In a digital world rushing headlong toward Web-based commerce and DVD entertainment, there’s still a hardware store where you can shop for more than 2,500 items from a simpler time.
The hand tools and hand-powered washing machines sold at Lehman Hardware & Appliances don’t require the electric or motorized power shunned by many in the Amish and Mennonite communities of northeast Ohio. This unique store, which has catered to area residents for more than 40 years, not only provides a retail space for nonelectric products, farm and canning supplies and the world’s largest display of wood-burning cook stoves, but it also publishes “The Non-electric Catalog” for anyone seeking the self-sufficient life. Ironically, the catalog is available on the Web.
Lehman’s Hardware & Appliances, Inc.
1 Lehman Circle, Box 41
Kidron, OH 44636