speaking another language. 4. That black church burned with "Vote Trump" painted on... Read More
From the Washington Post last month, just before the election: Black church torched in Mississippi, with ‘Vote Trump’ painted on wall By Cleve R. Wootson Jr. November 3 “Vote Trump” is painted on the side of the fire-damaged Hopewell Missionary Baptist Church in Greenville, Miss. (Rogelio V. Solis/AP) As firefighters neared the historically black church... Read More
From the New York Times: It's on Page One of my GOP Catechism, right after: And who can forget Bob Dole running for President in 1996 on the traditional Republican platform, first enunciated by William Howard Taft in 1908, of banning Christmastime performances of Tchaikovsky's The Nutcracker? Remember, my fellow Republicans, to always trust NYT... Read More
We need some new conceptual categories to complement Fake News, such as Lame News: articles that have been intentionally hamstrung to avoid triggering Social Justice Warriors. Here's a factually correct and somewhat informative New York Times article about a hippie town in British Columbia. Try to figure out how it has been lamed so that... Read More
Speaking of Fake News, from the Washington Post: NFL player’s house vandalized with ‘Go back to Africa,’ ‘KKK’ and a swastika written on walls By Cindy Boren and Marissa Payne December 8 Nikita Whitlock called for an end to “oppression, violence, racism, hatred” the day after vandals scrawled racist messages on the walls of his... Read More
Steve Sailer is a journalist, movie critic for Taki's Magazine, VDARE.com columnist, and founder of the Human Biodiversity discussion group for top scientists and public intellectuals.