For each of the six Bachelor and nine Master degree programs at Faculty IV there is an examination board. Consecutive Bachelor and Master degree programs share a common examination board. The examination board has three members who are professors, one academic staff member, and one student member, who together elect a professor as chair.
The examination board oversees the compliance with regulations of the General Study and Examination Regulations (AllgStuPO) of TU Berlin and the specific regulations (StuPO) for each degree program. It is responsible for examinations, not for studies advising. Please direct general questions about the degree program, and for planning to submit an application, to the student advisory service.
Important Communication Guidance
If you are enrolled at TU Berlin, please use only your TU email address for email communication. We will reply to your TU email address in any case. Responses to private email addresses are given only in exceptional cases(such as if you have no TU email address, e.g. applicants). If you have set up email forwarding, please CC your TU address in your email.
Inquiries via email are requested to include the following information if available:
- Name (you are welcome to state your pronoun preference so we can address you correctly)
- Matriculation number
- Degree program
- SHORT and precise description of your inquiry
The email addresses are listed on the website of the examination board for each degree program.
Note about Processing Time
Please send your applications if possible as single PDF file. Only completely filled and signed applications can be processed! Please check carefully that you include all necessary certificates and proofs.
Please submit all applications with enough lead time. Applications are usually processed once per week. Especially deadline extensions and academic adjustment applications need to be submitted early, at the latest 10 working days before any relevant deadline or before the day when they should take effect. Please mind public holidays and summer/winter closure periods.
Approved documents will be sent to the responsible team for your degree program at the examination office. Following successful recognition and transfer of academic achievements, those will be credited to your QISPOS account automatically, with no further notice to you in most cases.
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
Below we have compiled answers to frequently asked questions and other useful information. These will be continuously revised. Possibly your question is already answered here. If you notice that an important question is not answered here, please do not hesitate to write to studium-lehre(at) If you need help in filling forms, please contact the Student Advisory Service.
Which team at the examination office is responsible for my degree program?
There are five teams at the examination office whih handle different degree programs, and which you can contact through a contact form, in person, via WebEx, or via telephone. By choosing your degree program on Contact persons and teams you can learn which team is responsible and how to contact them.
Module examinations
Modules are completed during your studies with a module examination. The module examination assesses to which extent the participants have reached the learning objectives of the module.
In accordance with the General Study and Examination Regulations (AllgStuPO) of TU Berlin, module examinations will be held thoughout the semester as written or oral examinations, portfolio examinations, term papers, or presentations. The study and examination regulations (StuPO) of your degree program can specify additional types of examinations.
Module examinations are normally held at the next regular examination session of a module. The registration for examinations is done online via the Moseskonto/MTS/Module examinations, otherwise the lecturer will you inform about the registration procedure.
Please be aware of registration and de-registration deadlines! A registered examination must be completed unless you de-register before the deadline. If you do not show to a registered examination or not submit the required work, you will receive a failing grade and no credit points for the examination.
After the deadline has passed, you can withdraw from the examination only with an important reason (such as illness). The examination office and the examiner must be notified of the withdrawal at the latest on the day of the exam. A proof for the reason has to be submitted either along with the withdrawal, or within five calendar days, to the examination office.
Failed module examinations can normally be repeated twice. Through a meeting with student advisors you can be granted one further attempt (see "Student Advisory Service for additional (4th) examination attempt"). The registration for the second and third repeat examination is done in person at the examination office.
Starting 16. October 2022, failed exam attempts that are undertaken in the first semester of Bachelor studies are not recorded. (so-called free attempt regulation, see the website of the examination office: "free attempt"; cf. Art. 70 (3) AllgStuPO). The repeat of a passed exam is not permitted.
After receiving the results an examination, students have the option to lodge a motion for reconsideration, in order to revise and amend the grade.
More detailed regulations to the types of examination, registration and de-registration, withdrawal, repetition of module examinations and grading are found in the General Study and Examination Regulations (AllgStuPO) of TU Berlin.
Digital Learning Agreement
For questions about the Digital Learning Agreement, please contact the coordination for international studies.
Where can I find information about accepted language certificates?
An entry requirment of the Master degree programs of Faculty IV is a proof of English proficiency at B2 level (Common European Framework of Reference for Languages, CEFR). (Exception: Computational Neuroscience).
The list of accepted English language certificates is found on the Website for the Master degree programs at Faculty IV under "Proof of the level of English for master programs at Faculty IV".
Only the listed language certificates are accepted. Temporary exemptions which were valid during Covid restrictions have expired since the beginning of admission for Summer Semester 2022.
Academic adjustment
Students with individual disadvantages and hardships, such as disability or chronic illness, with children or close relatives in need of care, or otherwise have impairments that need accommodation, are entitled to academic adjustment (Art. 67 AllgStuPO).
Information (examples, sample application, application process, and more) and how to seek advice is found at the website of the Academic Advising Service - Studying with impairments.
The application for academic adjustment needs to be submitted along with the necessary proof to the examination board for your degree program, which will then decide about your application. You will receive notice about the decision from the examination office. Please then inform the lecturers of the courses about the modifications to studies and examinations.
Further contacts:
Counseling for students with disabilities and chronic illnesses
BAföG-Amt / Formblatt 5
The BAföG office normally requires you to submit a proof of completed credits at the end of the 4th study semester, whether you reached the minimum credit points specified by the university
For regular course of studies, the normal number of credit points is specified as follows:
- After the 1st semester 15 – 30 CP
- After the 2nd semester 30 – 60 CP
- After the 3rd Semester 45 – 90 CP
- After the 4th Semester 60 – 120 CP
- After the 5th Semester 75 - 150 CP
- After the 6. Semester 90 - 180 CP
For a certification of completed credits you need at the end of the 4th study semester a minimum of 60 CP.
What is the process?
Please send the current QISPOS achievement overview (Leistungsnachweis) and if necessary the application form no. 5 via E-Mail (only from your TU email address) to the responsible examination board. The application form no. 5 is available from the BAföG office. After processing the application, we will return the form via email.
At least 60 LP are shown on the QISPOS achievement overview?
Please send the QISPOS achievement overview (Leistungsnachweis) via email to the responsible examination board, we will return it back to you with the confirmation.
Only credit points from completed module examinations can be considered.
You have completed 60 CP but they are not yet shown on the QISPOS overview?
If you have reached 60 CP, but they are not yet credited to the QISPOS:
For module examinations which are completed but not yet credited to QISPOS, you can prove this with other certifications (Moses printout, confirmation of the module examiner, etc.), and submit BAföG application form no. 5. This will then be signed by the chair of the examination board.
You have not yet achieved the necessary CP?
Then send application form no. 5 and your current QISPOS achievement overview to the responsible examination board. We will then enter the semester which corresponds to your number of credit points. For extension of the deadline to achieve the credits please talk to the BAföG office.
Multiple enrollment
Change of type of examination
If for an important reason you cannot complete an examination of the type that is specified in the module description, you can apply to change the type of examination (for example oral exam insted of written exam). For this you need to timely submit an application of change for type of examination to the examination board.
Please be aware that you need the statement of the examiner on page 2. You need to contact your examiner or lecturer and get this statement before submitting it to the examination board!
Antrag auf Änderung der Prüfungsform / Application for Change of Type of Examination
Plagiarism, cheating, breach of regulations
If a candidate tries to influence the result of an exam by cheating or by influencing examination bodies, they will be excluded from the examination by the examiner. In this case, the exam is assessed as "insufficient” or "failed" and is to be repeated.
Cheating or attempted cheating has occurred, in particular, if sources, including Internet sources are reproduced in unchanged or modified form; if, in particular, sources for texts, graphics, tables, and images are not identified as such or are used as such; as well as if a written paper is used for several
coursework assignments or examinations. The use of unauthorized aids and falsification of empirical data are also classified as cheating.
In case of repeated cheating, the examination board may exclude the student from performing additional exam assignments, which can lead to exmatriculation.
Detailed regulations about cheating and breach of regulations is found in the General Study and Examination Regulations (AllgStuPO).
The Faculty board of der Faculty IV adopted on 27 May 2020 a bulletin on how to address plagiarism (in German)(Decision FKR IV 1/12-20.05.2020).
Student advising for additional (4th.) examination attempt
In accordance with Art. 30 (4) BerlHG, students will be granted one additional exam attempt per module beyond the number of attempts specified in AllgStuPO, after partaking in a student avisory meeting. (This does not apply to final theses!) This means that besides the three regular attempts to pass a module examination, an additional (fourth) attempt is granted, after the student advisory meeting. This advisory meeting will be held only after three failed examination attempts in module - free attempts are not counted.
The proof of participation in the student advisory meeting needs to be submitted to the responsible team at the examination office within 6 weeks of the failed third examination attempt. In case there is no earlier meeting possible, a notice of the appointment date is accepted. If the student does not participate in the advisory meeting within 6 weeks, or does not appear at the appointment, they will not be eligible for the additional examination attempt and the module examination will be finally failed.
Until the AllgStuPO is updated to reflect the new state regulations, the student avising for the additional examination attempt is done by the studies and teaching department on an interim basis.
To get an appointment and successfully participate in the advisory meeting, please note the following:
- Please send the completed and signed form, a complete and up-to-date achievement overview (QISPOS) as well as proof of the failed 3rd examination attempt, before the appointment to, Office for Academic and Student Affairs at the Faculty IV.
- Please explain during the appointment how you plan the further course and completion of your studies.
Important notes
Please be aware that this advisory meeting does not discuss the technical aspects or contents of the module examination, but is only a general advisory meeting as required by BerlHG. For discussing the contents of the examination you should additionally contact the examiner. A meeting with the examiner does not replace the advisory meeting that is required by BerlHG!
After the advisory meeting, we will confirm on the form that it has taken place. The additional (4th) examination attempt may only be started with this confirmation. The confirmation needs to be presented to both the examination office and the examiner.
Exemptions from the list of modules in an study area (only certain study and examination regulations!)
Please check whether your study and examination regulations allow this possibility.
Application form (German)
ECTS ranking
The ECTS ranking is a breakdown of grades achieved by students which shows the number of students achieving specific grades in a degree program. This is usually calculated on the basis of the final grades achieved by graduates for the past two years. So, for example, the breakdown of grades under summer semester 2018 is calculated on the basis of the final grades achieved by graduates from summer semester 2016 up to and including winter semester 2017/2018.
Here you can find a breakdown of grades achieved by students in a wide range of degree programs. In case your program and degree is not listed, please use the contact form on that page. If you have not yet completed your degree, it is not possible to obtain a breakdown of grades for your program. Instead, we would suggest you refer to the previous available breakdown to find out how you performed vis-a-vis your fellow students.
Master’s enrollment under reserve of revocation
Students who wish to enroll in the Master degree program before completing their Bachelor studies, please read the information from the Office of Student Affairs on enrollment under reserve of revocation.
Recognition of earned credits
...that were obtained at another university in Germany or abroad
For recognition of earned credits please submit the form "Credit Transfer Application". The form consists of parts A and B. Please read below explanations which part is necessary in which situation. The form must be submitted including the necessary proof (credit statement, transcript of records, degree certificate with list of courses and grades) via email or on paper to the examination board which is responsible for the degree program. Please remember to sign your application.
a) If you want to apply for admission to a degree program, fill part A and B.
You plan to apply for admission to a degree program and want to transfer earned credits from previous studies at the same time? Please submit the filled form part A and B to the responsible examination board. In order to be assigned to a higher study semester, please include a transcript of records of your previous studies, or else the credit transfer application cannot be processed! Afterwards you include the approved part A in your application for admission, or upload to tuPORT. Part B will be forwarded to the examination team that is responsible for the degree program, and recognized modules will be credited to your QISPOS account.
b) If you are already enrolled at TU Berlin, you need only part B.
In part B you only need to state the credits which you want recognized for your studies. In the compulsory elective and mandatory area, modules from outside TU Berlin need to be confirmed by a relevant professor as equivalent. In the free choice area, any course from any accredited university in Germany or abroad can be recognized.
Credit Transfer Application (Part A)
Credit Transfer Application (Part B)
Note: The PDF file "Credit Transfer Application (Part A)" is only intended for application for a degree program. The PDF file "Credit Transfer Application (Part B)" may not display correctly in some web browsers. In this case you need to download the file and open it then. Also in the file preview of the Windows file manager there may be a warning message, but the PDF will open normally.
...that were obtained during previous studies at TU Berlin
This area is under construction and will be updated soon.
...for a Master degree program, which were obtained during Bachelor studies at TU as additional modules (Zusatzmodule)
This area is under construction and will be updated soon. the free choice area
Credit obtained in Germany:
- These can be recognized directly by the responsible team at the examination office (it is not necessary to submit the application to the examination board). Exception: if the credits shall be recognized for a Master degree program, and were obtained during studies for a Bachelor degree which was an admission requirement for the Master.
Credits obtained outside Germany:
- Fill the credit transfer application form as per above guidance,
- Submit the form with the required proofs via email to the examination board,
- Approval of relevant professor is not necessary.
I wish to write a final thesis. What procedure do I need to follow?
For a final thesis you need a topic and two examiners. Some research groups offer a list of topics on their website from which you can choose. You can also propose a topic.
After you agreed on a topic with the first examiner, please contact the examination office team for your degree program to register the thesis. The second examiner can be suggested by you, or they can be nominated by the first examiner.
Application for deadline extension for a thesis
Application form for deadline extension for a thesis for the degree programs
- Informatik / Computer Science (Informatik) und
- Wirtschaftsinformatik / Information Systems Management (Wirtschaftsinformatik)
Application form (German)
Application form for deadline extension for a thesis for the degree programs
- Elektrotechnik / Electrical Engineering
- Technische Informatik / Computer Engineering
- Automotive Systems
- Medieninformatik / Digital Media and Technology
- ICT Innovation
Application form (German)
Application form for deadline extension for a thesis for the English language degree programs
- Computer Science (Informatik)
- Information Systems Management
- ICT Innovation
Application Form (English)
Thesis outside the Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science
It is possible to register a thesis at TU Berlin and write it at other faculties or universities. Prerequisite is that at least one of the examiners is professor at the Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science or at least nominated as examiner for the degree program. The other examiner can be from any institution worldwide, as long as they have university teaching qualification (venia legendi).
If you plan such a thesis, please contact a chair or research group at the Faculty and ask if the professor is willing to become first or second examiner for your thesis.
Recognition of a thesis of another university
The recognition of a thesis of another university is normally only possible if this is explicitly stipulated by the degree regulations, for example as part of Double-Degree-Programs.
A recognition in all other cases, such as via exchange programs like Erasmus or change of university, is possible per Art. 61 (3) AllgStuPO only in exceptional cases. The examination board for your degree program can clarify whether such an exception applies in your case.