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When it comes to liking themselves as individuals, blacks come out on top and whites on bottom: If a man doesn't like himself, why should he expect others to like him? What does he know that they don't? Quoth Broken Record Man, we’re told society pedestalizes whites while causing people of color to feel bad... Read More
Zoomers too. The GSS asked in 1996 and then again in 2016 if respondents have "ever felt that you were going to have a nervous breakdown?". They may have actually experienced one or just felt on the verge of doing so. The percentages who answered in the affirmative, by sex, age range, and year surveyed:... Read More
The percentages of people, by selected demographic characteristics, experiencing poor mental health defined as issues with "stress, depression, and problems with emotions" in the past month, by whether or not they own at least one gun. Red bars show the percentage of gun owners among the demographic group who experience poor mental health. Blue bars... Read More
The apoplectic reaction to the questionable allegations about Roy Moore from nearly four decades ago is something to behold. To the extent they are accurate, they are evidence of a healthy--perhaps too healthy!--male sex drive, the kind of thing normal men fantasize about. This is in stark contrast to the pathological degeneracy of Weinstein and... Read More
Percentages, by race and sex, who report having experienced poor mental health--defined as "stress, depression, and problems with emotions"--in the month prior to being surveyed. All responses are from 2002 onward (N = 9,342): Contrary to the Narrative about putative low black self-esteem and the emotional burden that comes from doing "X while black", black... Read More
In 2014, the GSS asked respondents if they had ever been told by a medical professional of any type that they were depressed. Because it was only asked in a single year, sample sizes aren't huge, but they're serviceable for whites and NAMs (789 for whites, 328 for non-whites; about half that for the class... Read More
Pathological altruism--a mind disease closely related to political correctness that may prove terminal to western civilization--on display (assuming the alleged crime occurred): Yes, this is an extreme example of it, but there are WEIRDOs reading this who will reflexively direct more anger at me for pointing out this heinous but avoidable tragedy than they will... Read More
From the NameVoyager application at Baby Naming Wizard, the history of the name Caitlyn: It first crops as a name for infants in the eighties and begins to become somewhat familiar in the nineties. And of the name Zoey (the adopted name of the feminine transgender woman who physically threatened a wrecker who dared to... Read More
Genetically, men are more expendable than women are. Historically for our species around 40% of men and 80% of women reproduced. Alphas ruled the past. But the biological world isn't static and significant evolutionary changes can occur in the geological blink of an eye. Today in the US the gap has narrowed substantially. The GSS... Read More