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As assessing the empirical validity of stereotypes is the blog's raison d'etre, here's one that holds up. The percentages of adults, by the number of children they have, who "almost always" regard their pets as members of the family (N = 670): I enjoy our dogs and so do my children. If the SHTF and... Read More
From a GSS question that was asked in 2002 and 2012, mean number of children among non-Hispanic white married couples between the ages of 35-60 by whether the husband or wife earns more: The differences are fairly modest but a victory for traditionalism is a victory for traditionalism and since I ran the numbers they... Read More
Using data from the CDC for 2016, Cicerone calculated total fertility rates (TFR) by state and by race for US: Look at the black figures for Maine and Minnesota. Somalis and other Wakandans are doing what Americans won't do--replicate themselves. Utah and North Dakota are above replacement for whites. South Dakota, Idaho, Nebraska, Hawaii, Alaska,... Read More
Dan comments: One of the consequences of modern contraception is the historically unprecedented decoupling of fornication and procreation. More of the former no longer means more of the latter. To the contrary, there is an inverse correlation between notch count and fertility (once the number of partners reaches one, of course!), a trend that is... Read More
There isn't much difference in conceptions of ideal parental arrangements for families with young children by race or sex, but what about by age? The following graph shows perceived optimal family arrangements by generational cohorts, organized into three categories--father as breadwinner and mother as caregiver (father FT and mother PT/home), mother as breadwinner and father... Read More
Responding to the post on family breadwinning and caregiving arrangements, William Foster writes: Something this obviously in accordance with nature and at odds with feminism--but I repeat myself--holds strongly across sexes. The following table shows the net desirability score for the six possible arrangements, computed by taking the percentage of respondents saying a given setup... Read More
There was too much bear-baiting, muh freedom, and muh values, sure, but if those are the rhetorical compromises that must be made in return for the following, so be it. This excerpt is gold (just hit play, it's queued up): As Heartiste puts it: Throw those black pills away. The fight isn't over. It's only... Read More
Currently the featured item on Reuters' Polling Explorer site: Here are the results of the poll among the general public since it began a month ago (restricted to just registered voters, Trump does slightly better, with 49.5% agreeing). It asks respondents if they think Trump will put the country's interests ahead of his own: Some... Read More
George Gilder discusses this in his book Men and Marriage but the data he uses is�three decades old. There may be a way to get at the question via US Census data on households�but the questions differ from survey to survey and tend to report household totals without breaking down individual income contributions.Fortunately, there are... Read More