<% if (
flagFrontend &&
flagProjectXappeal &&
ownBlog &&
model['classification-status'] &&
model['classification-status'].status != _.find(appealState, { appeal: 'OWNER_APPEAL_NSFW_NONE' }).readable
) {
var classification = model['classification-status'].classification;
var status = model['classification-status'].status;
var isAvailable = (status === _.find(appealState, { appeal: 'OWNER_APPEAL_NSFW_AVAILABLE_PRIORITIZE' }).readable)
|| (status === _.find(appealState, { appeal: 'OWNER_APPEAL_NSFW_AVAILABLE' }).readable);
var isReblog = !!model.reblogged_from_tumblr_url;
var isAppealGranted = false;
var className = '';
var message = isReblog && !isAvailable ?
__('This post was flagged because somewhere in your reblog there might be sexually explicit content.') :
__('It looks like your post might be in violation of our User Guidelines and is now hidden.');
if (status === _.find(appealState, { appeal: 'OWNER_APPEAL_NSFW_IN_REVIEW' }).readable) {
className = ' in-review';
message = isReblog ? __('This reblog is in content appeal') : __('Your post is in content appeal');
if (status === _.find(appealState, { appeal: 'OWNER_APPEAL_NSFW_COMPLETE' }).readable) {
if (classification === 'explicit') {
message = __('Based on our User Guidelines this post contains sexually explicit content and is now only viewable to you.');
} else {
message = __('Your appeal was accepted! This post is no longer hidden.');
className = ' appeal-granted';
isAppealGranted = true;
// A negative margin is added to all banners to make them flush
// with the post body. For ask/answer type posts this negative margin
// needs to be removed.
if (model.type != 'photo' && model.type != 'video') {
className += ' remove-margin';
} %>
<%- message %><% if (isAvailable) { %><%- __('Appeal') %><% } else if (!isAppealGranted) { %>?<% } %><% } %><%= model.post_html %><% } %><% if (!hasProjectXcover && !hasSafeModeCover && !hasTagFilteringCover) { %><% if (!_.isUndefined(model.source_url) && _.isEmpty(model.source_url) && model.source_title) { %>