Faculty IV - Electrical Engineering and Computer Science

Institute of Telecommunication Systems

Executive Director

Institute Council

The Institute Council advises and decides on the common interests of the Institute. In accordance with the TU Berlin statutes, it is made up of one representative each of the academic staff, students and employees in technology, service and administration, and four university lecturers.

Former Groups

Assessment of IP-based ApplicationsAIPAProf. Dr.-Ing Alexander Raake
Control of Convergent Access NetworksCCANProf. Dr.-Ing. Setareh Maghsudi
Design and Testing of Communication-Based SystemsETSProf. Dr.-Ing. Ina Schieferdecker
Formal Models, Logic and ProgrammingFLPProf. Dr. Bernd Mahr †
Internet Measurement and AnalysisIMAProf. Georgios Smaragdakis, Ph.D.
Internet Network ArchitecturesINETProf. Ph.D. Anja Feldmann
Internet of Things for Smart BuildingsIOTProf. Dr.-Ing. Sergio Lucia
IT-basierte FahrzeuginnovationenASETProf. Dr. Andreas Vogelsang
Kommunikations- und BetriebssystemeKBSProf. Dr. Hans-Ulrich Heiß
NachrichtentechnikNTProf. Dr.-Ing. Hans-Joachim Grallert
Offene KommunikationssystemeOKSProf. Dr. h.c. Radu Popescu-Zeletin
Quality Engineering of Open Distributed SystemsQDSProf. Dr.-Ing. Ina Schieferdecker