May 8-9, 2021 Venice International University
Venice International University (VIU), Ca' Foscari University of Venice and Venice Diplomatic Society, with the support and participation of Europe Direct of the City of Venice and the European Parliament Research Service will organize the fifth edition online of the Venice Universities' Model European Union on May 8-9, 2021.
The Model European Union is a simulation of the EU legislative procedure. The participants will adopt the roles of the members of the European Commission, European Parliament and Council of the European Union, following the steps of the ordinary legislative procedure by which directives and regulations are adopted.
The VeUMEU is an excellent opportunity for students to gain an understanding of multilateral diplomacy, and to hone their negotiating and leadership while practising public speaking.
Students will learn about the legislative process, rules of procedure, revision and introduction of amendments, and how to draft EU Directives and Regulations.
A group of students will also form the Press Corps, reporting on developments during the weekend of activities.
For the 2021 edition the Legal Acts that will be adopted for the simulation are:
- European Climate Law (Regulation): Proposal to complement the existing policy framework by setting the long-term direction of travel and enshrining the 2050 climate-neutrality objective in EU law, enhancing adaptation efforts, establishing a process to set out and review a trajectory until 2050, regular assessment and a process in case of insufficient progress or inconsistencies. It also tasks the Commission to review existing policies and Union legislation in view of their consistency with the climate-neutrality objective as well as with the trajectory identified. (read here).
- The Right to Disconnect: This is a legislative initiative report calling for a new measure that will innovate and cater for new technologies as well an update and amend of the former directive. In the context of the digital transformation in the world of work, the European Parliament's Employment and Social Affairs Committee has adopted a legislative-initiative report calling on the Commission to propose an EU directive that lays down minimum requirements for the right to disconnect. (read here).
Support Material
Topical Digest on European Climate Law.
Topical Digest on The Right to Disconnect.
European Parliament resolution on The Right to Disconnect: link.
Regulation on the European Climate Law: link.
The VeUMEU is organized with the support of Europe Direct of the City of Venice.
The VeUMEU is supported also by the European Parliamentary Research Service (EPRS). Three policy analysts will participate in the VeUMEU, providing their expert advice and guidance to the students during the deliberations:
Gregor Erbach - Head of Section of Climate Action Research and Tracking Service, EPRS.
Nora Milotay - Policy Analyst in Economic Policies Unit, EPRS.
Joanna Apap - Strategic Liaison for Academia and Think Tanks in the Strategy and Coordination Unit, EPRS.
EPRS has provided Topical Digests on the issues that will be discussed and debated during the simulation. See the documents below in the Support Material section.
Applications and attendance
The participation is open to students of Ca' Foscari University, Global Campus of Human Rights, VIU, and VIU member universities.
The selection of the participants and attribution to institutions/committees is supervised by the Organizing Committee in order to reach the highest level of international participation.
A preparatory intensive workshop will be held online on April 17, 2021.
Participants must attend at least 70% of the activities (VeUMEU May 8-9 and the preparatory workshop), a certificate of attendance will be issued.
The selected participants will be informed by April 9.
Organized by:
The Venice Diplomatic Society (VDS) is a non-profit association created in 2015 by students of Ca’ Foscari University of Venice, Italy. The main aims of this association are giving students and citizens the chance of acknowledging the complex functioning of the greatest international organizations, introducing them to their inner dynamics, organising workshops to train them to speak in a foreign language in front of an international audience, debating on the hottest topics of the planet’s agenda – from current geopolitical crises to environmental issues, but also the theme of refugees, the allocation of foreign investments and violations of international law, gender equality, on-going conflicts and wars, human rights issues. It also puts students in contact with the reality of Model United Nations (Model UN or MUNs), which are extra-curricular activities where students play the role of Delegates of the United Nations and simulate the inner proceedings of UN committees. After the first VeUMUN on 2016, Venice Diplomatic Society is glad to announce the first edition of the simulation of European Union, VeUMEU 2017, with the collaboration of their new partner Bringing Europeans Together Association, BETA Italia.
For more information: Venice Diplomatic Society FB page
Venice International University (VIU) is something unique in the international academic environment: a group of 20 Universities from all over the world sharing a common Campus on the beautiful Island of San Servolo, in the Venice lagoon. These Universities collegially devise study programs to prepare their students to face today’s global challenges: Sustainable Development, Ageing and Welfare, Global Ethics and Cultural Heritage are central topics of VIU programs. Students who choose to spend a term studying at VIU are taught to move across disciplines and through cultures with a flexible approach, an open mind and creative thinking. VIU offers its support for research programs involving the various Universities that form its network, and develops specific programs for advanced training.
For more information:
Ca’ Foscari University of Venice was born as the first business school in Italy and the second in Europe. Today it provides several courses in various departments, such as Languages, Management, Environmental studies, Philosophy, Science, Humanities International Relations and more. Just like the city that hosts it, it is a crossroad of cultures, fields of research, ideas and creativity; a modern university that keeps abreast of things by realizing, within its eight departments, advanced research projects and innovative study programs that guarantee an excellent educational experience. Through its five interdepartmental schools, Ca’ Foscari works with cross-cutting and integrated educational approaches. Whoever studies in Venice can this way acquire a wider range of and more articulate skills: economy interfaces with cultural heritage, languages intersect with economics, restoration meets science just to cite a few examples.
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With the support and participation of:
Europe Direct is a European Commission information network designed to inform citizens about the activities and opportunities offered by the European Union. Europe Direct aims to reinforce citizens' sense of attachment to the European Union by involving them in the process of building Europe. The Veneto has a Europe Direct information relay, set up by the City of Venice - as leading figure - and 18 institutional partners: the Veneto Region, the Prefettura di Venezia, the Provinces of Venice, Belluno, Padua, Rovigo and Treviso, the Venice Chamber of Commerce, the Eurosportello of Unioncamere Veneto, the Cities of Bassano del Grappa, Chioggia, Jesolo, Padova, Thiene and Valdagno, Università Iuav di Venezia (Architecture and Design), ESU of Venezia (Students' Union) and USR (the Veneto Regional Schools). 32 centers in the region support citizens in accessing information relative to the areas of activity of the European Union. Since 2008 the information relay has also hosted Eurodesk, providing young people and youth workers with information on the sector-opportunities offered by the European Union and the European Council.
For more information: ,
Email: [email protected]
European Parliament Research Service | EPRS’ mission is to provide Members of the European Parliament, and where appropriate parliamentary committees, with independent, objective and authoritative analysis of, and research on, policy issues relating to the European Union, in order to assist them in their parliamentary work.
EPRS provides a comprehensive range of products and services, backed by specialist internal expertise and knowledge sources in all policy fields, so empowering Members and committees through knowledge and contributing to the Parliament’s effectiveness and influence as an institution. EPRS also supports and promotes parliamentary outreach to the wider public, including universities.
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And with the participation of:
Further information
Participation and logistics:
Venice International University
Isola di San Servolo 30133 Venice - Italy
e-mail: [email protected]
Tel. +39 041 2719 511
VeUMEU 2021 content and preparation:
Venice Diplomatic Society
e-mail: [email protected]