


What do I put here

i mash buttons together badly

this was supposed to be my introduction post but its just me trying to see how tumblr works

Oh awesome I can keep typing that’s staying there

👍🏳️‍🌈oh good heavens
I’ve never owned a social media account before turning 18, so I know nothing about anything other than loving my girlfriends @ghostfrogplushie and @evenaworm
  • I like splatoon

alright i think thats enough of an introduction for today


Redditors crashed the website with donations over $25k and 0 wishes left. via /r/MadeMeSmile

With the holidays here, thought this is worth sharing


This website is still here and some of the asks are heartbreaking. Like “Jamie wants a new pair of jeans because he’s never had new clothes before”. Or “Kayla wants a bag with her name on it for when she moves foster homes again.”

A lot of these kids ask for brand name clothing and it sounds pretentious but having one nice new fashionable piece of clothing means a lot when all your previous clothes have come out of black trash bags from charities.

Btw, you can filter wishes based on gender, age, price, etc to help you find the perfect wish for you. This charity is LGBTQ-affirming (unlike a lot of religion-based charities that are unfortunately homophobic), so you can even look for nonbinary kids to donate to.

Also, I would really encourage people to be open to granting wishes made by older foster kids (14+) or young adults who aged out of the system and still lack family support. They’re so often forgotten.

If you don’t have a lot of money but still want to help give a kid a nice Christmas, there are lots of wishes that are $24 for stocking stuffers as well, or $15 for a sqishmallow!


the fairies and i did not make any figgy pudding. nobody is welcome to join us


Not to vent, or be TMI or anything but I really don't know where I would be without the furry community, and it feels weird because my dysphoria has never been attached to gender itself but my species gender. The thought of being perceived as a woman is gut wrenchengly nauseous to me, I hate it, I hate it so much, but the thought of being perceived as a female wolf? It so much more tolerable! I 100% would embrace being a female animal. I just wish wearing masks or fursuits weren't considered uniformal or a law violation, because when I'm in those, I just feel myself, for once and it sucks!! It sucks I can only be myself when it's an medieval event or furry con, I can just be myself in public a few times of the year, and even the I'm expected to perform for other people around me

i wish i was a croissant

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