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The story of language development
Inside of CRuby core team
name: “SHIBATA Hiroshi”,
nickname: “hsbt”,
title: “Chief engineer at GMO Pepabo, Inc.”,
commit_bits: [“ruby”, “rake”, “rubygems”, “rdoc”, “tdiary”,
“hiki”, “railsgirls”, “railsgirls-jp”, “jenkins”],
sites: [“”, “”, “”,
I’m from Asakusa.rb
Asakusa.rb is one of the most active meet-ups in Tokyo, Japan.
@a_matsuda (Ruby/Rails committer, RubyKaigi organizer)
@kakutani (RubyKaigi organizer)
@ko1 (Ruby committer)
@takkanm (Ruby/Rails programmer)
@gunjisatoshi (Rubyist Magazine editor)
@hsbt (Me!)
The story of language development
The story of language development
This presentation
is no code
To be continued
What’s ruby
“Ruby is… A dynamic, open source programming language with a
focus on simplicity and productivity. It has an elegant syntax that
is natural to read and easy to write.”
Basis of MRI and YARV
“ Throughout most of this book we’ll learn about the original,
standard implementation of Ruby, known as Matz’s Ruby
Interpreter (MRI) after Yukihiro Matsumoto, who invented Ruby in
Ruby Under a Microscope, p.4
“ With Ruby 1.9, Koichi Sasada and the Ruby core team
introduced Yet Another Ruby Virtual Machine (YARV), which
actually executes your Ruby code.”
Ruby Under a Microscope, p.33
Ruby 1.8
Ruby 1.9
Variation of Ruby Interpreter
• Ruby(MRI, CRuby)
• JRuby
• Rubinius
• Opal
ISO/IEC 30170:2012:
• CRuby
• mruby
Differences between CRuby and Others
It’s CRuby's
It’s other
Ruby’s world
How to make
Ruby in 2015
Requirements of Software development
• People
• Dev Resources
• Issue tracking(feature, defects, etc)
• Release management
Ruby Committer
Team Heroku
• Matz(Director)
• ko1(YARV author)
• n0kada(Patch monster)
and others(total 87 people + 1 bot)
$ cat ~svn/.ssh/authorized_keys | awk '{print $5}' | sort | uniq | wc -l
Branch maintainer
nurse: Release manager
nagachika: Stable branch maintainer
2.1, 2.0.0
unak: Old stable branch maintainer
Platform maintainer
• akr
• normal person
• n0kada
and others
• unak
• n0kada
• nurse
• ngoto
• n0kada
• mrkn
Q. What’s “Ruby Core Team”?
A. I don’t know. It’s only called foreign Rubyists :)
Q. Is there territory of maintainer in Ruby?
A. Yes and No, Ruby committer can commit all of code in Ruby.
“With great power comes great responsibility.”
Uncle Ben, Spider-Man
Dev Resources
Ruby’s development resources
• Personal development environments
Windows, OS X, Linux, Solaris, AIX, BSD…
• Sponsored environments
• NaCl: Virtual server and operations
• Heroku: unlimited dyno and Addons
• IIJ: Virtual server
• Ruby association: budgets of build servers
• GMO globalsign: SSL certificates
Official Website of Ruby language. It’s hosted by Heroku.
Main repository of Ruby source. It’s hosted by NaCl
Official issue tracker of Ruby. It’s hosted by Heroku
Site of distribute official package
Hosted document generated from RDoc and rubima project.
Our package distribution was supported by fastly. (It supports https)
Statistics of our CDN:
• USA: 52%, EU: 26%, Asia: 19%, Pacific: 3%
• Bandwidth: 2210.0 GB/month
• Requests: 682,616 req/month
What does mean “official”?
“official” means “Matz controllable”, I think.
Example of un-controllable things
• rvm/rbenv/chruby
• Rubyists :)
Feature request
Issue tracker
Our official tracker is “”
Mailing list integration
• This behavior is same as github
Continuous Upgrade Ruby and Rails to latest version.
github is ok for some ruby commuters.
But matz is not available github. If you hope to ask new feature to
Matz, You need to submit :bow:
Why Ruby does not use github???
• github is proprietary service
• ruby committers do not have problem with redmine
Tips of Feature request
1. We need to focus “Use case” than “function”.
2. We need to attach patch to feature request.
3. We need Matz approval. (It’s most important)
I think above requirements same as our working style like XP and
scrum named agile development process.
You can easily run tests for official Ruby test suite.
RubySpec is alternative test suite focused to support other ruby
$ git clone
$ autoconf && ./configure && make
$ make test
$ make test-all
$ make check TESTS="-j4"
$ make update-rubyspec
$ make test-rubyspec
Windows & OS X
We offered special customized environment at Travis CI for OS X
Microsoft supports our build environments for Windows.
Ruby CI
Ruby CI goal is entirely supports
all of Ruby platform.
We can detect a lot of build fails
using Ruby CI.
It has 2 or 3 versions every linux
distribution and BSD, Windows,
OS X, Solaris Environments.
Do submit your patch
1. Write code :)
2. Run tests
3. Open and create new account
4. Open
5. Attach your code and write description of your proposal
6. Press “submit”
Version number and release cycle
We plan to release every christmas.
• 2.1.0: 2013/12/25
• 2.2.0: 2014/12/25
• 2.3.0: 2015/12/25(TBD)
We was using patchlevel before Ruby 2.1 like 2.0.0-p645. But We
could not plan to 2.0.1 and It confused to a lot of developers.
I proposed to change version model and It’s accepted by Matz.
Our Branch model
We backport fixes to stable
branch from trunk.
We do not merge fixes to trunk
from stable branch
Ruby 2.3.0 status
We are working on the next version of Ruby, 2.3.0, now. However,
the main feature is under “TBD” status. Some libraries will be
omitted from stdlib such as rake, net-telnet, etc..
If you have any issue, please submit it to our issue tracker at
We hold the core developer meeting every months, and discuss
various issues and ideas on Ruby. See
projects/ruby/wiki/#Developer-Meetings for details.
Developer Meeting
We hope to increase to transparency for Ruby development
One of our challenges is “Developer Meeting”. It’s open
discussion time for feature and issue of Ruby every months.
Release management
We will release new version of Ruby at “Release Day” by @narse
There is no exception to this rule.
• If we have incompletion issue or feature, we will revert it.
• If we don’t have enough discussion for some issue, we don’t
merge or implement it into new version of ruby.
• If we found some regression, we need to fix it or revert to
related code or issue.
Security release
We have “” for security report. We
received buffer overflow, memory leak, escape string etc etc…
We hard to fix and release these security issue. so all of release
maintainer are volunteer work.
Our release delayed by preparing new releases of stable and old
stable version.
We should learn from OSS
I think “OSS is same as our working style than differences.”
We can lean following things(example):
• Write code
• Take care of development resources
• Focus Use-case
• Release management

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The story of language development

  • 1. The story of language development Inside of CRuby core team
  • 2. self.introduce => { name: “SHIBATA Hiroshi”, nickname: “hsbt”, title: “Chief engineer at GMO Pepabo, Inc.”, commit_bits: [“ruby”, “rake”, “rubygems”, “rdoc”, “tdiary”, “hiki”, “railsgirls”, “railsgirls-jp”, “jenkins”], sites: [“”, “”, “”, “”], }
  • 4. I’m from Asakusa.rb Asakusa.rb is one of the most active meet-ups in Tokyo, Japan. @a_matsuda (Ruby/Rails committer, RubyKaigi organizer) @kakutani (RubyKaigi organizer) @ko1 (Ruby committer) @takkanm (Ruby/Rails programmer) @gunjisatoshi (Rubyist Magazine editor) @hsbt (Me!) …
  • 10. Ruby
  • 11. What’s ruby “Ruby is… A dynamic, open source programming language with a focus on simplicity and productivity. It has an elegant syntax that is natural to read and easy to write.” “簡単にいえばPerlのような手軽さで「楽しく」オブジェ クト指向しようという言語”
  • 12. Basis of MRI and YARV “ Throughout most of this book we’ll learn about the original, standard implementation of Ruby, known as Matz’s Ruby Interpreter (MRI) after Yukihiro Matsumoto, who invented Ruby in 1993.” Ruby Under a Microscope, p.4 “ With Ruby 1.9, Koichi Sasada and the Ruby core team introduced Yet Another Ruby Virtual Machine (YARV), which actually executes your Ruby code.” Ruby Under a Microscope, p.33 Ruby 1.8 Ruby 1.9
  • 13. Variation of Ruby Interpreter Implementation: • Ruby(MRI, CRuby) • JRuby • Rubinius • Opal ISO/IEC 30170:2012: • CRuby • mruby
  • 14. Differences between CRuby and Others It’s CRuby's world It’s other Ruby’s world
  • 15. How to make Ruby in 2015
  • 16. Requirements of Software development • People • Dev Resources • Issue tracking(feature, defects, etc) • Release management
  • 18. Ruby Committer Team Heroku • Matz(Director) • ko1(YARV author) • n0kada(Patch monster) and others(total 87 people + 1 bot) $ cat ~svn/.ssh/authorized_keys | awk '{print $5}' | sort | uniq | wc -l 88
  • 19. Branch maintainer trunk nurse: Release manager 2.2 nagachika: Stable branch maintainer 2.1, 2.0.0 unak: Old stable branch maintainer
  • 20. Platform maintainer Linux • akr • normal person • n0kada and others Windows • unak • n0kada BSD • nurse Solaris • ngoto OS X • n0kada • mrkn
  • 21. Q&A Q. What’s “Ruby Core Team”? A. I don’t know. It’s only called foreign Rubyists :) Q. Is there territory of maintainer in Ruby? A. Yes and No, Ruby committer can commit all of code in Ruby.
  • 22. “With great power comes great responsibility.” Uncle Ben, Spider-Man
  • 24. Ruby’s development resources • Personal development environments Windows, OS X, Linux, Solaris, AIX, BSD… • Sponsored environments • NaCl: Virtual server and operations • Heroku: unlimited dyno and Addons • IIJ: Virtual server • Ruby association: budgets of build servers • GMO globalsign: SSL certificates
  • 25. * Official Website of Ruby language. It’s hosted by Heroku. Main repository of Ruby source. It’s hosted by NaCl Official issue tracker of Ruby. It’s hosted by Heroku
  • 26. * Site of distribute official package Hosted document generated from RDoc and rubima project.
  • 27. CDN Our package distribution was supported by fastly. (It supports https) Statistics of our CDN: • USA: 52%, EU: 26%, Asia: 19%, Pacific: 3% • Bandwidth: 2210.0 GB/month • Requests: 682,616 req/month
  • 28. What does mean “official”? “official” means “Matz controllable”, I think. Example of un-controllable things • • • • rvm/rbenv/chruby • Rubyists :)
  • 30. Issue tracker Our official tracker is “” Mailing list integration •* • This behavior is same as github Continuous Upgrade Ruby and Rails to latest version.
  • 31. github is ok for some ruby commuters. But matz is not available github. If you hope to ask new feature to Matz, You need to submit :bow: Why Ruby does not use github??? • github is proprietary service • ruby committers do not have problem with redmine
  • 32. Tips of Feature request see 1. We need to focus “Use case” than “function”. 2. We need to attach patch to feature request. 3. We need Matz approval. (It’s most important) I think above requirements same as our working style like XP and scrum named agile development process.
  • 33. Test
  • 34. Test You can easily run tests for official Ruby test suite. RubySpec is alternative test suite focused to support other ruby implementation. $ git clone $ autoconf && ./configure && make $ make test $ make test-all $ make check TESTS="-j4" $ make update-rubyspec $ make test-rubyspec
  • 35. Windows & OS X We offered special customized environment at Travis CI for OS X Microsoft supports our build environments for Windows.
  • 36. Ruby CI Ruby CI goal is entirely supports all of Ruby platform. We can detect a lot of build fails using Ruby CI. It has 2 or 3 versions every linux distribution and BSD, Windows, OS X, Solaris Environments.
  • 37. Do submit your patch 1. Write code :) 2. Run tests 3. Open and create new account 4. Open new 5. Attach your code and write description of your proposal 6. Press “submit”
  • 39. Version number and release cycle We plan to release every christmas. • 2.1.0: 2013/12/25 • 2.2.0: 2014/12/25 • 2.3.0: 2015/12/25(TBD) We was using patchlevel before Ruby 2.1 like 2.0.0-p645. But We could not plan to 2.0.1 and It confused to a lot of developers. I proposed to change version model and It’s accepted by Matz.
  • 40. Our Branch model We backport fixes to stable branch from trunk. We do not merge fixes to trunk from stable branch
  • 41. Ruby 2.3.0 status We are working on the next version of Ruby, 2.3.0, now. However, the main feature is under “TBD” status. Some libraries will be omitted from stdlib such as rake, net-telnet, etc.. If you have any issue, please submit it to our issue tracker at We hold the core developer meeting every months, and discuss various issues and ideas on Ruby. See projects/ruby/wiki/#Developer-Meetings for details.
  • 42. Developer Meeting We hope to increase to transparency for Ruby development process. One of our challenges is “Developer Meeting”. It’s open discussion time for feature and issue of Ruby every months. [ruby-core:69550]: DevelopersMeeting20150728Japan
  • 43. Release management We will release new version of Ruby at “Release Day” by @narse There is no exception to this rule. • If we have incompletion issue or feature, we will revert it. • If we don’t have enough discussion for some issue, we don’t merge or implement it into new version of ruby. • If we found some regression, we need to fix it or revert to related code or issue.
  • 44. Security release We have [email protected]” for security report. We received buffer overflow, memory leak, escape string etc etc… We hard to fix and release these security issue. so all of release maintainer are volunteer work. Our release delayed by preparing new releases of stable and old stable version.
  • 45. We should learn from OSS I think “OSS is same as our working style than differences.” We can lean following things(example): • Write code • Take care of development resources • Focus Use-case • Release management