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From the GSS 2010 onward (N = 7,886), the percentage of native-born Americans who belong to or have spouses who belong to labor unions is 13.1%. For foreign-born residents, the figure is 9.3%. Natives are thus over 40% more likely to be union members than immigrants are. The AFL-CIO and Jeff Bezos are both big... Read More
In this week's Power Hour, Z-Man discussed a poll headlining with the finding that more millennials say they'd rather live in a socialist country than a capitalist one. Z gives several reasons not to read too much into this, the most salient one being that millennials don't know what socialism is--just 33% of millennials surveyed... Read More
Martin Luther King, Jr. is reported to have said the following in a speech to staff members in 1966:Nearly half a century later, that dream still appears to live on in the hearts and minds of a majority of America's black population.The source of this assertion comes from Pew's recently released report on word associations.... Read More