Project HydLa: Constraint programming for hybrid
HydLa website
The third topic is the development of constraint-based
technologies for modeling and verifying hybrid
systems, namely systems involving both continuous and
discrete changes. Many physical and biological systems
are naturally modeled as hybrid systems, but the study
of modeling from the perspective of high-level
programming languages has been left unexplored.
Our approach to hybrid systems builds upon the
Constraint Programming paradigm, a paradigm of
computing with partial information developed at
the intersection of declarative programming and
artificial intelligence. We seek to establish a
foundational, constraint-based framework for modeling
and reasoning about hybrid systems.
The first embodiment of the above challenge is a
modeling language HydLa and its implementation HyLaGI,
both coming with several unique features. The key
feature of HydLa is that its ingredients consist of
popular mathematical and logical notions such as
(in)equations, derivatives, logical implications and
temporal operators. Constraint hierarchy allows you to
describe both default and exceptional behaviors of a
system in a concise manner.
HyLaGI is an implementation of HydLa that allows
symbolic execution (simulation) of systems described
in HydLa. This has several consequences: Firstly,
HyLaGI is able to handle parameterized hybrid systems
and systems with uncertainties. Secondly, it
nondeterministically explores qualitatively different
trajectories that are free from numerical errors.
Thirdly, symbolic parameters serve as a useful tool
for describing and reasoning about systems with
subtle, intricate behaviors.
We are actively exploring the viability of HydLa and
HyLaGI towards a novel tool for cyber-physical