Faculty IV - Electrical Engineering and Computer Science

Conferral of Doctorates at Faculty IV

The doctorate is the acquisition of the doctoral degree at an institution of higher education within the framework of an examination procedure that is regulated at the TU Berlin by doctoral regulations common to all faculties. This scientific work makes an important contribution to the development of the latest scientific findings and to their transfer and application in practice.

There are various ways to earn a doctorate at the Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science: as a research assistant, within structured doctoral programs, or as an external doctorate. The requirements and the examination performance in the form of the dissertation with the scientific defense are the same for all doctoral candidates.

      Doctoral Degrees at our Faculty

      • Doktor*in der Ingenieurwissenschaften (Dr.-Ing.) - for doctorates with a focus on engineering
      • Doktor*in der Naturwissenschaften (Dr. rer. nat.) - for doctorates with a focus on mathematics and the natural sciences



      ► Which doctoral degree is suitable for me?

      The right doctoral degree for your doctorate, "Dr.-Ing." or "Dr. rer. nat.", depends on the subject focus of your doctoral thesis, but not on the subject focus of your university degree.


      ► Formal

      • Master’s degree from a university or a university of applied sciences or a degree of a similar level (Diplom, Magister, Staatsexamen) in the subject area of the respective doctoral degree.
      • Diploma graduates from a German Fachhochschule are admitted to gaining a doctoral degree, if their final grade is above average (at least "good") and they have passed the assessment examinations (Feststellungsprüfungen).


      ► In terms of content

      • successful completion of a research paper (doctoral thesis)
      • passed oral exam (scientific defense)

      Doctoral Examination Procedure: Information & Important Forms

      Application as a Doctoral Candidate

      As at most universities, at the Technische Universität Berlin you first need a written confirmation of supervision from your doctoral supervisor. As soon as you have received such a confirmation from a professor of the Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, you can apply as a doctoral candidate.

      In order to get clarity and certainty about the doctoral requirements of the faculty at an early stage, you should apply as a doctoral candidate in good time. The faculty then decides whether to accept or reject your declaration of intent and at the same time specifies any requirements for additional study and examination achievement. For example, additional study and examination requirements may be imposed on candidate with degrees from other disciplines or from foreign countries.

      In addition, the supervisor and the doctoral candidate document their mutual expectations and obligations by concluding a doctoral agreement. This includes, in particular, the mutual commitment to the guidelines for ensuring good scientific practice at the TU Berlin, which are based on the recommendations of the German Research Foundation (Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft, DFG), as well as the recognition of the characteristics that are considered fundamental within the TU Berlin for a good supervisory and working relationship in the context of a doctorate.

      You can submit your application at any time at our Faculty Service Center. Please use the following two forms:

      For your information:

      When you apply as a doctoral candidate, the faculty will check whether you fulfil the formal criteria for admission to doctoral studies and formally appoint a supervisor. You can easily withdraw your application as a doctoral candidate at any time, so you are under no obligation to actually submit a doctoral thesis if you have applied.

      With the acceptance of the application, the doctoral applicant becomes a doctoral candidate. Unless employed by Technische Universität Berlin, the doctoral candidate is required to register as a student at Technische Universität Berlin in accordance with Section 25 (2) BerlHG. All information on this topic can be found here: How to enroll

      Admission to the Doctoral Examination Procedure

      Once you have completed your doctoral thesis, you can apply to commence the doctoral examination procedure. In this application you propose, among other things, the preferred evaluators. You can also propose a name for the chair of the doctoral examination board.

      Please consider the requirements of the TU Berlin Doctoral Regulations as well as the Guidelines for Writing Dissertations at Faculty IV  and our binding deadlines, both listed further down on this web page under "Important Information at a Glance".

      Important forms:

      Information sheets and forms for dual doctorates/cotutelle de thèse are available at the Faculty Service Center.

      Scientific Defense

      As soon as the doctoral examination procedure has been commence by the Faculty Board and all the evaluations have been submitted to the Faculty Service Center, the scientific defense follows.

      The scientific defense is open to the university public and it takes place in the presence of the doctoral candidate and all members of the doctoral examination board.

      It is divided into two parts:

      • Presentation by the doctoral candidate about the dissertation (30 minutes)
      • Discussion with the evaluators on the subject discipline of the dissertation (60 to 90 minutes).

      According to § 8 (1) of the new TU Berlin Doctoral Regulations, doctoral candidates of Faculty IV are allowed to inspect the evaluators' reports prior to the scientific defense. For this purpose a request for inspection can be submitted.

      Legal regulations & guidelines:


      After the scientific defense, you are obliged to make the dissertation version approved by the doctoral examination board (including any modifications requested by the doctoral examination board) available to the scientific public within twelve months (extension only in exceptional cases upon request).

      Find out about the three possible forms of publication on the website of the University Library Dissertation Service:

          1 printed copy + online publication on DepositOnce or

          15 printed copies in classic dissertation printing or

          3 publisher's copies

      Choose one of these and follow the steps in the relevant checklist. If you have any questions, please contact the dissertation office directly: dissertationen(at)ub.tu-berlin.de.

      If it is a cumulative dissertation, further information, including copyright, must be observed.

      You will receive a certificate of receipt from the University Library Dissertation Service after publication has been completed. This is usually also sent directly to the faculty service center and is a prerequisite for receiving the doctoral certificate.

      Important Information at a Glance

      Binding Deadlines

      Submission of doctoral theses & applications for admission to the doctoral examination procedure (always by 12:00 noon):

      • until Wednesday, March 05, 2025 (documents can be handed in from 7:30-9:15 a.m. and 10:30-12:00 p.m. in room MAR 6.009 on March 5,  2025)
      • until Wednesday, March 26, 2025
      • until Wednesday, May 07, 2025
      • until Wednesday, June 04, 2025
      • until Wednesday, July 02, 2025
      • until Wednesday, September 10, 2025
      • more dates to follow


      After your Doctorate

      Dissertation Awards

      Completed Doctorates

      Doctorates completed at Faculty IV can be found here:

      Consultation & Contact

      Office for Doctoral Affairs

      The Office for Doctoral Affairs is part of the Faculty Service Center

      • your basic contact for questions concerning your doctorate and 
      • responsible for all organizational questions and tasks in the context of your entire doctoral process

      Please always contact Jana Peich directly if you have any questions.

      Representatives for Doctoral Candidates

      Patrick Reiske & Nadine Karsten

      Please contact us in all inquiries and matters exclusively via this e-mail address: phdrep(at)eecs.tu-berlin.de!

      Ombudspersons for Doctoral Candidates

      ►► PLEASE NOTE first: Our ombudspersons are NOT available for organizational tasks related to your doctorate, here please always contact Jana Peich, Office for Doctoral Affairs, contact information see above.

      Our ombudspersons are there to

      • help you with non-subject-related problems, conflicts of interest and problematic co-authorships, for example
      • promote the cooperation between Faculty IV and the Center for Junior Scholars at TU Berlin (CJS), central institution for the advancement of junior scholars at TU Berlin
      • participate in introductory events of the CJS and spread the word about education offers, scholarships and further news.