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Why c us tom er  research is critical to designing successful  digital news services.
lawnmower “… and the main  story on today’s  6 o’clock news…”
Morning Evening Lunchtime Importance   as a news source  Frequency  of use Internet Newspaper Television Radio Wake up Commuting Commuting Breakfast … in work… Time
My goal: to relax
My goal: to find out about last night’s match
Wow, this article about  the housing market  is really interesting…
This article about  the housing market  is getting in my way
Some examples of things we know about news from undertaking  user research…
Broad and shallow engagement
“ Has anything in the world changed since I last checked?”
Narrow and deep engagement
People don’t read online.  They scan.
Most people just care about the basics.
Most people don’t care about: - Blogging User generated content RSS Personalisation
Facts Opinion
Summary Understanding context in the real messy world is  critical to success. Print news is different to online news. Get the basics right first.

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Editor's Notes

  • #2: I want to talk about getting out from behind our desks and away from our internal design meetings and out into the real world to understand how people consume and interact with news. For the next 5 minutes, think about the difference between creating content and pushing it at people, and creating content and giving people the tools to find it.