Plans go in for Bristol housing scheme

Plans for 158 new homes at Beaufort Park, Fishpool Hill, Bristol, have been submitted to South Gloucestershire Council.

The plans, making up the third Reserved Matters application in Phase 1 of Persimmon’s wider development at the site, will see a range of two, three and four bedroom homes built.

As part of the housebuilder’s commitment to the local community, 40 homes will be transferred to a housing association partner as affordable rent or shared ownership options for local people to help tackle the local waiting list.

Residents will benefit from having PV panels and all homes being fitted with electric vehicle chargers. The proposed development includes public open spaces including two allotments and a local equipped area of play.

Persimmon Severn Valley’s wider outline development includes significant financial contributions exceeding £2.8m towards community facilities and local transport infrastructure.

Once complete, the Beaufort Park site will deliver 1,100 homes for local people alongside contributions totalling over £20m for the local community in the form of new local infrastructure, schools, amenities, sports facilities and social housing.

Claire Burton, managing director at Persimmon Homes Severn Valley, said: “We are delighted to have submitted our next planning application for Beaufort Park at Fishpool Hill.

“As a responsible developer, this site will continue to provide high-quality homes for local people in addition to significant investment in the local community.

“We look forward to continuing our positive work with South Gloucestershire Council as our plans for the site progress.”

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