Describes Outside-In development and Behvaiour Driven Development. Illustrates basic Cucumber usage within a Rails app and then goes over more advanced topics such as JS as web services.
25. * not executed
* documentation value
Feature: title * variant of contextra
* business value up front
In order to [Business Value]
As a [Role]
I want to [Some Action] (feature)
26. There is no template.
What is important to
have in narrative:
* business value
* stakeholder role
* user role
* action to be taken by
33. “All of these tools are great...
but, in the end, tools are tools.
While RSpec and Cucumber are
optimized for BDD, using them
doesn’t automatically mean
you’re doing BDD"
The RSpec Book
36. * not executed
* documentation value
Feature: title * variant of contextra
* business value up front
In order to [Business Value]
As a [Role]
I want to [Some Action] (feature)
38. Scenario: title
Given [Context]
And [More Context]
When I do [Action]
And [Other Action]
Then I should see [Outcome]
But I should not see [Outcome]
69. features/manage_my_wishes.feature
Feature: manage my wishes
In order to get more stuff
As a greedy person
I want to manage my wish list for my family members to view
Scenario: add wish
Scenario: remove wish
Scenario: tweet wish
70. features/manage_my_wishes.feature
Feature: manage my wishes
In order to get more stuff
Work In Progress
As a greedy person
I want to manage my wish list for my family members to view
Scenario: add wish
Given I am logged in
When I make a "New car" wish
Then "New car" should appear on my wish list
Scenario: remove wish
Scenario: tweet wish
73. Workflow
git branch -b add_wish_tracker#
Tag Scenario or Feature with @wip
74. Workflow
git branch -b add_wish_tracker#
Tag Scenario or Feature with @wip
cucumber --wip --tags @wip
75. Workflow
git branch -b add_wish_tracker#
Tag Scenario or Feature with @wip
cucumber --wip --tags @wip
Develop it Outside-In
76. Workflow
git branch -b add_wish_tracker#
Tag Scenario or Feature with @wip
cucumber --wip --tags @wip
Develop it Outside-In
git rebase ---interactive; git merge
77. Workflow
git branch -b add_wish_tracker#
Tag Scenario or Feature with @wip
cucumber --wip --tags @wip
Develop it Outside-In
git rebase ---interactive; git merge
88. @wip on master?
$ rake -T cucumber
rake cucumber:all
Runs both ok and wip -- great for CI
89. features/manage_my_wishes.feature
Feature: manage my wishes
In order to get more stuff
As a greedy person
I want to manage my wish list for my family members to view
Scenario: add wish
Given I am logged in
When I make a "New car" wish
Then "New car" should appear on my wish list
Scenario: remove wish
Scenario: tweet wish
98. features/step_definitions/user_steps.rb
Given /^I am logged in$/ do
@current_user = create_user(:email_confirmed => true)
Fixture Replacement, Fixjour, Factory Girl, etc
Fixjour do
define_builder(User) do |klass, overrides|
:email => "user#{counter(:user)}",
:password => 'password',
:password_confirmation => 'password'
100. features/step_definitions/user_steps.rb
Given /^I am logged in$/ do
@current_user = create_user(:email_confirmed => true)
visit new_session_path
fill_in "Email", :with =>
fill_in "Password", :with => valid_user_attributes["password"]
101. features/step_definitions/user_steps.rb
Webrat / Awesomeness
Given /^I am logged in$/ do
@current_user = create_user(:email_confirmed => true)
visit new_session_path
fill_in "Email", :with =>
fill_in "Password", :with => valid_user_attributes["password"]
102. features/step_definitions/user_steps.rb
Webrat / Awesomeness
Given /^I am logged in$/ do
@current_user = create_user(:email_confirmed => true)
visit new_session_path
fill_in "Email", :with =>
fill_in "Password", :with => valid_user_attributes["password"]
103. features/step_definitions/user_steps.rb
Webrat / Awesomeness
Given /^I am logged in$/ do
@current_user = create_user(:email_confirmed => true)
visit new_session_path
fill_in "Email", :with =>
fill_in "Password", :with => valid_user_attributes["password"]
require 'webrat'
Webrat.configure do |config|
config.mode = :rails
104. features/step_definitions/user_steps.rb
Webrat / Awesomeness
Given /^I am logged in$/ do
@current_user = create_user(:email_confirmed => true)
visit new_session_path
fill_in "Email", :with =>
fill_in "Password", :with => valid_user_attributes["password"]
require 'webrat'
Webrat.configure do |config|
config.mode = :rails
105. features/step_definitions/user_steps.rb
Webrat / Awesomeness
Given /^I am logged in$/ do
@current_user = create_user(:email_confirmed => true)
visit new_session_path
fill_in "Email", :with =>
fill_in "Password", :with => valid_user_attributes["password"]
When /^I press "(.*)"$/ do |button|
20+ Steps Out-of-box
When /^I follow "(.*)"$/ do |link|
When /^I fill in "(.*)" with "(.*)"$/ do |field, value|
fill_in(field, :with => value)
106. features/step_definitions/user_steps.rb
Given /^I am logged in$/ do
@current_user = create_user(:email_confirmed => true)
visit new_session_path
fill_in "Email", :with =>
fill_in "Password", :with => valid_user_attributes["password"]
107. features/step_definitions/user_steps.rb
Given /^I am logged in$/ do
@current_user = create_user(:email_confirmed => true)
visit new_session_path
fill_in "Email", :with =>
fill_in "Password", :with => valid_user_attributes["password"]
# make sure we have actually logged in- so we fail fast if not
session[:user_id].should ==
108. features/step_definitions/user_steps.rb
Given /^I am logged in$/ do
@current_user = create_user(:email_confirmed => true)
visit new_session_path
fill_in "Email", :with =>
fill_in "Password", :with => valid_user_attributes["password"]
# make sure we have actually logged in- so we fail fast if not
session[:user_id].should ==
controller.current_user.should == @current_user
109. features/step_definitions/user_steps.rb
Given /^I am logged in$/ do
@current_user = create_user(:email_confirmed => true)
visit new_session_path
Specify outcome, not implementation.
fill_in "Email", :with =>
fill_in "Password", :with => valid_user_attributes["password"]
# make sure we have actually logged in- so we fail fast if not
session[:user_id].should ==
controller.current_user.should == @current_user
response.should contain("Signed in successfully")
110. features/step_definitions/user_steps.rb
Given /^I am logged in$/ do
@current_user = create_user(:email_confirmed => true)
visit new_session_path
fill_in "Email", :with =>
fill_in "Password", :with => valid_user_attributes["password"]
# make sure we have actually logged in- so we fail fast if not
response.should contain("Signed in successfully")
112. No route matches “/sessions/create” with
{:method=>:post} (ActionController::RoutingError)
119. features/step_definitions/wish_steps.rb
When /^I make a "(.+)" wish$/ do |wish|
visit "/wishes"
click_link "Make a wish"
fill_in "Wish", :with => wish
Then /^(.+) should appear on my wish list$/ do |wish|
120. features/step_definitions/wish_steps.rb
When /^I make a "(.+)" wish$/ do |wish|
visit "/wishes"
click_link "Make a wish"
fill_in "Wish", :with => wish
Then /^(.+) should appear on my wish list$/ do |wish|
response.should contain("Your wish has been added!")
response.should contain(wish)
121. features/step_definitions/wish_steps.rb
When /^I make a "(.+)" wish$/ do |wish|
visit "/wishes"
click_link "Make a wish"
fill_in "Wish", :with => wish
No route matches “/wishes” with
{:method=>:get} appear on my wish list$/ do |wish|
Then /^(.+) should (ActionController::RoutingError)
response.should contain("Your wish has been added!")
response.should contain(wish)
133. spec/controllers/wishes_controller_spec.rb
describe WishesController do
describe "POST / (#create)" do
it "creates a new wish for the user with the params" do
user = mock_model(User, :wishes => mock("wishes association"))
post :create, 'wish' => {'name' => 'Dog'}
138. app/controllers/wishes_controller.rb
def create
redirect_to :action => :index
When I make a “New car” wish
undefined method `wishes` for #<User:0x268e898>
140. app/models/wish.rb
class Wish < ActiveRecord::Base
belongs_to :user
class User < ActiveRecord::Base
include Clearance::App::Models::User
has_many :wishes
141. app/models/wish.rb
class Wish < ActiveRecord::Base
belongs_to :user
When I make a “New car” wish
Then “New <car” should appear on my wish
class User ActiveRecord::Base
include Clearance::App::Models::User
has_many the following element’s content to include
“Your wish has been added!”
143. spec/controllers/wishes_controller_spec.rb
it "notifies the user of creation via the flash" do
flash[:success].should == "Your wish has been added!"
def create
flash[:success] = "Your wish has been added!"
redirect_to :action => :index
144. spec/controllers/wishes_controller_spec.rb
it "should notifies the user of creation via the flash" do
flash[:success].should == "Your wish has been added!"
Then “New car” should appear on my wish
expected the following element’s content to include
def create
“New car”
flash[:success] = "Your wish has been added!"
redirect_to :action => :index
173. Feature: CLI Server
For example of how to
In order to save me time and headaches test CLI tools take a look
As a presenter of code at CodeNote on github.
I create a presentation in plaintext RSpec and Cucumber also
have good examples of
a'la Slidedown (from Pat Nakajima) how to do this.
and have CodeNote serve it up for me
Scenario: basic presentation loading and viewing
Given that the codenote server is not running
And a file named "" with:
!TITLE My Presentation
# This is the title slide
# This is second slide...
When I run "codenote_load"
And I run "codenote"
And I visit the servers address
174. Feature: Twitter Quiz
In order to encourage audience participation where
90% of the audience is hacking on laptops
As a presenter I want audience members
To answer certain questions via twitter
175. Feature: Twitter Quiz
In order to encourage audience participation where
90% of the audience is hacking on laptops
As a presenter I want audience members
To answer certain questions via twitter
Scenario: waiting for an answer
Scenario: winner is displayed
Scenario: fail whale
Scenario: network timeout
176. Feature: Twitter Quiz
In order to encourage audience participation where
90% of the audience is hacking on laptops
As a presenter I want audience members
To answer certain questions via twitter
Scenario: waiting for an answer
177. @wip
Scenario: waiting for an answer
Given the following presentation
!TITLE American History
!PRESENTER David McCullough
# Wanna win a prize?
### You'll have to answer a question...
### in a tweet! First correct tweet wins!
# Who shot Alexander Hamilton?
## You must use #free_stuff in your tweet.
!DYNAMIC-SLIDE TwitterQuiz '#free_stuff "aaron burr"'
Okay, that was fun.
Lets actually start now.
178. @wip
Scenario: waiting for an answer
Given the following presentation
!TITLE American History
!PRESENTER David McCullough
# Wanna win a prize?
### You'll have to answer a question...
### in a tweet! First correct tweet wins!
# Who shot Alexander Hamilton?
## You must use #free_stuff in your tweet.
!DYNAMIC-SLIDE TwitterQuiz '#free_stuff "aaron burr"'
Okay, that was fun.
Lets actually start now.
179. @wip
Scenario: waiting for an answer
Given the following presentation ...
And no tweets have been tweeted that match
the '#free_stuff "aaron burr"' search
When the presenter goes to the 3rd slide
And I go to the 3rd slide
Then I should see "And the winner is..."
And I should see an ajax spinner
180. Given the following presentation
blah, blah
Given /the following presentation$/ do |presentation|
181. Given the following presentation
blah, blah
Given /the following presentation$/ do |presentation|
Yields the multi-line string
182. Given the following presentation
blah, blah
Given /the following presentation$/ do |presentation|
page = `curl -is`
FakeWeb.register_uri(:get, "",
:response => page)
# => Full response, including headers
188. And no tweets have been tweeted that match
the '#free_stuff "aaron burr"' search
Given %r{no tweets have been tweeted that match
the '([']*)' search$} do |query|
189. And no tweets have been tweeted that match
the '#free_stuff "aaron burr"' search
Given %r{no tweets have been tweeted that match
the '([']*)' search$} do |query|
FakeWeb.register_uri(:get, search_url_for(query),
:body => canned_response_for(query))
190. Given %r{no tweets have been tweeted that match
the '([']*)' search$} do |query|
FakeWeb.register_uri(:get, search_url_for(query),
:body => canned_response_for(query))
191. Given %r{no tweets have been tweeted that match
the '([']*)' search$} do |query|
FakeWeb.register_uri(:get, search_url_for(query),
:body => canned_response_for(query))
192. Given %r{no tweets have been tweeted that match
the '([']*)' search$} do |query|
FakeWeb.register_uri(:get, search_url_for(query),
:body => canned_response_for(query))
def search_url_for(query)
def canned_response_for(query)
return file_path
193. Given %r{no tweets have been tweeted that match
the '([']*)' search$} do |query|
FakeWeb.register_uri(:get, search_url_for(query),
:body => canned_response_for(query))
def search_url_for(query)
def canned_response_for(query)
return file_path
194. Given %r{no tweets have been tweeted that match
the '([']*)' search$} do |query|
FakeWeb.register_uri(:get, search_url_for(query),
:body => canned_response_for(query))
def search_url_for(query)
def canned_response_for(query)
return file_path
195. Given %r{no tweets have been tweeted that match
the '([']*)' search$} do |query|
FakeWeb.register_uri(:get, search_url_for(query),
:body => canned_response_for(query))
“Every time you monkeypatch
def search_url_for(query)
Object, a kitten dies.”
def canned_response_for(query)
return file_path
196. Given %r{no tweets have been tweeted that match
the '([']*)' search$} do |query|
FakeWeb.register_uri(:get, search_url_for(query),
:body => canned_response_for(query))
module TwitterHelpers
def search_url_for(query)
def canned_response_for(query)
return file_path
197. Given %r{no tweets have been tweeted that match
the '([']*)' search$} do |query|
FakeWeb.register_uri(:get, search_url_for(query),
:body => canned_response_for(query))
module TwitterHelpers
def search_url_for(query)
def canned_response_for(query)
return file_path
198. Given %r{no tweets have been tweeted that match
the '([']*)' search$} do |query|
FakeWeb.register_uri(:get, search_url_for(query),
:body => canned_response_for(query))
module TwitterHelpers
def search_url_for(query)
def canned_response_for(query)
return file_path
200. When the presenter goes to the 3rd slide
When /the presenter goes to the
(d+)(?:st|nd|rd|th) slide$/ do |slide_number|
presenter_browser.goto path('/')
(slide_number.to_i - 1).times do, "Next").click
201. When the presenter goes to the 3rd slide
When /the presenter goes to the
(d+)(?:st|nd|rd|th) slide$/ do |slide_number|
presenter_browser.goto path('/')
(slide_number.to_i - 1).times do, "Next").click
Presenter has own browser,
multiple sessions!
202. And I go to the 3rd slide
Then I should see "And the winner is..."
203. And I go to the 3rd slide
Then I should see "And the winner is..."
When /I go to the (d+)(?:st|nd|rd|th) slide$/ do |slide_number|
browser.goto path("/slides/#{slide_number}")
204. And I go to the 3rd slide
Then I should see "And the winner is..."
When /I go to the (d+)(?:st|nd|rd|th) slide$/ do |slide_number|
browser.goto path("/slides/#{slide_number}")
Then /I should see "(["]*)"$/ do |text|
browser.should contain(text)
208. Scenario: waiting for an answer
Given the following presentation ...
And no tweets have been tweeted that match
the '#free_stuff "aaron burr"' search
When the presenter goes to the 3rd slide
And I go to the 3rd slide
Then I should see "And the winner is..."
And I should see an ajax spinner
209. Feature: Twitter Quiz
In order to encourage audience participation where
90% of the audience is hacking on laptops
As a presenter I want audience members
To answer certain questions via twitter
Scenario: waiting for an answer
Scenario: winner is displayed
210. @wip
Scenario: winner is displayed
Given the following presentation ...
And no tweets have been tweeted that match
the '#free_stuff "aaron burr"' search
211. @wip
Scenario: winner is displayed
Given the following presentation ...
And no tweets have been tweeted that match
the '#free_stuff "aaron burr"' search
Duplication of context!
212. Feature: Twitter Quiz
Background: A presentation with a Twitter Quiz
Given the following presentation
blah, blah
And no tweets have been tweeted that match
the '#free_stuff "aaron burr"' search
Scenario: waiting for an answer
Extract to ‘Background’
When the presenter goes to the 3rd slide
And I go to the 3rd slide
Then I should see "And the winner is..."
And I should see an ajax spinner
Scenario: winner is displayed
213. @wip
Scenario: winner is displayed
When the following tweets are tweeted that match the '#free_stuff "aaron burr"' search
| From User | Text | Created At |
| @adams | Aaron Burr shot Alexander Hamilton #free_stuff | 1 minute ago |
| @jefferson | Aaron Burr shot Alexander Hamilton #free_stuff | 2 minutes ago |
And the presenter goes to the 3rd slide
And I go to the 3rd slide
Then I should see @jefferson's tweet along with his avatar
214. When the following tweets are tweeted that match
the '#free_stuff "aaron burr"' search
| From User | Text | Created At |
| @adams | Aaron Burr shot Alexander Hamilton #free_stuff | 1 minute ago |
| @jefferson | Aaron Burr shot Alexander Hamilton #free_stuff | 2 minutes ago |
215. When the following tweets are tweeted that match
the '#free_stuff "aaron burr"' search
| From User | Text | Created At |
| @adams | Aaron Burr shot Alexander Hamilton #free_stuff | 1 minute ago |
| @jefferson | Aaron Burr shot Alexander Hamilton #free_stuff | 2 minutes ago |
When %r{the following tweets are tweeted that match
the '([']*)' search$} do |query, tweet_table|
216. When the following tweets are tweeted that match
the '#free_stuff "aaron burr"' search
| From User | Text | Created At |
| @adams | Aaron Burr shot Alexander Hamilton #free_stuff | 1 minute ago |
| @jefferson | Aaron Burr shot Alexander Hamilton #free_stuff | 2 minutes ago |
When %r{the following tweets are tweeted that match
the '([']*)' search$} do |query, tweet_table|
217. When the following tweets are tweeted that match
the '#free_stuff "aaron burr"' search
| From User | Text | Created At |
| @adams | Aaron Burr shot Alexander Hamilton #free_stuff | 1 minute ago |
| @jefferson | Aaron Burr shot Alexander Hamilton #free_stuff | 2 minutes ago |
When %r{the following tweets are tweeted that match
the '([']*)' search$} do |query, tweet_table|
FakeWeb.register_uri(:get, search_url_for(query),
:body => canned_response_for(query))
218. When the following tweets are tweeted that match
the '#free_stuff "aaron burr"' search
| From User | Text | Created At |
| @adams | Aaron Burr shot Alexander Hamilton #free_stuff | 1 minute ago |
| @jefferson | Aaron Burr shot Alexander Hamilton #free_stuff | 2 minutes ago |
When %r{the following tweets are tweeted that match
the '([']*)' search$} do |query, tweet_table|
FakeWeb.register_uri(:get, search_url_for(query),
:body => canned_response_for(query))
Umm... that won’t work.
219. When the following tweets are tweeted that match
the '#free_stuff "aaron burr"' search
| From User | Text | Created At |
| @adams | Aaron Burr shot Alexander Hamilton #free_stuff | 1 minute ago |
| @jefferson | Aaron Burr shot Alexander Hamilton #free_stuff | 2 minutes ago |
When %r{the following tweets are tweeted that match
the '([']*)' search$} do |query, tweet_table|
FakeWeb.register_uri(:get, search_url_for(query),
:body => canned_response_for(query))
What I would really like is a
test data builder/factory for
twitter searches...
221. When the following tweets are tweeted that match
the '#free_stuff "aaron burr"' search
| From User | Text | Created At |
| @adams | Aaron Burr shot Alexander Hamilton #free_stuff | 1 minute ago |
| @jefferson | Aaron Burr shot Alexander Hamilton #free_stuff | 2 minutes ago |
When %r{the following tweets are tweeted that match
the '([']*)' search$} do |query, tweet_table|
FakeTwitter.register_search(query, {
:results => tweet_table.hashes})
222. When the following tweets are tweeted that match
the '#free_stuff "aaron burr"' search
| From User | Text | Created At |
| @adams | Aaron Burr shot Alexander Hamilton #free_stuff | 1 minute ago |
| @jefferson | Aaron Burr shot Alexander Hamilton #free_stuff | 2 minutes ago |
When %r{the following tweets are tweeted that match
the '([']*)' search$} do |query, tweet_table|
FakeTwitter.register_search(query, {
:results => tweet_table.hashes})
Our headers and columns
aren’t compatible with API.
223. When the following tweets are tweeted that match
the '#free_stuff "aaron burr"' search
| From User | Text | Created At |
| @adams | Aaron Burr shot Alexander Hamilton #free_stuff | 1 minute ago |
| @jefferson | Aaron Burr shot Alexander Hamilton #free_stuff | 2 minutes ago |
When %r{the following tweets are tweeted that match
the '([']*)' search$} do |query, tweet_table|
tweet_table.map_headers! do |header|
header.downcase.gsub(' ','_')
FakeTwitter.register_search(query, {
:results => tweet_table.hashes})
224. When the following tweets are tweeted that match
the '#free_stuff "aaron burr"' search
| From User | Text | Created At |
| @adams | Aaron Burr shot Alexander Hamilton #free_stuff | 1 minute ago |
| @jefferson | Aaron Burr shot Alexander Hamilton #free_stuff | 2 minutes ago |
When %r{the following tweets are tweeted that match
the '([']*)' search$} do |query, tweet_table|
tweet_table.map_headers! do |header|
header.downcase.gsub(' ','_')
tweet_table.map_column!('created_at') do |relative_time|
FakeTwitter.register_search(query, {
:results => tweet_table.hashes})
225. @wip
Scenario: winner is displayed
When the following tweets are tweeted that match the '#free_stuff "aaron burr"' search
| From User | Text | Created At |
| @adams | Aaron Burr shot Alexander Hamilton #free_stuff | 1 minute ago |
| @jefferson | Aaron Burr shot Alexander Hamilton #free_stuff | 2 minutes ago |
And the presenter goes to the 3rd slide
And I go to the 3rd slide
Then I should see @jefferson's tweet along with his avatar
226. Then %r{I should see @([']+)'s tweet along with
(?:his|her) avatar$} do |user|
tweet = FakeTwitter.tweets_from(user).first
browser.should contain(tweet['text'], :wait => 10)
browser.should have_image(:src, tweet['profile_image_url'])
227. Then %r{I should see @([']+)'s tweet along with
(?:his|her) avatar$} do |user|
tweet = FakeTwitter.tweets_from(user).first
browser.should contain(tweet['text'], :wait => 10)
browser.should have_image(:src, tweet['profile_image_url'])
Spec::Matchers.define :contain do |text, options|
match do |browser|
options[:wait] ||= 0
browser.wait_until(options[:wait]) do
228. Then %r{I should see @([']+)'s tweet along with
(?:his|her) avatar$} do |user|
tweet = FakeTwitter.tweets_from(user).first
browser.should contain(tweet['text'], :wait => 10)
browser.should have_image(:src, tweet['profile_image_url'])
Spec::Matchers.define :contain do |text, options|
match do |browser|
options[:wait] ||= 0
browser.wait_until(options[:wait]) do
Keep trying after sleeping
until it times out
230. Scenario: winner is displayed
When the following tweets are tweeted that match the '#free_stuff "aaron burr"' search
| From User | Text | Created At |
| @adams | Aaron Burr shot Alexander Hamilton #free_stuff | 1 minute ago |
| @jefferson | Aaron Burr shot Alexander Hamilton #free_stuff | 2 minutes ago |
And the presenter goes to the 3rd slide
And I go to the 3rd slide
Then I should see @jefferson's tweet along with his avatar
234. Scenario: view members list
Given the following wishes exist
| Wish | Family Member |
| Laptop | Thomas |
| Nintendo Wii | Candace |
| CHEEZBURGER | FuzzBuzz |
When I view the wish list for "Candace"
Then I should see the following wishes
| Wish |
| Nintendo Wii |
235. Given the following wishes exist
| Wish | Family Member |
| Laptop | Thomas |
| Nintendo Wii | Candace |
| CHEEZBURGER | FuzzBuzz |
Given /^the following wishes exist$/ do |table|
236. Given the following wishes exist
| Wish | Family Member |
| Laptop | Thomas |
| Nintendo Wii | Candace |
| CHEEZBURGER | FuzzBuzz |
Given /^the following wishes exist$/ do |table|
table.hashes.each do |row|
member = User.find_by_name(row["Family Member"]) ||
create_user(:name => row["Family Member"])
member.wishes.create!(:name => row["Wish"])
238. Feature: Addition
In order to avoid silly mistakes
As a math idiot
I want to be told the sum of two numbers
Scenario Outline: Add two numbers
Given I have entered <input_1> into the calculator
And I have entered <input_2> into the calculator
When I press <button>
Then the result should be <output> on the screen
| input_1 | input_2 | button | output |
| 20 | 30 | add | 50 |
| 2 | 5 | add | 7 |
| 0 | 40 | add | 40 |
239. Feature: Addition
In order to avoid silly mistakes
As a math idiot
I want to be told the sum of two numbers
Scenario Outline: Add two numbers
Given I have entered <input_1> into the calculator
And I have entered <input_2> into the calculator
When I press <button>
Then the result should be <output> on the screen
Scenarios: addition
| input_1 | input_2 | button | output |
| 20 | 30 | add | 50 |
| 2 | 5 | add | 7 |
Scenarios: subtraction
| 0 | 40 | minus | -40 |
240. Feature: Addition
In order to avoid silly mistakes
As a math idiot
I want to be told the sum of two numbers
Scenario Outline: Add two numbers
Given I have entered <input_1> into the calculator
And I have entered <input_2> into the calculator
When I press <button>
Then the result should be <output> on the screen
| input_1 | input_2 | button | output |
| 20 | 30 | add | 50 |
| 2 | 5 | add | 7 |
| 0 | 40 | add | 40 |
241. Feature: Addition
In order to avoid silly mistakes
As a math idiot
I want to be told the sum of two numbers
Scenario Outline: Add two numbers
Given I have entered <input_1> into the calculator
And I have entered <input_2> into the calculator
When I press <button>
Then the result should be <output> on the screen
| input_1 | input_2 | button | output |
| 20 | 30 | add | 50 |
| 2 | 5 | add | 7 |
| 0 | 40 | add | 40 |
242. Feature: Addition
In order to avoid silly mistakes
As a math idiot
I want to be told the sum of two numbers
Scenario Outline: Add two numbers
Given I have entered <input_1> into the calculator
And I have entered <input_2> into the calculator
When I press <button>
Then the result should be <output> on the screen
| input_1 | input_2 | button | output |
| 20 | 30 | add | 50 |
| 2 | 5 | add | 7 |
| 0 | 40 | add | 40 |
243. Steps Within Steps
When /^I view the wish list for "(.+)"$/ do |user_name|
Given "I am logged in"
visit "/wishes/#{user_name}"
244. Steps Within Steps
When /^I view the wish list for "(.+)"$/ do |user_name|
Given "I am logged in"
visit "/wishes/#{user_name}"
246. Tagged Hooks
Before('@im_special', '@me_too') do
@icecream = true
@me_too Feature: Sit
Feature: Lorem @im_special
Scenario: Ipsum Scenario: Amet
Scenario: Dolor Scenario: Consec
247. Spork
Sick of slow loading times? Spork
will load your main environment
once. It then runs a DRB server so
cucumber (or RSpec) can run
against it with the --drb flag. For
each test run Spork forks a child
process to run them in a clean
memory state. So.. it is a DRb
ser ver that forks.. hence Spork. :)
249. Integration tests
are a scam
J. B. Rainsberger
Obviously, I don’t agree with this
100%. But he has some valid points.
Integrations tests are not a
replacement for good unit tests. Use
cucumber for happy paths. Use lower
level tests for design and to isolate
object behavior.
253. Acceptance Tests Unit Tests
Application Level Object Level- Isolated!
For Customers For developers
Slow FAST! (should be at least)
Good confidence - Tighter Feedback Loop
Prevent against More about design!!!!!!!!!!!!
Will need both gears!
Some things are easier to
test at the application
level and vice-versa.