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Please refer to measurements in the size chart. Still don’t know what size you need? Talk to one of our size experts using the chat button on this page or by calling customer service:
Mon-Fri 6am-6pm PT • Sat-Sun 7am-1pm PT
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See DetailsToo skinny
I love corduroy pants for my son and by then, year after year. The style seems to get skinnier and skinnier and this year the bottom leg openings are so small my son can barely put his feet through. He needs my help to take them off and he’s 9. I know he has big feet for his age.
Leeney , Jan 3, 2024
Finally! Slim fit Tea!!
Love that there's an option for my super slim son! These cords fit my 42" , 30 lb slender boy to a T! His waist might be close to 20". Still comfy but not loose in the thighs. No need to adjust the waist, it just fits! Hallelujah! Thank you Tea!
Tea Customer , Dec 8, 2019
Cute cords!
These cords are soft and super cute but run at least a size small. I ordered a size 4, which usually fits in this brand and they super short and too tight! I will reorder a 5 and see if the size works. (I am concerned about the slim cut and my Grandson always wears a slim in pants.)
Tea Customer , Oct 16, 2019
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