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From Herbalis. Here's the gallery. And here's the New York Magazine article I commented upon.
From the NYT: Blaming Policy, Not Islam, for Belgium’s Radicalized Youth By STEVEN ERLANGER APRIL 7, 2016 BRUSSELS — Yves Goldstein makes no excuses for Belgium’s failure to find Salah Abdeslam and the other Islamic State recruits who attacked Paris and then bombed Brussels Airport and a subway station. The problem is not Islam, he... Read More
From my new column in Taki's Magazine: I was reminded 0f this by visiting the posh art museum built (with other people's money, of course) as a monument to himself by Los Angeles' own Bolshevik billionaire, the man who had been the chief American fence for Communist-looted art. Read the whole thing there.
The 2008 U.S. Open golf tournament at the Torrey Pines municipal course in La Jolla, CA, with a limping Tiger Woods winning his latest (and perhaps last) major championship over journeyman Rocco Mediate, was a popular success, with terrific attendance and TV ratings. This made the blue-blooded United States Golf Association feel good about its... Read More
From my new column in Taki's Magazine:Read the whole thing there.Speaking of Thomas Mann's�Tonio Kröger, here's L.A. singer-songwriter Tonio K's 1978 single Life in the Foodchain. My old articles are archived at i
From the files of "Who? Whom?"The official blog of the Berlin Biennale art exhibit explains, in effect, that the festival's planned bookburning of Thilo Sarrazin's bestseller Germany Does Away With Itself�is Good because the would-be bookburners are Good (they're artists!)�and Sarrazin and anybody objecting to bookburning is Bad, and that's really all you need to... Read More
Libby Copeland writes in Slate on a study suggesting that voters aren't just looking for good-looking candidates, they favor a particular kind of good looks suggesting competence:�I added the emphasis on the long distance between eyes and mouth connoting sadness because that's a standard in Byzantine iconography
This Martin Luther King National Memorial, which will be dedicated on August 28 on the Mall in D.C., is shaping up as the kind of farce that H.L. Mencken would have enjoyed. The vaguely Chinese-looking giant statue itself looks like the woozy recollection of some Chinese sculptor who doesn't actually remember MLK (hey, he was... Read More
Chief Seattle explains the hulking Martin Luther King statue debuting on the National Mall in D.C.:In September 2010, the foundation gave written promises that it would use local stonemasons to assemble the memorial. However, when construction began in October, it appeared that only Chinese laborers would be used. The Washington area local o
"I am King-Ton. As overlord, all will kneel trembling before me and obey my brutal commands." [Crosses arms] "End communication."�-- Adapted from the "Don't Blame Me, I Voted for Kodos" episode of The Simpsons�Was it really necessary to make this new colossal sculpture on�the D.C. National Mall�look like something out of a Percy Bysshe Shelley... Read More
Here's Mark Tansey's ten-foot wide 1984 neo-conceptualist painting The Triumph of the New York School, which is roughly modeled on Velasquez's Surrender of Breda. It hangs in New York's Whitney Museum.Tansey's painting shows defeated French artists (on the left) dressed in Great War uniforms signing the instruments of surrender of world art leadership to American... Read More
David Brooks explains that America will do swell economically in the 21st Century:Okay, but, that raises the paradox that in 2010 the American state that is the biggest drag on the economy at present, California, is also the one blessed with two vast creative hubs, Silicon Valley and Hollywood, both of which are doing reasonably... Read More
Aviation art is this remarkable little corner of the art world. Quite a few representational painters make a decent living painting war birds from days gone by.I was at an Arby's in Orange County on Monday, where the owner had put on the wall paintings by a fellow named Stan Vosburg depicting Southern California in... Read More
Here's The Fortune-Teller by Georges de la Tour from about 1630. A suspicious but stupid young toff is having his fortune told by the old crone while the three young confederates pick his pockets. The girl in profile on the left looks particularly Roma-ish, although the girl who is cutting off the mark's medal (watch?)... Read More
From the Washington Post, an unintended reminder of the magnanimity, broadness of vision, and faith in our common humanity of Steven Spielberg, as compared to art critic Blake Gopnik's identity politics-driven rage at how Norman Rockwell just won't stay shoved down the Memory Hole.Definitely not in the middle of Mr. Gopnik's comfort zone, however.� Ri
Norman Rockwell, painter of hundreds of Saturday Evening Post covers, was long derided as an artistic dead end because he had so little influence on subsequent celebrity painters. But that always struck me as stupid because Rockwell was hugely influential on one of the most influential cultural figures of the later 20th Century, Steven Spielberg,... Read More
An excerpt from my new column in Taki's Magazine: The sharply contrasting careers of two Slavic-American artists who both died in 1987, the droll commercial illustrator Andy Warhol and the titanic sculptor Stanislaw Szukalski, illustrate much about how culture has changed over the last century. For over 40 years, Warhol (1928-1987) has been famously famous... Read More
So much creative talent goes into video games these days, but the downside is that games are something you either do or you don't, so there's little in the way of reverberations in the rest of society.This isn't just an old fogey picking on young folks' video games either. This is also true of my... Read More
Following up his comparison of classical composers' popularity on Amazon.com vs. their historical eminence in works of music history as tabulated in Charles Murray's Human Accomplishment, Agnostic has up on GNXP.com a study of painters from the scholarly vs. popular point of view. He measured popularity from the number of posters on sale at AllPosters.com.The... Read More
This is a big question raised by Denis Dutton's book "The Art Instinct," so I'm going to focus just on one small field where I actually kind of know what I'm talking about: golf course architecture. Specifically, are golf courses naturally attractive to a sizable fraction of the male population around the globe? Since they... Read More
Philosopher Denis Dutton, who runs the universally admired Arts & Letters Daily website that highlights three worthy highbrow articles each day, has an excellent new book out called The Art Instinct: Beauty, Pleasure, and Human Evolution.Dr. Dutton and I have similar tastes in art (although his are broader and better) -- the picture on the... Read More
Billionaire homebuilder Eli Broad and the other geniuses behind the Los Angeles Museum of Contemporary Art have finally achieved such sophistication in their artistic tastes that, according to a report this week in the LA Times, their museum is going broke.My published articles are archived at iSteve.com -- Steve Sailer
In The Nation, art critic Barry Schwabsky, an American living in England, writes:In recent decades the philosophy of art has been much preoccupied with the enigma of why a given object does or doesn't count as a work of art. Since the challenge of Duchamp's Fountain and other readymades, according to the Belgian writer Thierry... Read More
P.J. O'Rourke visits the Field Museum in Chicago (via Five Feet of Fury):I believe he's referring to Malvina Hoffman's spectacular lifesize 6'-8" tall sculpture of a naked Nuer tribesman. The Nuers are elongated Sudanese Nilotics, like their cousins the Dinka, famous for 7'-6" basketball player Manute Bol. Barack Obama Sr.'s Luo tribe are more distant... Read More
The art forger Eric Hebborn, who was murdered in Rome in 1996, is a rather interesting figure whom the art world has tried to forget. From the article "The Art of the Master Forger" in Quadrant by philosopher David S. Oderberg: His introduction to the forger's art began around this time, at the premises of... Read More
The Washington Post reports:The statue is being made in China because, well, that's where everything is being made these days.[For the origin of the title quote, see here.]My published articles are archived at iSteve.com -- Steve Sailer
Here's Picasso's 1943 sculpture Bull's Head, which H.W. Janson's standard college textbook on art history uses in its Introduction to illustrate the concept of "creativity:"Okay, I like it, it's cute, but the thought that occurred to me in art history class in 1979 was this: "Why does everybody assume this was 'unique?'"I would guess that... Read More
From an art exhibit review in the New York Times by Roberta Smith: Tom Wolfe must be very happy because even though the review doesn't mention his name, this exhibit illustrates his sho
I was going to comment on a recent lecture New Yorker writer Malcolm Gladwell gave to a conference of math teachers on how some students are like Picasso and everything comes quickly to them, while others are like Cezanne, where it takes them a long time before they become geniuses.I came up with a theory... Read More
A reader writes about Obama's popular Soviet constructivist-style propaganda poster: As Time Magazine puts it, SF is "The man who launched the sticker revolution." Previously people who did "graffiti art," like Warhol find Jean-Michel Basquiat, spray painted buildings.
Murray offered his challenge in an interview with me in 2003 about his book "Human Accomplishment: The Pursuit of Excellence in the Arts and Sciences, 800 B.C. to 1950:"I collected readers' suggestions for potential survivors here.Now, Thursday, who has much better taste than me, offers his list here.You can make your nominations in the Comments.... Read More
Ever since Dave Barry retired from writing columns, I haven't been keeping up with the post-modern art scene in London, "which, as far as I [Dave] can tell, exists mainly to provide me with material," such as the Turner prize for the empty room with lights going on and off, or the tragic tale of... Read More
Steve Sailer
About Steve Sailer

Steve Sailer is a journalist, movie critic for Taki's Magazine, VDARE.com columnist, and founder of the Human Biodiversity discussion group for top scientists and public intellectuals.

Analyzing the History of a Controversial Movement
The evidence is clear — but often ignored
The JFK Assassination and the 9/11 Attacks?