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The Woke response is what? It's bad because black lives matter? Of course not. It's bad because white lives don't matter? For some, of course not. For others, yeah, but we can't be perceived as defending white lives.
In 2004, the General Social Survey asked respondents to identify from a list of ten the three most important personal attributes or characteristics for describing who they are. The percentages who identified "racial or ethnic background" among the top three, by, well, racial or ethnic background: One of the major objectives of Wokeism in general... Read More
All this talk about emotional exhaustion is hard for white guys who've worked rail lines, for moving companies, on construction sites and all manner of other physically demanding jobs to understand. Calloused hands, sore backs, and sweat-stained undershirts--those are the consequences of exhaustion. Or so they think. But it's nothing compared to the emotional exhaustion... Read More
Observing the horrifying behavior of a 13 year old callously taking the life of a man she didn't know in a carjacking gone wrong, songbird wonders if a little early life corporal intervention could have kept her off the homicidal path she ended up going down: Blacks are more supportive of physically disciplining children than... Read More
Racists are the neo-liberal establishment's biggest boogeymen. Communists are the right's biggest boogeymen. Because the neo-liberal establishment has a lot more influence in the modern West than the right does, racists are the worst thing a person can be. Even in the midst of The Great Awokening, though, a majority of Americans oppose censoring them:... Read More
Apropos recent remarks about how conservative whites will increasingly come to wield civil rights legislation as an aegis against systematic oppression against them, consider two current events germane to the subject. The first has garnered a lot of attention--gone "viral" as they say: But, but, it's whiteness, not white people per se! POCs can fall... Read More
In a previous discussion thread a question about the racial dimension of homelessness. Here are the US rates per 10,000 people by race as of 2019: Men comprise 70% of the US homeless population. As the tragic Pacific Islander figure suggests, Hawaii has the highest rate of homelessness in the country. At the risk of... Read More
Black Americans think the arc of history has been bending away from justice for generations: They must think Jim Crow was bad but Jim Snow is even worse! Okay, that's probably not it.
The inverse relationship between fertility and educational attainment is more pronounced among people of color than among whites and more pronounced among women than among men: When it comes to educational attainment the inverse correlation with fertility is barely detectable among white men, while it is quite pronounced among non-white women. If hypergamy is real,... Read More
The generational gap is a red herring, at least politically. It's largely an artifact of racial differences by age cohort in the US: Younger generations are less white than older generations. That's why younger generations vote left and older generations vote right. White millennials vote like their grandparents do. Not like their grandparents did when... Read More
The racial distribution of those who voted for Donald Trump in 2016 but for a Democrat congressperson in 2018: Those who presumably experienced voter's remorse are whiter than the electorate as a whole is. That is not the case for those who voted for Hillary Clinton in 2016 but for a Republican congressperson in 2018:... Read More
It does not look upon them favorably. Excepting the proper noun "White House" and an instance in reference to the Ryan White fund, the following excerpts exhaustively contextualize contemporary official Democrat doctrine on whites and whiteness: The string "white" makes 23 appearances in the document but is notably absent from the list of "all our... Read More
From Civiqs comes a huge survey on support for or opposition to the "Black Lives Matter movement". Net support (opposition) to BLM among whites by sex, age, and educational attainment: The gender gap is striking. It's even more pronounced among younger generations than it is among older ones. Drilling down to postgrad white women under... Read More
The percentages of people, by race, who said their "ethnic group membership" is "very important" to their sense of who they are. The question was only asked once, in 2002, so it has gathered some dust, though the results feel evergreen: One of the most important socio-cultural questions of the 21st century is how people... Read More
For close to a decade it has been reported that Americans under the age of 18 are "majority-minority", yet non-Hispanic white births continue to constitute a majority of the country's newborns. The reason for the discrepancy is methodological. The CDC tracks race by that of the mother exclusively, so babies who will be categorized in... Read More
There is far more income variation within racial groups than there are between them. It's futile--not to mention racist!--to obsess over racial differences in median income. Less than 15% of income differences occur between races. More than 85% of income differences occur within racial groups. We've been looking in all the wrong places with this... Read More
More than fifty years after the civil rights revolution and opening the country up to immigration from all over the world, we have a progress report on how citizens of the empire think things are going. In short, not particularly well: Among no racial group does a majority perceive American race relations to have improved... Read More
UK's COTW: Yes, it is fundamentally immoral (a word I do not use ever) that the S&P 500 should be so fully secured by the state that it can be at its record high from equity super-boom October of just last year. It really is a case of playing at the casino, keeping your winnings... Read More
As America burns, one of the arsonists' recurring calls is for minority-owned businesses to be spared: So destroy businesses, but not non-white businesses. In other words, destroy white businesses. A minority-owned sign on the window is the new lamb blood on the doorframe: They are targeting white businesses. They are targeting the White House. They... Read More
The first three years of the Trump presidency saw a gentle easing of racial tensions in America, interrupted by a three month setback following the Charlottesville fiasco. The interracial killing in Georgia is going to erase those polling gains like coronavirus erased the Trump administration's market gains. As in the Trayvon Martin killing, blacks and... Read More
Twitter is not real life: The question is a binary one, so the residual percentages--representing vast majorities of people of every race--are those who answered they do not in any way feel discriminated against at work on account of their race or ethnicity. Race is not merely a social construct. It's a biological one, too,... Read More
From Civiqs, perspectives on American race relations over time during Donald Trump's presidency: Charlottesville set American race relations back... three months? As the severity and prolonged nature of the econoclysm sinks in, the trend towards greater racial comity will reverse. Until last month, the US economy had ostensibly been good and getting better throughout Trump's... Read More
The following map and table were constructed using data collected during the 2011-2012 school year, covering American PreK-12 students during that time. They show the ratio of black students to white students given out-of-school suspension at least once during the course of the year, by state (except for Hawaii): State B:W District of Columbia 12x... Read More
Talha, in reaction to changes over time among whites and by partisan affiliation for the favoring of close relatives marrying whites: The sample sizes are too small to break out non-white groups by year, so the following graph shows the percentages of people who favor and who oppose a close relative marrying a member of... Read More
Here's another example of modern conservatism being little more than liberalism from ten--or in this case, six--years ago. The following graph shows the percentages of non-Hispanic whites, by partisan affiliation, who said they either "strongly favor" or "favor" a "close relative marrying a white person" over time: The arrested decline among white Democrats since the... Read More
Commenter joe2.5 requests: And, I hope, receives: The white, black, Hispanic, and Asian categories are mutually exclusive. Jews may be of any race but are predominately white. Atheist = "I don't believe in God" Agnostic = "I don't know whether there is a God and I don't believe there is any way to find out"... Read More
The results from a question asked for the first time in 2018 about whether respondents would want--or would want their wives--to have an abortion if it was revealed that the unborn baby would have "genetic defects" follows. The non-white samples are small, so this should be taken only as suggestive, but one group has a... Read More
The only reason there is a modest correlation between age and support for Donald Trump among men is because older generational cohorts are whiter than younger ones are. Once race is taken into account, the relationship vanishes among whites, is revealed to be weak among Hispanics and Asians, and acutely inverts among blacks and Jews.... Read More
The percentages of respondents in a Reuters-Ipsos poll that ran from late 2016 through early 2017, by selected demographics, who say "all" or "most" illegal aliens should be deported: The sharpest fault lines emerge along partisan affiliation, with other demographic categories that proxy for it like race and marital status rather predictably distributed. A pattern... Read More
In the state of the union address, president Trump rejected calls for the US to adopt socialism (never mind all the socialism that had been proposed and celebrated during the preceding hour!). The term "socialism" is one he had, up to that point, studiously avoided using since commending his campaign in the summer of 2015.... Read More
From a SurveyUSA poll covering just California--likely the state presenting the best case in the country for how illegal immigration hurts blacks--the percentages of respondents who support the construction of a wall along the US-Mexico border, by race ("not sure" responses, constituting 10% of the total, are excluded): The Old America alliance Trump tried for,... Read More
Stacey Abrams in 2016, on how POC power will electorally steamroll the GOP: Look at Georgia by contrast today: In terms of active voters, it’s 57 percent white, 30 percent black, 2 percent Latino, and 2 percent Asian, which means you don’t need to spend as much time or money on the persuasion part of... Read More
Joe Sobran famously quipped "in their mating and migratory habits, liberals are indistinguishable from members of the Ku Klux Klan." That observation, astute for its time, is covered in dust and growing moldy. The percentages of whites, by age, who have a non-white spouse or partner: Just 1-in-20 young white Republicans are flirting with the... Read More
The following graphs show two-way partisan affiliation among whites and total fertility rates among whites by state. The state-level results correlate at an impressive .73. States where whites still have a few babies here and there are red ones: The future belongs to those who show up, so if you're looking for comfort where some... Read More
Blacks in America support open borders. They express less support for immigration restrictionism than even Hispanics or Jews do. It's a perennial fantasy that they're the biggest opponents of open borders on account of being the ones hurt by it the most. Libertarians get a lot a grief from us for thinking urban blacks are... Read More
Continuing on with the question of whether blacks understand questions about political orientation or if their offered responses approach randomness, the mean number of biological children for those aged at least 30 at the time of participation in the GSS. For contemporary relevance all responses are from 2000 onward: There is roughly a half-a-child gap... Read More
The graphs in this post are derived from a Reuters-Ipsos poll asking respondents if "to achieve my idea of a better society, violent acts are acceptable". To preface, The Current Year is not Weimerica. We're nowhere near the levels of political violence the country experienced in the late 1960s and 1970s, when domestic terrorist bombings... Read More
WaPo's motto: Democracy Dies in Darkness. From R-I, the percentages of respondents who say they are either "not very confident" or "not at all confident" about elections in the US being "accurate and legitimate": Credit where credit is due! Not unrelatedly: The contemporary US is an empire. It is not a republic and it is... Read More
A few more observations from the 2018 midterms: - We hear a lot about the educational divide. Democrats are increasingly winning the college-educated while Republicans are increasingly winning those without college degrees. That's descriptive when it comes to whites (including Jews). It's not so with non-whites, though: - While higher educational attainment is inversely correlated... Read More
Expounding on the marriage and gender (forgiveness please, vok3) gaps, it's pair-bonded huwhite men and women against the world, with unmarried white men on the fence: The male-female gaps, by race: White gentiles exhibiting the greatest amount of gender parity--who woulda thunk it?! Parenthetically is why the gender gap is played up relentlessly in the... Read More
So says Shapiro, anyway. A Reuters-Ipsos poll of tens of thousands of registered, self-described conservatives who intend to vote in the mid-terms suggests that, at least when it comes to political outcomes, Benny Passports is incorrect. The following graph shows the percentages of conservatives who plan on voting for the congressional Democrat candidate in a... Read More
A SurveyUSA poll on the upcoming gubernatorial election in Georgia asked respondents about who they planned on voting for and also about their opinions on eight policy questions. What jumps out immediately from the results is how much wider the racial disparity is on the question of who to vote for than it is on... Read More
If the Republican party is to remain politically viable at the national level, the country must remain majority-white. At what point will a Republican in an official capacity at the national level admit the obvious? What's the over-under on it happening before the country becomes majority-minority? Sure, it'll happen at sometime after the demographic flip,... Read More
From the GSS, the percentages of adherents by religious identification who are non-Hispanic white (N = 21,581): Using Reuters-Ipsos, a previous post looked at the same, albeit further broken down by Christian denomination. It was subsequently noted there that the Jewish n-H white figure (87.4%) seemed too low and the Hindu figure too high (7.1%).... Read More
It's not all chew the Jew, heap scorn on the chosen few. No, no, that's not my view, but it is my cue to share the following with you. Whew. From the GSS, percentages by selected demographics who support affirmative action, specifically preferential treatment for blacks in hiring and promotions (for contemporary relevance, all responses... Read More
Like many on our side who are incorrigible noticers, I noticed a lot of the most vile, acerbic attacks on Brett Kavanaugh were coming from blue-checkmarked members of the 2%: Yes, I know Wise is only partially Jewish--that's increasingly the case for all of the non-Orthodox due to high outmarriage rates--but it's not as though... Read More
The 2008 numbers are virtually complete for the 50 states, DC, and the four American territories that hold nominating contests. The 2016 numbers include 26 states. For 2016, Texas, Florida, and New York are included but California is not because Hillary Clinton had already secured the nomination by the time California's Democrat primary voters had... Read More
Why it ended up in the queue has been lost in the sauce, but I'd made a note to look at how Hispanics have voted in US presidential elections by whether they racially identified as white or as some variety of non-white. Here it is. Predictably, white Hispanics are more Republican than non-white Hispanics are:... Read More
The following graph juxtaposes expressed hypothetical support for a candidate who is X but who is otherwise generic (ie nothing is known about his or her political orientation, partisan affiliation, etc). The first bar for each X, displayed in a color based on my editorial discretion, shows net support (% more likely to support -... Read More
After reading a recent post by Heartiste on a young woman throwing herself on a convicted serial killer old enough to be her father (or her grandfather!) and thinking for the 4,140th time how if the vote was restricted to property-owning married men with children so many social ills would be ameliorated almost overnight, I... Read More