Thank you very much, James, and I know that, obviously, you've written to me about this issue, and I will be replying to you shortly. We do expect all complaints to be handled fairly, openly and without bias. We expect governing bodies to have and publicise a complaints procedure that explains how a complaint will be dealt with. The local authority is responsible for ensuring that the...
It is essential that any allegations of misconduct must be properly investigated. This is legally the responsibility of the school, the governing body and, where necessary, the local authority. These bodies must have regard to Welsh Government guidance. Welsh Ministers are unable to intervene in individual cases.
Well, if I can be very clear that the report certainly doesn't say that education is broken in Wales, and I also wouldn't hold my breath for you to be in a position to sort it out after the election either. Now, if I can turn to some of the genuine issues that you raised in the report, I entirely recognise what Estyn are saying about attendance. In fact, I'm meeting with Estyn tomorrow to...
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