Y Combinator & スタンフォード大学「スタートアップの始め方 (CS183B)」受講ガイド - Summary of How to Start...Takaaki Umada
Y Combinator が Stanford University で実施した「スタートアップの始め方 (How to Start a Startup)」講座の復習用&ガイド用ドキュメントです。
Paul Graham, Peter Thiel, Marc Andreessen 他、豪華講師陣による「スタートアップや事業との向き合い方」は、すべてのスタートアップ関係者の方々に聞いていただきたい内容になっています。
Y Combinator 創業者 Paul Graham からのスタートアップへのアドバイス(スタートアップが迷った時に読む Paul Graham から...Takaaki Umada
スタートアップが迷った時に読む Paul Graham からのアドバイス集です。これまでのエッセイをトピック別にまとめ、アドバイスを抽出しました。
Y Combinator のプログラムを通して、数百社のスタートアップに対して アドバイスを続け、Y Combinator が他アクセラレーターとは別格のスタートアップを続々と輩出してこれたのは、おそらく Paul Graham のスタートアップへのアドバイスが的確だったからだろう、と思っています。なので日本でも Paul Graham のエッセイにアクセスしやすくなれば、スタートアップの皆さんの架空の相談先の一つとして役立つのではないか、と思いまとめた次第です。
併読して役立つであろうスタンフォード大学の How to Start a Startup のサマリーは以下においています。
The Best Startup Investor Pitch Deck & How to Present to Angels & Venture Cap...J. Skyler Fernandes
Take the online video course on Udemy:
3.5+hrs of video content, walking step by step each part of the pitch, with personal VC stories, examples, and advice.
The "Best" Startup Investor Pitch Deck is an aggregation of some of the best pitch decks and wisdom from some of the top angels, VCs, and entrepreneurs including my own person insight/experience. The slide deck includes a template for entrepreneurs to use to present to investors, with details on what should be addressed on each slide. There are also additional slides on how best to pitch to investors effectively, how to design and format slides, and what to do before the pitch.
The Best Startup Investor Pitch Deck & How to Present to Angels & Venture Cap...J. Skyler Fernandes
Take the online video course on Udemy:
3.5+hrs of video content, walking step by step each part of the pitch, with personal VC stories, examples, and advice.
The "Best" Startup Investor Pitch Deck is an aggregation of some of the best pitch decks and wisdom from some of the top angels, VCs, and entrepreneurs including my own person insight/experience. The slide deck includes a template for entrepreneurs to use to present to investors, with details on what should be addressed on each slide. There are also additional slides on how best to pitch to investors effectively, how to design and format slides, and what to do before the pitch.
i.school, The University of Tokyo "Methods of concept designing and user surv...schoowebcampus
This document outlines a lecture series on creating innovation. It discusses making ideas concrete through prototyping. Prototyping can take various forms depending on whether the idea is for a product, service, or business. For products, prototyping involves making a tangible prototype to demonstrate the idea's shape, function and user interface. The document provides examples of simple product prototypes made from everyday items.
i.school, The University of Tokyo "Divergence, convergence, and expression of...schoowebcampus
This document outlines an innovation creation workshop hosted by i.school at the University of Tokyo. The workshop consists of 5 lectures and 3 workshops focused on understanding, creating, and realizing innovation. It provides an overview of the workshop format, objectives, and guest facilitator Jun Murakoshi. It also discusses processes and tips for coming up with ideas, including utilizing working memory and researching ends and means. The overall goal is to learn how to provide concept ideas and understand the entire innovation creation process.
i.school, The University of Tokyo "The purposes and methods of technological ...schoowebcampus
This document outlines an educational series on innovation and idea creation hosted by i.school at the University of Tokyo. The third class focuses on understanding technology-centered research by exploring new values of technologies and turning everyday objects into idea hints. The class reviews human-centered research and discusses collecting technology cases, analyzing their functions and benefits, and grouping cases based on their technological means and societal ends. The overall goal is to help participants understand the full innovation process.
i.school, The University of Tokyo "The purposes and methods of interviews and...schoowebcampus
The document outlines an innovation training program hosted by i.school at the University of Tokyo. It provides an agenda for a series of 5 lectures and 3 workshops aimed at teaching participants the entire process of creating innovation, from understanding society through field work and interviews to developing concepts and realizing ideas. The second class focuses on understanding the purposes, targets, and methods of human-centered research and having participants begin field work in their daily lives to gain insights.
i.school, The University of Tokyo "Foundation and methodology in creating inn...schoowebcampus
This document outlines the format and goals of a series of lectures and workshops on innovation hosted by i.school at the University of Tokyo. The series aims to help participants understand the entire process of creating innovation, from understanding user needs to generating and expressing ideas to realizing concepts. It involves 5 lectures covering topics like methodology, research methods, idea creation and concept design, as well as 3 workshops where participants can apply these lessons. The document also discusses why innovation is important both for dealing with rapid technological changes and for maintaining stability in mature societies.