What color is your heart?
It’s time for The Spokesman-Review’s annual Valentine’s Day Coloring Contest, open to children 12 and younger.
Entries will be judged by newsroom staffers based on creativity and use of medium.
Winners will be selected in three divisions: age 4 and younger, ages 5 to 7 and ages 8 to 12. They will receive a gift certificate to River Park Square, and their entries will be featured in the newspaper Feb. 14.
As many entries as possible will be displayed at Mobius Kids, in the lower level of River Park Square, 808 W. Main Ave., starting Feb. 13.
TO ENTER: Send or deliver your decorated heart to The Spokesman-Review, Features Department, P.O. Box 2160, Spokane WA 99210. Entries must be received no later than 5 p.m. on Feb. 9. Be sure to attach a separate piece of paper that includes your address and telephone number so we can contact you if you win (this information will not be published or displayed).
Photocopies of the heart are acceptable, and a copy of the form can be downloaded at www.spokesman.com/coloringcontest.